First DWC - Advice Welcome

Good good! So leave the mesh screen on the puck? Roots should push through?
Yeah I know roots are strong as shit, I just thought being that young it would take awhile for them to burst through
Spoke too soon! Roots are showing outside of the peat pot, I think from it being in the little cup kept the moisture up enough to let the roots protrude without drying up.
37 days flower




Well about 45% orange hairs, new ones still popping out of the calyxs that are starting to swell :)
Most of the tops of the colas the triches are starting to cloudy up! I'll put up pics tonight, which is day 40
Well I've decided to start the flush tonight, we will have company in a couple weeks so I'd like to at least have them dry by then, 50-60% orange hairs and pretty much every cola, 75% of the colas have cloudy triches starting to look like flocked Christmas trees :)
And... This frees up space for me to do a little mods to the closet, long awaited changes, it's so hard to find time though. If I feel up to par tonight I'm going start modding my mother/clone cab, got some new PC fans to play with! Need to get it ready the greenhouse trainwreck looks like it might be ready for a little food

From what I've been reading a lot of people say that greenhouse seed co's trainwreck is more indica dominant and is known as alien trainwreck, anyone know anything about this because them sure do look like some fat leaves on that seedling!
Hey boss, very interesting I will be doing my first DWC next year so I take your journal as a learning experience!

Your TW seedling in the last pic I don't think should be fed nutrients quite yet, still a bit early.

Although I could be wrong I'm not much of DWC'r but I would think any nutrients to plant that small is not good.

Good luck boss and I am looking forward to see your wicked harvest!
Thanks bud! Yeah once I put it in the bubbler and the roots get a taste of water I'll judge it by then when and if to add nutes, and if so very little of course.
Day fourty one
Started flush





And the trainwreck in her new home


I was wondering if you was gonna chime in :)
Once I knock off of work I'll give a light feed :thumb:
Is it greenhouse you grow?
Guess I should've mentioned I'm using jungle juice micro and bloom, as of now I'm hoping I didn't kill the trainwreck, got home and it was wilted, little too warm and it was thirsty, waiting to see if it'll spring back up
Got me a 40x loupe in the mail today, which is kinda obsolete at the moment because I'll be harvesting slightly early
I think it kicked the bucket, had company over and wasn't able to dial the new cab in, I screwed up the exhaust and had to redo it, wish I would've done it sooner, well on to the next seed, wonder what's next?on my next order I'll pick up more trainwreck seeds, I really wanna grow it, I love the buzz!
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