Jamaica Seeds Blackout Kush #2

Day 11 and the outdoor plant is doing well. Im hoping itll show sex soon since its September.

Ill get updated pictures of the girls in bloom tonight when the lights go on :)

"Looking good! subd better late than neverm right?"

hi there! welcome. just in time for harvest!

the flush is complete! 64+ oz of charcoal filtered water through each girl. the water ran through the soil nicely this time around. I also fed with sea kelp and molasses the entire grow. I know if I leave them longer they'll gain a lot more weight, but the lstd plants will hit the lights really soon so I need to make room

11 weeks and 4 days old, 8 weeks and 4 days from pistil

8 weeks and 6 days old in bloom. I pulled some more spent leaves tonight. Ill get size comparison pictures when I have a lighter in my possession haha.

Youre right. Im waiting for the soil to dry out. Theyre not drinking much, so theyre basically done growing.. I think? Im waiting for the soil to dry, then ill chop them! I may leave the tall one a little bit longer than the short one.
Here we go, 9 weeks in bloom, 12 weeks old from breaking earth. the short one is coming down first. its soil is almost dry. I removed the last of the big fan leaves so they lose even more sugar for a super smooth smoke. I should have flushed a bit sooner, but whatever! :thumb:

Thanks bro! How much do you think im going to yield? Keep in mind ive used ~110 watts of cfl lighting and ran 12/12 from seed.
I just cant see cutting em down when theyre still throwing out pistils, plus the soils still wet. The shorter one will come down soon. now with comparison what do you guys think ill yield? I know they woulda produced more if I saved those fan leaves from starving.

errr I have to think about it I can throw out a quick on the good side maybe an oz but with both but might be less
Happy Munchday :thumb:
Im really hoping for an ounce. I checked the trichs and there are not enough ambers to scare me to cut tonight, but there are a few (very few, maybe 1-5%?) so the shorter one is coming down in a day or two?
Well I trimmed her and still new beautiful foxtails with pistils unfolding so im going 1 more day on the short one lol

Happy to see you again buddy and thanks! I hope I get more weight than that. Im being hopeful cause on smaller (I think) thc bomb grow I yielded ~15 grams. I had cal lockout cause of burn and she just didn't grow to her potential even though she was under the 150 watt hid.

The 150 watt is a powerhouse compared to this but keep in mind I don't have 150 watts of cfl hanging.. more like a shared 110

2.8 wet so like .7 dry so far. gotta keep track somewhere haha
Im so upset. I cut the short one down and all of the buds have rot on them. I also found tiny white worms in the rot as well as these spider web looking structures. What caused this? I never get my plants wet..

What should I do with the buds? I washed them all in a a water and hydrogen peroxide mix. Ugh..

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