First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

I'm gonna hang the buds after I wet trim them and jar them when the buds stems snap. Gonna burp once a day for 2 weeks then close them and try to space the burpings until each jar is at a stable 65% humidity and from there I want to trap the gasses of the terpens for 6 months when I know mold won't be an issue and my moisture stops rising.
Thoughts on washing my weed as soon as I cut it? I'm planning on using cold water with h202 and a tablespoon of baking soda and just dipping each branch in real fast to clean off anything that could be left from the grow.
Only things I used for pest control was the diluted soap with strained garlic powder and diatomaceous earth it did wonders but the ants here love my plants lol probably because I feed them molasses non stop... 😄
All my microbes are sugar junkies or diabetic by now. 😆 probably gonna die off now that I'm just using water 😞 poor little junkies. Maybe I should inject some insulin in the soil for them hahaha jk jk I do feel bad though my little sugar slaves ❤️
I'd avoid getting DE on the flowers as it works its way deep inside and doesn't get washed out. Not a good idea to inhale that stuff. If you're just going to edibles then it's fine though.
No diatomaceous was on flowers! Just the soil around my plants not even in the bags
All my microbes are sugar junkies or diabetic by now. 😆 probably gonna die off now that I'm just using water 😞 poor little junkies. Maybe I should inject some insulin in the soil for them hahaha jk jk I do feel bad though my little sugar slaves ❤️
There's a party in my plants and they do the sugar dance!!! 😂🤣
I thought it takes up too 6 months to cure propidk my weed never lasts that long haha.

I thought it takes up too 6 months to cure properly?
should be good at 4 weeks. minimum tweo weeks. taste and smell changes often and after 6 month uit prolly is really smooth. ive never heard that atleast a long time agp back in the day. idk my weed never lasts that long haha
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