EcDriver Goes Hydro For The First Time

Hey EC, I caught your post over at M1's journal and sent you a friends request so I can let you know when I am starting my journal. I will need all the help I can get. Your grow is amazing and I will enjoy reading it to the end.
thanx 60 for the request, the funny thing is that i thought i already sent you one... i hope i would be able to help as i do not have a lot of experience. i grown in soil-less mixes like biobiz and mainly in coco during 2 years and it was not bad about the results, around 0.5grm per watts. then not sure i'll be a great help, but i'll try. let me know when the journal start M8. have a green day 60.

+Reps for you EC, Thanks for supporting the 420 family here!


hey M1, thanx for the comment Man.
i like to share about what i love, otherwise i would not go on a blog , especially this one...
and i would love to have U.S, Australian, Irish, chinese and whatever nationality new friends who loves that plant and take care of M.J like i do. then i have to thank :420: everyday for making this possible and even normal.
we are so lucky to be there in our community.
have a nice day M1.
Hey EC I read about your post on the bacteria. I'm no expert when it comes to this but For the past few years I have been using Mycorrhizae. I've seen a few posts on 420mag about it but you can google it and get an in depth look at why this little fungus is so important to plant life around the world!

Once the fungi develops it will be a web like addition to your roots, you can actually see it. I'll try and get some pictures of it up. The fungi feeds off the sugar by product of your plants roots and in return the parasite like fungi actually enhances the roots its attached to by increasing the "surface space" or area nutes can be absorbed up to 500%.

There are all kinds of ways you can get it, I've been buying it by the pound for under 20USD and it lasts a long time lol. You can also present the right chemicals to culture Mycorrhizae but as cheap as it is I find it easier to buy.

Hope you have a great day EC!:thumb:
hi Friends, i have a little trouble about the DSLR camera, i can’t find the battery charger anymore...
and to be more stupid again, i forgot my bloody phone at a friend home 2 days ago and he lives far from me, then no pic!!!
i’m very disappointed as the groom is very nice and i want to show it...
i’ll try to borrow the movie camera of my nephew tonight, never used one before...we will see...
i’ll upload later, thanx to read and follow friends, i have nice times for sure reading your journals too.
Hey EC I read about your post on the bacteria. I'm no expert when it comes to this but For the past few years I have been using Mycorrhizae. I've seen a few posts on 420mag about it but you can google it and get an in depth look at why this little fungus is so important to plant life around the world!

Once the fungi develops it will be a web like addition to your roots, you can actually see it. I'll try and get some pictures of it up. The fungi feeds off the sugar by product of your plants roots and in return the parasite like fungi actually enhances the roots its attached to by increasing the "surface space" or area nutes can be absorbed up to 500%.

There are all kinds of ways you can get it, I've been buying it by the pound for under 20USD and it lasts a long time lol. You can also present the right chemicals to culture Mycorrhizae but as cheap as it is I find it easier to buy.

Hope you have a great day EC!:thumb:

nice M1 thanx M8, i know the Mycorrhizae way to uptake root nutrients but wasn’t sure about if i can add some to my rez as i did with coco water/feed.
i plan to buy the powder mix ready to use.
thanx very much Man.
i really don’t understand why i can’t like your last post if i liked the one before...?
i can’t find the «-like-» button in his place.
maybe i’m not medicated enough....fixing that :bongrip: :thumb:
Yep I was unsure if it would culture in the water but it does! I noticed the majority of it forming up in the net pot where its semi dryer.

Unlike soil I've been adding 1 tsp per gallon of water. I was recommended more than that but based off how much Mycorrhizae has developed on my plants (and I only decided to use 1 Tsp per gal)
perfect for me because most of my root lay on the tray and are semi-aerobe, then i guess it will match in my environment.
thanx again M1.
hey Friends, today i changed the rez and gave a good food as i go on a full week holiday in the countryside with kids.
i mixed up an ec of 1.3 at a ph of 5.8 and will setup tomorrow 3 weak-solution barrels (Ec 0.9 at Ph6) of 12liters each to drop in the rez every Two dayz without any check.
it is the only thing i ask for, to drop water in the rez at the same time every other day...easy i hope...:rolleyes3:confused:.
all is becoming bigger in groom and the Hawaiian is less manageable everyday. the rest is pretty uniform, i'll buy Moby dick again soon to be sure to have seen all the phenos to choose my mother as i have to.
very hardy strain and i wish it is as productive as they claims in the breeder's description.
the Hawaiian skunk haze reg from herbies freebies are so nice.
i'll pop the fem cotton candies soon to clone and flow them under the sun on the terrace.
the 2 younger Think different are great also.
i still don't have anything to picture the babes, then you can just trust me on this blind-update...
i came across a second hand semi-portable aircon unit and think about to buy it for this summer, never tried it before.

i hope all is nice in your gardens too and you enjoy to be there among us.
green vibes to you all my friends.
Have fun my friend!!
we delayed a bit our trip (we go tonight instead of this morning), because of a nice big spring storm, it passed away then we will go soon.
i'm a bit upset about the plants in other hands even if to pour barrel into rez is quite simple...
so, it is what it is, we will see on Saturday !!
then,wish me luck guyz and have a fun week !!!
Hey EC! Sorry to have missed you before you leave on your trip but I hope you had a great Easter/420! I had to go on a work trip and got back last night.

Camping is the best, we are just cleaning up all our gear for when the snow melts! Soon now :party:

Have a great time buddy!
Bob ;)
Hey Bob m'y friend , welcome back among us !!! Thanx m8.
Muy gold old friend who came with us has got a 4G device and is able to connect with is S.....g tablet ! ! !
I know that place since 23 years and i've never had any connections even phone signal is bad usualy...
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