First Grow Fluxing Test - THC Bomb Mars 400W II - Hydro DIY Flowtank

My dear Renegade, i like your system that anticipate another tank.

By other side my system is composed of a low tank with water and up tank with baby and its roots. So if the wire mesh is done i won't see roots anymore but i will still have an access to the lower one. you're right i'll do it on saturday.

So much work...will pm for next question :)

Thanks Renegade69 for the explanation. :thumb: I'm guessing a ph of 6.0 may be recommended as that is where their nutrients are absorbed better. I might try it on my next feed & see what transpires :)

Hi Mate, very very happy to see Renegade, KingJohnC and Maggies helping you through this post. Thx to be there

Just got caught up! Firstly sorry I don't get around here to often, its just Im busy as hell at the moment and have a few active journals going on here. I only have a mobile phone to work from so I tend to go a bit blind after a while lol.
This is why flux central is going. Any queries at all feel free to post questions and pics. That's what its there for! :)
By the looks of things you have some well informed fluxers aiding you anyway renegade and skunny! :)
Anyway great going and holla at me anytime at flux central for quicker responses! :)

Yeah thanks a lot, it's noted for flux central easier communication, thx a loooooot mister LA.

FYI... Magnesium(Mg) would be OK at 6.0. It's the Manganese on the outside looking in.

Thx to pop Maggies and very pleased that you helped Skunny on nut pb.
Daily update, sorry for yesterday, IT tender kills the end of the day.

EC ; 0,99
PH : 5,8 now, water changed.
Temp : 80 F
RH : 54 %

Baby grows well, i'm pleased to see her and big surprise while checking clone's roots,


Looking nice & healthy but here's a little bit of advice my friend, move your wires away from the new shoots, it will restrict their growth. :thumb:

I second that. Move it just below the node. You don't want to cover the node OR the new shoots.
You both right of course but dont worry, the wire did a little move while i was taking the pic :)

Tonight update

EC was 0.99 yesterday and falled to 0.59 so i'll changed water tomorrow and make an EC 1.0
PH move to 7.8 ouch, corrected to 5.8
temp 77 F c
RH 49 %

Clone is going very fine i'm so glad, yesterday today


and baby's fine too

Today's update, everything's fine

I think to clone will be ready for transplant next week

EC 0.91
PH 5.8
RH 55%
Temp : 77 F

Clone first, first day, yesterday and today


And today's baby, i replaced bad wired cable, now stable solution in place just need to adjust the lower one just a little bit up, under the node


Sun and Rum
Hi All

Still on the good way for little clone, do you think roots are long enough to be feeded with nuts ? it's just water and formulex. i'll start with an 0.8 EC.

yesterday today clone

PH : 5.5
EC 0.8
RH 60 %
Temp 77F



And now baby,

Yesterday today too, i've defoiled a bit yesterday night, her first stressing test,

PH 5.8
EC 0.86
RH 40 %
Temp 77F



Sun And Rum

Hi All



Sun And Rum


WHats up Tad....

Just checking in friend.

IMO you should cut those big fans and should already be training those side shoots down. I think you are letting them get to much height over your flux ends. Keep all ends down and when your ready to go vertical make sure the flux arm ends are raised above all others.

Your plant still looks good though....keep up the good work.
WHats up Tad....

Just checking in friend.

IMO you should cut those big fans and should already be training those side shoots down. I think you are letting them get to much height over your flux ends. Keep all ends down and when your ready to go vertical make sure the flux arm ends are raised above all others.

Your plant still looks good though....keep up the good work.

high my friend, thx alot for the advice. I have to wait 1h30 before going to see baby so i'll cut all big fans.

For side shoots arg, internodes are inexistant i'll try to do something, or i'll take side pics for advice
HIgh Friends,

Rainy day update, first of all another special thanks to Renegade and Light Addict.

Clone is not anymore a clone, so let's call it FMFCDD or Fxxk My First Clone Didn't Died.

Roots are growing a lot while top's still growing very slow.



For the main tortured baby, let's call her Bondaged Girl. I've cutted off all big fans and organize the rest to grow horizontally.

Doesn't look good yesterday night and today just a little bit better.


Let's wait tomorrow.

Sun and Rum

LOL... Had to laugh because of the chop sticks. What's going on there? I'm sure there is a reason jus axin is all...LOL.

Sorry to you and all others that followed my journey, I've been absent for a bit but that's because I'm working again. So time here will be limited. Should still be able to pop in every now and then to check in. My move is coming up quick here, need to be out by the end of August so wifey and I are checking out the area. Life never really seems to slow down...LOL. Even at 52 I'm still at it. Trying to convince the younger generation to do it right and they just seem to go their own way. But hey, we didn't listen to our older generation so why should they...LOL.

Thad, your doing great man. First clone didn't die...LOL. So now what did you do right??? Ask yourself that question so you do it right the next time...LOL.

You know I'm an up skirt kind of guy so where's my side shot's....LOL.

I've got nothing atcha later.

And he's out...LOL.
LOL... Had to laugh because of the chop sticks. What's going on there? I'm sure there is a reason jus axin is all...LOL.

Sorry to you and all others that followed my journey, I've been absent for a bit but that's because I'm working again. So time here will be limited. Should still be able to pop in every now and then to check in. My move is coming up quick here, need to be out by the end of August so wifey and I are checking out the area. Life never really seems to slow down...LOL. Even at 52 I'm still at it. Trying to convince the younger generation to do it right and they just seem to go their own way. But hey, we didn't listen to our older generation so why should they...LOL.

Thad, your doing great man. First clone didn't die...LOL. So now what did you do right??? Ask yourself that question so you do it right the next time...LOL.

You know I'm an up skirt kind of guy so where's my side shot's....LOL.

I've got nothing atcha later.

And he's out...LOL.

HA HA HA HA HA, i've been through your writing few times and still laughing !!

Sorry for my journey too, so much work in several places within last day, lot's of things happen.

Chop stick were not easy to use, cords were finally the worst choice as i've wounded one branch, i'm just motivated by finding the right technical choice, this grow is the first and so the "all mistakes allowed" one :) i mean, i want to have a good second one and prefer to try all what my sometimes weird brain can suggests.

And i'm so happy for your job :ganjamon:
Quick update from yesterday night, i took the pics but never reached the computer, bed was unfortunately between.

EC : 0.91 adjusted to 1.0
PH : adjusted to 5.8
Temp : 77 F
RH 45 %

Clone is fine,

Baby's not, as one branch has been accidently topped by my crappy cord.


Clear view of my mistake after defoil and train.


Next update in few minutes
Tomorrow i'll search for some thanks a lot again from here to over there.

So today update

Same parameters as yesterday so :ganjamon:

I've defoiled a bit and train again, doesn't look finally so bad

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