First Grow Journal

All the girls are looking happier than usual. must be liking the new feeding schedule so far. thinking i might only have to give 500ml each as the pots are still pretty heavy after 24 hours.

Messing around with a DIY Deep Water Culture Top Feed system as up potting kinda sucks lol. I have a working prototype so now i just have to buy "proper" parts and build a nice big one for 6 plants for my next grow. not doing 10 again. might even only do 4. with 2 bright lights i'd imagine 4 plants could get pretty big. 20181123_145651.jpg20181123_145710.jpg20181123_145720.jpg20181123_145729.jpg20181123_145758.jpg20181123_145832.jpg20181123_150011.jpg20181123_150019.jpg

couple pics of the plants and jam space :cool:
They are looking good, 4-5 plants can yield really good with a 6 week or more veg.✌️

Thanks, Ghost! I'm thinking 3 more weeks of veg then on to flower. even if I could the them bigger first, i kinda want to get through the whole process to get my first grow done and start fresh with everything i've learned so far.

Super Exciting!!
So i figured I'd do some logging of the ppm of everything in my solution.

With GH Trio
1 gallon tap water = 68 ppm
+1ml Micro = 112 ppm
+1ml Grow = 153 ppm
+1ml Bloom = 206 ppm
+1ml Calmag Plus = 256 ppm
+1.25ml pH Down = 262
pH was 6.9 added 1.25 ml of pH down for a pH of 5.8

1ml / gal Micro = 44 ppm
1ml / gal Grow = 41 ppm
1ml / gal Bloom = 53 ppm
1ml / gal calmag plus = 47ppm
1.25 ml / gal pH down = 9 ppm

So what i'm wondering about is, since i'm looking for a specific ppm for the solution based on the stage of growth, if the solution is under that specified amount ( i'm confused what that should be ) what of the 4 do i add to the solution to bring it up to the desired ppm?

I'm sure that's dependent on the stage of growth as well.

So much to learn.
You could add a little more grow in veg to get were you want or a little more bloom in flower. That’s how I do it anyway. Since your feeding everyday anyway I wouldn’t worry about it much, I would just up the strength on tomorrow’s feeding and eventually you will get an idea of how much you need. The more you use your nute the more you will learn about them and adjustments will be much easier. Hope this helps.✌️
You could add a little more grow in veg to get were you want or a little more bloom in flower. That’s how I do it anyway. Since your feeding everyday anyway I wouldn’t worry about it much, I would just up the strength on tomorrow’s feeding and eventually you will get an idea of how much you need. The more you use your nute the more you will learn about them and adjustments will be much easier. Hope this helps.✌️

Yes. Very helpful as always. Thanks, Ghost.
Not proud to make this post.

after feeding at lights on checked EC of run off was 1800+. I obviously didn't flush enough last time, definitely because in the back of my mind i didn't want to deal with that much run off. ( insert shame here)

So now i have a shop vac in the grow room closet, and hammered the plants with about 1 1/2 liters of feed each at an EC of 250, once as soon as i discovered the high EC at lights on then about 12-13 hours later.

The EC of the run off after last flush was down to 480 and the plants still look unharmed from it, but i do know that it's possible that some systems in some of the plants could have been shut down for some length of time.

Probably over reacting like i do with some things, but feeling a lot better now with a much lower EC and ppm in the run off.

I need some advice on pre treating and charging coco obviously, because i think that's what the issue stemmed from.

going to resume light feeding at lights on with a solution at EC 300 or so. I need a better system to deal with the run off water I don't like using the shop vac it's too loud and bulky.

This is the reason i'm considering the RDWC top feed system. gonna start putting one together with my friend who knows how to use tools next week lol.

I know it'll be a new learning curve next grow using a different medium but it seems like it'll be much more convenient to use after any kinks are worked out.

We'll be copying this guys DIY set up. it's pretty bad ass.

Couple pics to show they aren't dead LMAO.

Just did one more flush. will regular feed tomorrow and measure run off.
They are still alive, a good sign :)
We go from there and take new small steps towards success ok?

Pleased with the last flush came out at 425ppm. Today i'm doing a solution of 385ppm at EC 765.
gonna monitor the run off every day now. i set up a bit of a better system to catch the run off, it was a nightmare for a while lol.
Even though i wanna go with a RDWC top feed system next time i still wanna build a roof top table for them, with the eves on the front side that drains into a bucket. the top would be that wavy green plastic sheeting.
that would be a dream for dealing with run off.
been watering at pH of 5.7 for 3 days now and none of the new growth show any problems. Roots coming out of the bottoms of all the small containers.

All the Burmese Sativa plants are growing fast and tall with nice stalks.

This sweetheart looks really pretty. really thick stalk but super short so far.

This one had a funny looking top so i topped it lol. probably too soon to be topped but it looks like she's already decided on 2 new tops : )
My only germinated Blueberry plant, grows 3 sets of leaves instead of 2. it looked insane until it got a little bigger and i could tell what was going on. Hoping she'll be super bushy. The girl beside the Blueberry is a Chem 4/ Sour Deisel.

My Lone Survivor from the first batch of seedlings i planted in hot soil. She's a survivor alright lol. just trying to get past some pH issues, i think she might be ok now.

These are the clones taken from the budding plant. they look funny growing lots of single leaves. looks like they're starting to put out some 3 finger leaves finally. LOTS of little branches. If I can get them big they should be pretty nice by the end.

This is a hell of a lot of fun so far. I'm super stoked to finally be able to pick up on another hobby or talent i've always wanted to take part in. It's definitely gonna take time away from the band. for now lmao.

A couple weeks ago i gave the 2 weird clones to my neighbor, told her when they die to give me the pots back lol. ( 3gal fabric ) I honestly thought some would have died or i never would have planted as many, 2 less to worry about.
Well, she has green fingers :)

her apt. is full of house plants. some really nice ones too. i figured who better to enjoy them, after all they're really pretty to look at.
Gave each plant 500 ml at lights on. ppm 385 in and 540 out, EC of 890 at least 35% run off though. seems like a lot but i'm not sure. should be ok.

They all look really good and happy. before lights out i did some more topping. not sure how many branches down you're supposed to do or not do but so far i've topped all of their tops.

on some i topped the 4 highest branches also, it worked well with my oldest plant she's so bushy i have to fight it to get a look inside LOL, so i figured i'd try it out with a few more.

some are growing bushy without being topped but did it anyway because i read that it tells the plant to give even priority to all the branches???

Otherwise i fixed up my drainage problems using some old stand up shower pieces and old refrigerator grates. works like a charm, all the run off into 2 buckets. ezpz.

Still thinking about gravity fed watering system, but still pretty sure i'm gonna run RDWC top feed next time. the idea of building it and growing in it is exciting.
Hi @Remystemple,
you have an interesting grow and pretty good set up, great lights,space,nice selection of cuttings, that should all come together nicely. I grow in soil, it’s a little surprising how different it is from how you are growing in coco. I’ll be looking forward to see how it turns out.

Thanks a lot for the support! Important for a new grower.
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