First Grow-Aero-Stealth Box

Sucks that you might not get to finish the grow, I hope you get to finish it, for your sake. If you gotta move for work though, you gotta do, what you gotta do. hope it works out for you. :thumb:
Sucks that you might not get to finish the grow, I hope you get to finish it, for your sake. If you gotta move for work though, you gotta do, what you gotta do. hope it works out for you. :thumb:

What's up with them pics and an update on your journal? I'm still waiting!!
Another brief update;

Maybe a little more than 12 hours after topping 5 sites, all 5 zones are pushing out new growth, one of which is already branching. I love this silica additive! Also, when spraying the 4 clones and checking for roots, careful inspection of the cubes showed that the pores of the cubes were opening on the top exposing visible roots. Not wanting the light to hinder further development, I transplanted the 2 best looking ones down to the hydro box. I also sprinkled some of that great white mycorrhizae on the bottom of the cubes and rubbed it in a little, then potted and back filled with rocks. They appear to be doing great and hope to see some roots soon. The feed is 50% strength of the following, silica, mycorrhizae, early veg schedule for GH Flora series.

What's up with them pics and an update on your journal? I'm still waiting!!

I didn't visit the girls tonight, and when I went last night the lights were off so no pics. :( Tomorrow night I gotta change the reservoir, so I'll do a full update, with pics. I got my fingers crossed for lots of pistils. It will be day 12 of flower tomorrow and day 3 of flower for my Blue Mystic grow. ;)
Hope your pH didn't fluctuate too much and I'd like to see under the lid of that superponic box.
Hope your pH didn't fluctuate too much and I'd like to see under the lid of that superponic box.

The PH was still dead on at 5.8 when I was there last night. I double checked my PH meter last time i was over just to be sure cause its so stable. There are pics of the roots earlier in the grow, I'll try to get another pic of the roots for you, but its hard to get the lid up high enough now cause of the scrog screen and the size of the plants. ;)
Worst case scenario is you show us after your harvest. I wasn't thinking that far ahead when I asked. Does your ponic have a petcock or drain spout?
I've given up hope for the other 2 clones, not that I had anywhere to put them if they did grow, so I decided to uproot them and toss them out. Here is a picture of the root stumps that partially grew
I tried FIM, but aparently I missed the miss. The sprout just pushed out into 2 fan leaves with no added branching. I then topped as advised by my hydro store guy and got 2. Earlier I just got to staring at the plant and imagined how I wanted it to look in the scrog net and viola, 4 branches came into focus with leaf sets at an equal level to the first successful top I took, so I figured might as well suffer the stint now then try and muscle all the lower branches into the net later, so I took 4, but noticed I accidentally cut one of the lowest branches, so I corrected by cutting the branch above making 5 cuts. I also forgot to mention that I took 2 more tops a days ago, (maybe a week) at the top of the 2 main stems, making that into 4. So now I have 4 main stems, with 4-5 added tops that will produce 8-10 more stems in a circular "menorah" shape under the scrog. I got a vision and a plan and I know it will work out.

Only draw back now is that I may have to move for work very far away, so I may have to shut this grow down or give it away. Hope I have enough time to flower it out or find a new job. We'll see though.

8-10 mains:thumb:
I have terrible heart breaking news. I come to find out that 4 people who I did not tell know about my grow. This does not sit well with me at all and one of those even had the audacity to ask me how the plant was doing. I am so bent out of shape about this that I am about 99% sure I will be shutting it down and collecting my tools/materials and getting them out of here. I don't want to get into the he said she said bull shit b/c it's pointless now, I'm just mad that I gave so much effort and now feel the need to flush it down the toilet. Just last night I saw very small sets of preflower hairs in the plural sense. It has been an honor to have been schooled by you great people and I do hope to be back in class very soon, but that will DEFINITELY be at another location. I will still watch your journals and comment if I can. Thanks all.
damn, thats not good, its why i dont tell anyone at all that i grow, not even my closest family members know i grow, you just cant take risks like that unless your totally legal to grow,

