MG gets a lot of hate but I’ve seen growers pull off some great harvests with it. I think it illustrates well the importance of understanding the fundamentals of plant growth. If you understand the fundamentals you can still make magic even in “crappy” situations.
It’s even more wild that it’s high in P, no wonder you think what you do, it’s hard to argue with what you see with your own eyes.
Is this the product?
Quantum entanglement took me longer to understand than I’m willing to admit
I’m also not a big fan of the variable nature of the quantum arena, but I also am a big fan of the variable nature of it, so basically I’m kind of quantum entangled myself
Looks like it, although I can't see the NPK.
They have another like it that's listed as All Purpose, with different proportions. The all purpose one starts with 12% N, and has lower P and K.
As legality increases more official studies will confirm or deny common practices, but to a certain extent we're groping in the dark because of prohibition.
And, even what we take as "official" results need to be revisited. A good case in point is the droughting study many of us use as the basis for our current practice.
Yes, I know it was done in a lab as part of a thesis project, but for me it is quite lacking as solid proof. To my knowledge it was never officially re-run, had a very limited source of inputs (strains weren't varied, conditions not varied etc) so I consider that more in the citizen science category at least for now, for me anyways.
I still practice it as anecdotally it seems true for my plants, but it seems a pretty flimsy basis on which to state definitive conclusions.
So, for me not an officially settled issue even though the study is often thrown around as proof that it works. I seem to be a bit of an outlier on that thread with that opinion though.
That's how science works. Each study provides a data point, and every following study provides another.
Eventually a scientific consensus is reached, where there is a preponderance of evidence supporting or debunking the original conclusion. Often that occurs after a meta analysis of all high quality experiments/studies available.
I haven't read the droughting study, so I can't comment on the process, but I thought it was done with a large number of identical clones in a lab setting with controls? Minimizing variables with identical genetics in identical conditions?
You could argue that strain specific growth characteristics could be an unaccounted variable, but a lot of the citizen level results are ignored if you just use the same strain rather than identical clones.
What you're seeing in the droughting thread is pretty much what we've been talking about. A practice engaged in by some home growers is investigated by an academic professional, results are published, and home growers attempt to apply those results to their grows.
It's no also coincidence that the droughting study was carried out in a Canadian university after legalization. Now that it's federally legal here, and countries like Germany are moving forward with legalization we're going to see a lot more studies come out, some focussing on what we consider to be standard practice, and a lot of us are going to be unhappy with the results.
Especially anyone with an antiestablishment bent to their thinking.
Plenty of strings being pulled a few posts back, eh Keffka?
11 maybe.
K-W-P hoped someone might have got my random sense of humor
Knowledge - Wisdom - Power
From the song Snoopworld by Snoop Dogg
Keffka thinks they’re high… yeah Sunday night and I’m bed bound! Thank you all for fascinating reading!
AHH. Snoop isn't really on my p!stylist, lol!
I missed your sense of humor and haven’t a clue what’s going on.
Bed bound?
See that f1 debacle?
Or am I in the wrong thread?
I’ve lost track of that too
Edit: forgot to say lost, lost track.
As in lost track of my mind
Stay safe
I think we're all going to need a nap when this conversation is done!
String theory, 11 multiverses, Snoop Dogg song and I actually enjoyed that F1 race!
Plus way more sciencey inclined growers than you or I, chatting back and forth which is huge fun and interesting for me. Bunch of different thought processes. Love it.
But that might just be the Bruce Banner my wife finally released to me!
I also like watching the discussion between other growers when they really get going. I've learned a lot by just sitting back and watching different thought processes on some subjects.
Enjoy the B Banner!