Duggan Does Purple Envy, Star Pupil & Black Cherry Punch With Doc's Gear!

Hi 7, very cool to hear you are doing well. Mare and i were just talkin the other night of a possible trip to V.
Glad to also hear you are growing and things are doing very well. As i have said many times before...finding and using Doc's gear has removed almost all of the guess work for me and now (6 yrs. ago) i strictly grow for yield cuz i know the quality will be there...if i choose to grow the right strains. That's all the fun now , for me , and for many other 'kit' growers,..just trying to find that elusive 'perfect ' strain. I'm pretty sure everyone who is growing , using the 'kit' is absolutely 'assimilated' and very happy with it. Cheers to ya 7....enjoy your night Mr.!:passitleft:
Yeah buddy that sounds like fun, you and mare in “Sin City” smoking and jokin and then wait whaaaaa, you get to meet 7!!! lol yeah man the girl are going out of there space. I’m not sure I’ll be able to flower them, may have to move to another location or just be prepared for them to try and get away from me.

Sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead of you. Me, I like harvest time, that’s the only work I have a passion for, even trimming . Here’s a couple pics of the girls.

Seattle Sour kush, Peyote Purple, Meat Breath and Wounded Warriors Breath. Tell ya what, I need some star pupil seeds, y’all have some nice stock going on in the BRIX vaults lol


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Oh no......I am a southern BBQ purest. I smoke em slow and low for about 6 hours at 225 degrees.

I have had ribs that were boiled first and I was surprised they were as good as they were. I think my southern card and my BBQ card would be revoked on me if I ever tried making them though!

My ribs are some seriously good ribs brother. In my mind they are competition worthy, and many friends I have fed them too have urged me to get onto the competition circuit. I have the idea of setting up a rib shack around what we call the "Lakes region" in New Hampshire. They have decent food around the lakes but no BBQ. Just something small and seasonal....make a nice chunk of change in the Summer time and grow giant killer weed the rest of the year. What a life eh??
The best ribs I have had came from a seasonal roadside BBQ stand. This guy used to do it along a main drag during the summer and fro $20 you could have the best rack of ribs I have come across. Unfortunately he stopped doing it for whatever reason. I found another one a year after that one stopped doing business. Their ribs were alright but their brisket was divine! The parents of one of me and my wifes friends own a BBQ truck and they make ok brisket and pulled pork. I enjoy it but it isnt as good as the others. Every where else I try is only meh. I try almost every BBQ place I come by and a lot of them leave me disappointed. I am sure you would make a killing doing the summer BBQ stand bud!

You should try smoking a steak sometime..
Man I don't think I can roll a steak tight enough to get it to smoke :rofl:
Yes,...everything is Ok...well, you know. Big weekend coming up...took a holiday tomorrow so i can get prepared for my gathering/bbq on Sat. Once a yr. my three sisters and i get together here ..just the four of us ,plus spouses. No kids allowed, even if they are grown up...I /we call it the 'Three Sisters Get Together'...balloons out back , lots of great food , lottsa laughs and fun. Then on Sunday morning...it's harvest time, my buddy shows up at 10 , for a four-five hr. trip...ha..
I like growing and stuff way more than harvesting/trimming! Too much like 'work'...lol.
Anyhow , cheers bud. Thanks for droppin by....and hope you are groovin tonight.:passitleft:
Ok BBQ sounds amazing! Here's a side dish for you, wallyworld sells these amazing rolls if you have the time to look for them. They will be in the freezer section, sister schubert's rolls are the name, whip up a little cinnamon butter with them and I guarantee it will be a hit!
Trim jail!!! Well it's a bitter sweet moment huh? Once upon a time I enjoyed harvest and trimming.... key work once!

Got Mr. Arctic bowl and Miss j coming for dinner this weekend guess I better do some ribs too eh? I've done mine in the oven because I've never had the chance to smoke em, but well change that!

