EcDriver Goes Hydro For The First Time

Thanx a lot Doc, your garden is exploding too, i've seen...

Nothing like over here though! You have a head start on me and now I can peek in here when I want to see what is up in a real flower room. :high-five:
you're so kind Doc, i have a few issue due to the Hawaiian snow who is stretching like crazy, i do my best to bend it and tuckmany leaves down but it is still stretching...
i have a sort of light foam on the water surface of the rez, i guess because water temp is 22°C then i'll buy some Oxyboost (H2O2) tomorrow to fix it.
except that all seems nice Atm.
thanx to pop and comment Doc. nice to have you around.
thnx C.K, i'm doing my best as it is my first try to hydro, i still have a huge lot to learn here with the hydro kings.
i'm lucky to have found this place.
thanx for reading M8, my English is far to be a pleasure to read...
have a nice day C.K.
Hey EC, things are lookin amazing as everyone else stated :):thumb:

As for your stretchy plant, next grow Maybe try looking into something called "Bud Blood" I would be careful on whats strains you use it on but it can be extremely helpful :):high-five:

hi M1, thank you for the nice comment about the garden and for the "bud blood" suggestion.
i'm very busy Atm and didn't pop in a while at your journal.
have a nice day M1
hey pinky, today i didn’t take pics, but outrageous buddage have started yet wildly ,so,i was too lazy and only looked at them for myself, they had the spray with Mr2 and Amino Xtr, the daily evolution is incredible, i’ve never seen this even in a lot of grow journal .i’m sure they will explode in a couple weeks.
don’t get me wrong; i’m not congratulate myself but the Nutrient and the way to apply it that Metrop France headquarter suggested to me.
they are really very kind with me and Gabriel from Metrop France was very nice to me.
i’m very honored and happy you like and follow my diary.

green vibes from the south to you.
have to say that tonight i topped my rez with a weak nute-ratio, like Ec:0.9 and i add for my 26 liters rez: 100ml of OXYBOOST (hydrogene peroxyde at 35%) to fix the light-bubbly forming foam on the water surface of the rez. if it is a bacteria, i guess it is dead at the time i write...:rocker:
but next grow, i'll add some piranha or other benies for my rez.
if anyone is tuned with benies, please advise me on which are best for a recirculating hydro system to create a healthy myco-world around the roots and in the rez.
i planed to buy and use some before this run but didn't have enough funds.
see you tomorrow, i going to vape a last bowl and sleep.

i wish you get as much fun in your garden friends.
hi friends,
no more foam in the rez and many more hairs and bud sites everywhere.
they had the Mr2+aminoXtr yesterday and loved it once more...
i forgot my camera today, then pics tomorrow.

i wish all is nice for your gardens too friends.
:lot-o-toke::reading420magazine:Hey EC can't wait to see your pictures.
Hey EC, I caught your post over at M1's journal and sent you a friends request so I can let you know when I am starting my journal. I will need all the help I can get. Your grow is amazing and I will enjoy reading it to the end.
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