First Grow Journal

Ok if you got 300 going in and 800 coming out that means you have quite a bit of build up in your coco. Next couple feeding I would give each a little flush, just mix your 300ppm solution up and give each one 3 or 4 times the amount you normally would and check the runoff on the back end to see how much It come down. You will eventually get it down to were it needs to be, you don’t want a lot of build up in your coco cause it will end up causing lockout and then all sorts of problems could pop up. You will figure this out in no time, it just takes a little experience and your getting plenty of that now lol.✌️

Thanks, I'll start the flush at lights on.
Ok if you got 300 going in and 800 coming out that means you have quite a bit of build up in your coco. Next couple feeding I would give each a little flush, just mix your 300ppm solution up and give each one 3 or 4 times the amount you normally would and check the runoff on the back end to see how much It come down. You will eventually get it down to were it needs to be, you don’t want a lot of build up in your coco cause it will end up causing lockout and then all sorts of problems could pop up. You will figure this out in no time, it just takes a little experience and your getting plenty of that now lol.✌️

didn't wait for lights on. flushed about 90 mins before lights out, ppm of the run off was around 550, so much lower. I might do one more flush at lights on, or just start regular feeding with the 300 ppm solution.

Thanks again for the advice.
I don't feel it is necessary to feed twice a day.
Where is your humidity level?

I've been keeping humidity at 50 -55% it could go much higher or much lower if i wanted.
You feel it dries out that much after 12 hrs?
May I suggest watering/ feeding once a day?
Saves you the hassle as well :)

No, it doesn't really dry out much. i saw a video explaining that it's best to water coco as much as you can in order to replace old nutes and wash salts away as well as more growth.

I would have no idea if this is true or not, but it sounded good to me so i started doing it lol.
I'd be more than happy to do once per day.

i was giving about 350 ml. should i give more if it's just one watering?
Yes, but you need to test in order to see how much.
Give 500ml, wait and see how long it takes until she needs more check after 16+ hrs.
If she needs more add double 700ml next watering, should be fine for 24 hrs.
Do you water until 10% run off? If yes, that is good measurement too.
Water until you see run off.
Yes, but you need to test in order to see how much.
Give 500ml, wait and see how long it takes until she needs more check after 16+ hrs.
If she needs more add double 700ml next watering, should be fine for 24 hrs.
Do you water until 10% run off? If yes, that is good measurement too.
Water until you see run off.

yeah getting run off, probably more than 10%. i skipped the 1 gal and went right to 3 gal so i've been just pouring it around the base of the the plants rather than saturating the the whole thing.
should i saturate the whole medium?

But what you're suggesting makes perfect sense to me.
You get 10%ish run off from watering with 350ml?

i've been watering only a couple inches around the base. but yeah maybe more than 10%. potted them wrong?
No, I was back reading to see pic.
May I suggest a circle watering?
Start with around the pot edge and water round and round until you are out of water.
Don't start watering from plant.
See if you get same run off.
No, I was back reading to see pic.
May I suggest a circle watering?
Start with around the pot edge and water round and round until you are out of water.
Don't start watering from plant.
See if you get same run off.

right on, man. I'll do that for sure.

Thanks for taking the time to help out. Again!
:hug: you're welcome. Hope it helped.
This is testing, so tell me what happens and we go from there.
(And I am a female lol)

I meant "man" as in every man LMAO.

for the record i'm the first person i know in canada to start calling it the post rather than the mail :p

But seriously, if it wasn't for people like you and the other helpful members here, our beloved plant might not even still exist the way we know it today.
No, I was back reading to see pic.
May I suggest a circle watering?
Start with around the pot edge and water round and round until you are out of water.
Don't start watering from plant.
See if you get same run off.

So watered at lights on. 750ml each. started around the edge. got for sure 10 - 20% run off, but not even close to the amount i was getting before, so i feel good about it. the ppm came out at around 550.

So i looks like we're getting things in check, new growth still looks good with no signs of deficiencies.

Thanks again, Bird : )
Ok, when you water from "out to in" you make her search for water/food =bigger roots.
Don't forget to check on her,just to see she doesn't dry out before 24 hrs.
One of the older leaves from when we were having problems. The very bottom leaves are now very yellow. Not sure what's up with that. 20181122_143607.jpg20181122_143551.jpg
So been 16 hours and i'm on the fence as to whether or not to water now. lights out in 2 1/2 hours so i think i'll just wait for lights on and give them 700 ml each again. It's closer to 750 ml. I'm filling empty 500ml ro water bottles and using one and a half for each plant, doing 500ml each, then going over them again with the remainder.

New growth still looks really good and healthy, but the bottom leaves are turning more yellow every day. I've read about Nitrogen Deficiencies so i'm keeping an eye on it to see if it moves up the plant.

the weird thing is that there are still a couple of plants with hardly a blemish on them. good genetics? It's the ones that were labeled "burmese sativa" that took my abuse the hardest. the leaves that have the spots are all turning yellow too.
One thing to mention is that all of these "issues" looks 10x worse under the LEDs lol.

I'm feeling confident to just stay the course now for the amount of and frequency of the feedings. Keeping a very close eye on them. In fact too close because i live and work in the same building, I have to look back at old pics to really see that they're growing LMAO.
Any thoughts on this schedule? this is what i'm going by now. NOT doing the fresh water flush tho, as i've seen way too much advice on this forum not to do that in coco. Giving week 3 amounts until i decide to flip the switch to 12/12.

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