Have a great weekend brother dooooogs
The best ribs I have had came from a seasonal roadside BBQ stand. This guy used to do it along a main drag during the summer and fro $20 you could have the best rack of ribs I have come across. Unfortunately he stopped doing it for whatever reason. I found another one a year after that one stopped doing business. Their ribs were alright but their brisket was divine! The parents of one of me and my wifes friends own a BBQ truck and they make ok brisket and pulled pork. I enjoy it but it isnt as good as the others. Every where else I try is only meh. I try almost every BBQ place I come by and a lot of them leave me disappointed. I am sure you would make a killing doing the summer BBQ stand bud!

Man I don't think I can roll a steak tight enough to get it to smoke :rofl:

Come on Yeti. You can only get BBQ in the south and Midwest everywhere else is just imitation lol. It's like cornbread, I've tried it from all over the country, then they get mad when you tell them it isn't made right lol. Biscuits be gravy is same way

Here ya go duggs, this girl is loaded down with seeds for ya.

I'm gonna pop a bunch of these for a little hunt coming up.

Hope everyone is having a great Friday and weekend :Namaste::green_heart::passitleft:
Hi 7, very cool to hear you are doing well. Mare and i were just talkin the other night of a possible trip to V.
Glad to also hear you are growing and things are doing very well. As i have said many times before...finding and using Doc's gear has removed almost all of the guess work for me and now (6 yrs. ago) i strictly grow for yield cuz i know the quality will be there...if i choose to grow the right strains. That's all the fun now , for me , and for many other 'kit' growers,..just trying to find that elusive 'perfect ' strain. I'm pretty sure everyone who is growing , using the 'kit' is absolutely 'assimilated' and very happy with it. Cheers to ya 7....enjoy your night Mr.!:passitleft:
You know I swear I repli s to this yesterday and even uploaded some pics. Hmmm, this new website still have me confused. But moving right along. It would be amazing to meet you and Nate and maybe even see some of the of their BRIX gang out in sin city lol. Yup, The guess work is pretty much gone. Comes down to only a couple of things that could be wrong now. Early here ish 5:30 am lol check out the ladies, let’s see if it posts.

Dude, I'm interested in that Chicken brine!
Here ya go, enjoy! Don't be afraid to use extra seasoning and I like to use warm water to dissolve the seasonings then fill the rest up with cold water. Smoke your chicken at 230-250 mine usually get done in 3-4 hours and your on your way to over eating city haha.:passitleft:

Edit: brine the chicken overnight inside the fridge for anyone unfamiliar with this cooking style.
Great day to ya'l. Busy day today...not much spare time. 7...wow bud...what a nice sheen on those girls. Gotta ask ya though...whats with your enviro...it's way outta wack! 111 degrees F with 14 RH wtf! Is that a true readout there?
Anyhow , they look great bud.
Hope everyone is having a happy Friday. Just about to make 12 pounds of hamburger patties. I'm using Gordon Ramsay's recipe , so should be pretty awesome burgers....about 1/2 pound per burger , i figure....bigguns , gonna toast fresh, big Kaiser buns to put them on. Also some of my new fav. butchers Garlic sausage. 3 sisters will bring everything else, salads , sides , veggies,..all that stuff.
The plants will enjoy their last night of sunshine in the GR before they go all dark until Sunday morning....lotts goin on. Enjoy the day ....cheers all my brothas...and sistas too!:circle-of-love:
Heya Duggan, I have been a member for a while and have watched this thread since almost the beginning... My BIL is kinda making me get my toes wet so I figured I would hit you up and let you know that our Perpetual is now officially up and running... Kinda like rebuilding a classic car in that we got the body work and engine done per say, but not the finish work quite yet.... I works well for now I guess... Anyway it is in my signature for future reference.. And with the BIL mostly gone from this site I will have not only questions but comments good and bad .....
Welcome to my journal fan65. Yes, will visit your journal,...so rushed right now...bahhh.
Gang , wow,..burgers are friggen delicious...turned out i made each one a bit over 3/4 of a pound. Got 14 from the ten pounds ...plus all the other stuff....yummy. Had to test drive one....:ganjamon:

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