First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

Was it worth it? Yes 100% yes always grow your own weed! The lessons I learned growing this year will stay forever unlike the weed itself. The main thing is I can now enjoy my own herb without worrying about running out any time soon and can focus on other things, like next years grow and spreading the lessons I learned to those it can help. I can't wait to see where I am in 10 years.
By the time I'm 40 who knows maybe I'll write a book or something 🤔 always liked the idea of that. Just need to work on my vocabulary and grammar skills not very good at articulating my thoughts. I process info way to fast to properly explain what I want communicate. 😅

No matter what time it was you girls always looked beautiful thank you for the view and the lessons and mostly the herb you will leave behind for many moons.
Roughly 5 pounds of weed off 4 plants and 1 ounce of hash. That's the total yeild for my first harvest ever definitely satisfied with the results.
Congratulations buddy, excellent work :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
nice haul & the hash looks awesome congrats
Just smoked some of the hash scraps and got so stoned 3 hours passed by without me realizing. Hash tastes like sweet berries and has that classic hash smell and taste to it so some of the terpenes were preserved in the wash thankfully. It also came out way more blonde then I would of expected compared to my friends black bubble hash.

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