First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

I mainly want to wash my weed because I'm growing outside there is going to be contamination no matter what like dirt,bugs,poop and everything I sprayed on my plants like soap and garlic. I also did alot of research last night and it has no noticeable affects on thc or terpenes they are not water soluble and if anything will enhance the flavor properly so you don't taste the outside environment lol 😉 appreciate the compliment I worked hard on my garden this year!
From my experience on scale after the smoke out of the August complex fire in 2020.. and the same experience for many other nearby farms… washing does break and remove thricome heads. No, they’re not soluble. But instead they are delicate.
Some gelato strains or similar greasy stuff does better without damage. Overall though, the process of shaking, washing, and handling your harvest is affecting the tiny little throne stalks and heads all over the plant.

Even setting the plant down on a tarp can smash and ‘pop’ or smear together hash heads.

Even spraying your plants in late flower will cause thricome head loss if you want to get technical. And sorry that I do, but I do lol

Growing for hash has also taught me the delicacy and importance of thricome production and protection versus just growing for the bud.

That all being said, a dip or two is nice to wash some sprays off if you sprayed in the last week or got dusted out in the last week. but if the spray has been over a week before wash, most the spray is grown in with the bud.
Spraying in flower is always a tricky one, but the majority of people do it.
I’m not stopping you at all, just warning not to get to crazy with the wash or you may lose Terps/nose/quality.
Plus it’s hard on the dry room to hang wet weed for the first few days it makes it twice as difficult to prevent mold and get a proper cure/dry.

We had so much ash on the plant from the complex fires, but by the time we finished washing the ash and dirt off, we still had some ash and dirt on the plants but no smell. 🤷‍♂️
Maybe we were bad at washing though and you might have a different experience.
It’s all the indoor growers telling you you need to wash your outdoor 😆 you shouldn’t
Okay I won't go to crazy with the wash I'll just use warm and cold water nothing to change the taste, I plan on only giving them a quick dip or two each and hanging them up to dry at 60° until they hit 65% humidity. But definitely not worried about losing a few crystals at the cost of clean weed. I want that smooth feeling when I smoke and white ashes so I am doing everything I can to make it happen. I won't wash some just to see the difference myself.
I also find that the flowers dry more evenly when they're hung evenly wet. Just be sure to keep a fan on them for the first few hours to drive off the wash water.
I was gonna hang them up with a fan and place some plastic wrap on the floors to keep anything that falls. Should I have the room closed or open airflow?
As long as the weed doesn't dry in less then 2 weeks I feel like I did what I wanted too. Just worried about how the harvest and curing process is going to go I'm hoping for good conditions so I don't get mold or rot. Last thing I want is to waste all the hard effort I put into my first grow not saying it would be a complete waste I still learned more this year then I ever thought was even possible and I'm still learning more all the time about different growing techniques and the science behind people's methods
Yeah I'm gonna make the dry room pitch black for the weed not sure if that really helps but I read it preserves thc crystals because they degrade in the light. I also plan on wet trimming. trim, dunk, then hang. Or do you guys think it's best to dunk, trim then hang or does the order even matter?
@MedScientist @Mycelium Farmer @InTheShed @Bill284 what's your guys preferred drying techniques to make the weed slow dry but not mold/rot or over dry only thing I know is you hang until the buds stem snaps not bends and then you jar it.
As long as the weed doesn't dry in less then 2 weeks I feel like I did what I wanted to
How long you get to hang dry completely depends on the ambient RH in the drying room. Ideally you get the harvest dry to the low 70s quickly (24-48 hours) to prevent mold and then slow the process down from there.
Or do you guys think it's best to dunk, trim then hang or does the order even matter?
I dunk and trim but I strip the fans while the plant is standing.
@MedScientist @Mycelium Farmer @InTheShed @Bill284 what's your guys preferred drying techniques to make the weed slow dry but not mold/rot or over dry only thing I know is you hang until the buds stem snaps not bends and then you jar it.
Everyone has their own tweaks but here's mine: I try to hang dry for 7 days and get the buds to around 70% RH. Then I cut them off the stems and put them in turkey roasting bags (much easier to burp 2 bags than 10 jars, and more efficient too) and burp them 2x/day for 7 days, and then once a day for the last 7 days.

Assuming I have gotten them down to 62% during that time I jar them for at least 3 weeks minimum of curing before I consider them smokeable.
Everyone has their own tweaks but here's mine: I try to hang dry for 7 days and get the buds to around 70% RH. Then I cut them off the stems and put them in turkey roasting bags (much easier to burp 2 bags than 10 jars, and more efficient too) and burp them 2x/day for 7 days, and then once a day for the last 7 days.

This is alot like the method my family uses with hanging for a week then cutting the nugs off putting in brown paper bags to dry for another week and off the burp city in the jars after that for at least a month until the weed starts to stink like dank
She is very sativa leaning in her genetics.
I’d be surprised if she finished in 10 weeks. :Namaste:
It’s going to be great to find out though :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

With Harvest approaching what do you think 🤔 I might have been off by a week could be 11 weeks of flower I'm definitely going for 30% amber minimum I also want to get the clear and milky versions of the 3 trichomes so 9 stages all together is that even possible?
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