some risks are just to big to take,

hopefully you will get another grow going soon and we will see you back on here,
looks to me like you would of done very well from these plants
My sentiments exactly donpaul. I felt like I was really getting the hang of it. I told only room mates with hopes that they can divert their company away from my area and dispel any other curiosities. Loose lips sink ships. When I let them know my decision, I will give them each the opportunity to put it/them in their own area to see if they really trust those that they told. At any rate, thanks for having me and teaching me so much, and I hope to be back very soon, and hopefully then with good news from our friend Herbie!!
Wow, now i'm nervous. I only told my sister because i needed her to babysit my plants while i was on vacation.i hope she doesn't tell anyone.
i told those who i felt needed to know for everyone's safety and benefit. my room mates know lots more about me and i figured they were safe with the little secret. aside from the cop issue, i thought we were over that. if either room mate will let me put it/them in their closet, i will continue, but if they wont, it's gone.
I'm going to be right with you in about a half hour. I really want to check out this journal of yours first. VERY WELL COMPOSED! One of the most detailed I've ever seen. No joke.
Whats up Sky, got linked here from thekidd's journal! Just finished reading through your whole journal man. I've gotta say you've gone through shit that no grower ever wants to go through with, but I'm glad you take loose lips as seriously as I do. I feel that the only person you can trust is you and those with just as much to lose (and of course:420: :blunt:)

If you do end up keeping the plant safely in one of your roommates room I assume that stealth would still be of importance. Here are a couple of suggestions I want to throw at you, do with as you choose ;):

Since you are using pc fans, carbon scrubbers would be really detrimental to the cfm of your fans. I find that ONA gel works extremely well in small grows as these.

I had a couple of grows in a custom PC case I made and the gel contained all the smell that the indica autoflower's tend to produce.

If noise is still a problem with your fans (with so much I just read forgive me if you already addressed this problem) I could suggest you do what I did. I went with RUBBER. Rubber strips along the inside edge of the fans along with rubber heat shrink tubing on the screws.


>>>take a look at this product for CO2 The Enhancer CO2 Canister | Green Planet Hydroponics
very reasonably priced and is perfect for small rooms.I just ordered a couple up and gonna test them out. I'll post the results in my journals.

Stealth, I remember seeing these on another forum at some point! For that price they are pretty reasonable, I wonder if they are recyclable for use with homemade CO2 concoctions ;)

Once again great planning from the beginning and great setup. (+reps for the DIY CFL hood too ;)) I really like the versatility of your hydro setup as well. I just jumped into my first hydro grow after being a naturalist for for some time now and I'm seeming to like it very much!

I'm subbed to this thread! Good Luck with your future plans on this grow, AG!
T/y a lot for the time you invested in reading through it all, 15 pages aint a quick read. Also thanks for the REPs and the suggestions. Frankly, I feel this small bit of space is hindering my potential to grow as much as I want to, but it definitely afforded me the leisure to learn and that I have. My plant (I now think is gonna be a girl) is doing great. Despite excessive defol and pruning, it keeps on trucking. Structurally it is developing quick and I bet if I had the time, would be ready to flip in 2 weeks, maybe less. Just this morning I gave it 1 gallon with silica and maybe a 10% strength of Flora series with mycorrhizae. I'm proud of the way this is coming out and it's sad to see it go, but I won't take chances with my freedom like that. I will live and grow another day. I will definitely check out your journal(s). Thanks again. +REPs back at ya for great suggestions.
>>> Frankly, I feel this small bit of space is hindering my potential to grow as much as I want to. Despite excessive defol and pruning, it keeps on trucking. Structurally it is developing quick and I bet if I had the time, would be ready to flip in 2 weeks, maybe less.

YES, this is greatly true, the amount of vegetation time that you can give the plant the larger yields you can produce per plant. There are many growers I have seen prove this in their own grows, and after much time spent growing 'bonsai' personal plants, I am finally scheduling my two girls for at least 2 months of vegetation with lst/topping. Just my two cents here: While I agree with defoliation of a plant to concentrate new growth upward I would suggest giving a 4-5 day buffer period between defoliation periods. This will greatly reduce the plants 'healing' time and won't stunt new growth as much.

Are you going to completely uproot her? Or are you transplanting to the outdoors as previously planned? It's the perfect time to start flowering North Eastern United States :blunt:!

>>>I will definitely check out your journal(s). Thanks again. +REPs back at ya for great suggestions.

I will definitely give you another +rep when I'm allowed to for an awesome areo-system! Thanks, stop on by and criticize away! ;)
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