Early Miss Auto: First Grow

My two little gals smell so opposite from each other o_O snoopy is pine with a small note of citrus. And Charlie is like a killed skunk... little update for you guys. I'm LST Charlie to bend to the same height as snoopy as she has been fimmed. I'm wondering If it's to late to fim Charlie. :reading420magazine: i over watered Charlie so she's a bit droopy but I know she will bounce back.
The bedroom where its growing does not smell at all anymore. ( worth the investment)
Well, your Autos are at week 4, and most strains begin the flowering stretch by then (or soon after). The other plant has already shown pistils, so all I can say is that ya might get lucky..but chances are there won’t be enough time for Charlie to fully benefit from a FIM at this point.
Hey again :high-five:

When you say “overwatered”, do you mean that you watered too much (in one session) and had too much runoff? Or that you are watering too frequently (between sessions)?

Cannabis actually benefits from being slightly water-deprived. In particular, resin production is increased with less water during flowering.

I would suggest, since you are in soil, that you water only to get 10% runoff. And weigh your pots (or at least heft them) to track water use. Don’t let them dry out completely, but resist the urge to water until they are significantly lighter/drier than you have been letting them get.
Given the size, I would wait at least a week before watering again.

If the RH is too high (above 60-65%), the plants will slow down transpiration. This means less water use, less nutrient uptake, slower growth.

Try to keep the soil and the air drier. Water less/less frequently, and consider getting a small dehumidifier.


Just looks sad
My rh is too low it's at 34% right now and looking droopy after 3 days I started nutes and corrected ph would that have any affect?

Sorry, I must have misread your above message about humidity.

To me, droopy plants usually means saturated soil, but nitrogen toxicity is also a possibility.
Just poking around the web with all the different deficiencys and such I think it might be nitrogen toxicity I compaird to others on the web and this site it adds up...
And sorry for posting so much today.. a little stir crazy.:p

Hard to tell from one up close Blurple pic but that doesn't really look like nitrogen toxicity.
I looks like either over or under watered, or like heavy wet soil.

I just water her today 10% run off

If that's what it looks like right after you water then if anything they're too dry.
That soil looks bone ass dry to me.

The soil needs to be uniformly moist, especially in a fabric pot.
If your soil has proper aeration and it's in a fabric pot then its damn near impossible to overwater.
I edit the post I missed the key info :rolleyes: and I did add 5-0-0 to my last water at 1/4 strength so now it's just 0-.5-.7 big bloom

Sorry, but I’m just not following. Could you please list exactly what (by labels) and how much of each (per gallon) you are giving your plant?

That soil looks bone ass dry to me.

The dry appearance might be due to the low humidity (34%). But the soil in the lower part of the pot could still be totally saturated.

Edited due to stoneage

Sorry, but I’m just not following. Could you please list exactly what (by labels) and how much of each (per gallon) you are giving your plant?

The dry appearance might be due to the low humidity (34%). But the soil in the lower part of the pot could still be totally saturated. Usually not the case with HP, especially with additional perlite. But the worm castings are very fine, and could clog up the texture a bit. Mixing your own soil can be tricky..

Maybe I misinterpreted, I thought this pic was right after he watered, hence the very dark totally wet little area that looks like it was just watered.
Photos can be very deceiving though.

But in that photo it looks like you could grab a handful and it's totally dry.
Which would explain why the plant looks like it does.
IF, that soil is as dry as it appears and you just watered.
Then I would suggest that you mix some Aloe Vera and Yucca extract into about 5 gallons of water and water the hell out of that whole pot until it's all totally wet top to bottom.
A lot of soils are hydrophobic and it's difficult to get the soil wet, so you could be watering and having it come out the bottom but you're only wetting just a tiny little column of soil right in the center.
If you have proper aeration in the soil which means at least 30% of whatever you use like pumice, biochar, rice hulls, perlite will work but it's a pain in the ass because it will just float to the top.
So if that's say 3 gallons of soil then you need 1 gallon of it as aeration.
That in a fabric pot and the least of your worries is overwatering.

IF, your soil is actually very moist just an inch or so down then it's likely you dont have enough aeration and the roots need oxygen.
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