Duggan Does Purple Envy, Star Pupil & Black Cherry Punch With Doc's Gear!

Morning Duggs, finally caught up on the 5 pages I missed while camping

Yer harvest will be insane again, nice job

Looks like my Purple Pupil Eater...aka.. Star Pupil x GDP is showy the sexy Pupil leaf colors, very very excited

I used to work for a Swedish company, doing construction for telephone switches. Everything was in metric, once got used to it I thought was simpler than standard system. But it's just a pain in the ass to keep bouncing back and forth. I like just moving decimal point over instead of fractions lol:Namaste::green_heart::passitleft:

If you're framing a 12 foot wall, and you want studs 18 inches on center You'll need 7 studs not counting the ends of the wall One of them will be in the middle of the wall. It's a very fast and easy measuremet any carpenter makes on the fly......and most tapes are marked thusly.

Of course the same exact thing can be done with the metric system! Just convert that 12 foot wall to a 365.76 cm wall and put a stud on center every 45.72 cm.......which is much more difficult and time consuming to measure.

The point is that the metric system is clumsy when it comes to building large things fast.

When you want a small thing to be very, very precise.....then it works great!

English system is great for working with your hands...metric is great for working with a computer.

I like plants because they simply don't care....
Hey gang...afternoon ya'l.
All four of the little ones got topped last night. In a few weeks they will get topped one more time.....after that it will be strictly lst'ing.(tieing down and SCing) to manage the canopy.
Harvest coming up this Sunday for the purples.
Black Cherry Punches are more than ripe , while the lone Purple Envy could go longer but...oh well....time constraints ,kids, holidays and gatherings dictate that harvest has to happen this Sunday.
Have a great evening everyone.:circle-of-love:
If you're framing a 12 foot wall, and you want studs 18 inches on center You'll need 7 studs not counting the ends of the wall One of them will be in the middle of the wall. It's a very fast and easy measuremet any carpenter makes on the fly......and most tapes are marked thusly.

Of course the same exact thing can be done with the metric system! Just convert that 12 foot wall to a 365.76 cm wall and put a stud on center every 45.72 cm.......which is much more difficult and time consuming to measure.

The point is that the metric system is clumsy when it comes to building large things fast.

When you want a small thing to be very, very precise.....then it works great!

English system is great for working with your hands...metric is great for working with a computer.

I like plants because they simply don't care....
Doc....its all personal preference brother. Use what u want and what's comfy.

I worked with incredibly tight tolerances. Inches don't work when u have 2 millimeter tolerances over 18 feet. Much easier to say 1012 millimeters than to try and guess if the tape measure says 9 feet 3 and is that 3/16 or 7/32"? Hell it could be 13/64". Now try to calculate which one is within your tolerance. An hour job of getting a system aligned is gonna take u a hell of a lot longer using standard system than the metric. Now I am sure a house builder who doesn't have tight tolerances at all will probably find using the measurement system they have been using all their life to be much easier.

I was a standard guy until I got used to the metric system. Much easier to learn to use decimal points than fractions to me! And much faster.
Yea it's easy system. I still can't believe the grown ass men that can't read tape measure lol. I've worked with a few.

Harvest time, worst part of growing lol, I hate trimming, I'm slow and old, takes me forever.
I'll be up next weekend to collect Duggs, keep the old Milwaukee cold for me lol. I really want to try that purple envy:Namaste::green_heart::passitleft:
Yea it's easy system. I still can't believe the grown ass men that can't read tape measure lol. I've worked with a few.

Harvest time, worst part of growing lol, I hate trimming, I'm slow and old, takes me forever.
I'll be up next weekend to collect Duggs, keep the old Milwaukee cold for me lol. I really want to try that purple envy:Namaste::green_heart::passitleft:
People who can't read tape measures have feelings too! *Runs away crying*

Got a job as a metal fabricator, turns out I didn't know a tape measure as well as I thought haha.
Yea it's easy system. I still can't believe the grown ass men that can't read tape measure lol. I've worked with a few.

Harvest time, worst part of growing lol, I hate trimming, I'm slow and old, takes me forever.
I'll be up next weekend to collect Duggs, keep the old Milwaukee cold for me lol. I really want to try that purple envy:Namaste::green_heart::passitleft:
My moms ex husband was a carpenter by trade. When I was about 9 he had me help him build a mud room he added onto the trailer we were living in (white trash at its finest I know) and a massive outbuilding as well. It was fun running a chop saw when I was that young. Anyways he was working for a company building cabinets at the time and he commented more than once how it was crazy how much better I could read a tape measure than most of his co-workers! That is at 9 years old while he was supposed to be working with a bunch of "professionals" lol
Doc....its all personal preference brother. Use what u want and what's comfy.

I worked with incredibly tight tolerances. Inches don't work when u have 2 millimeter tolerances over 18 feet. Much easier to say 1012 millimeters than to try and guess if the tape measure says 9 feet 3 and is that 3/16 or 7/32"? Hell it could be 13/64". Now try to calculate which one is within your tolerance. An hour job of getting a system aligned is gonna take u a hell of a lot longer using standard system than the metric. Now I am sure a house builder who doesn't have tight tolerances at all will probably find using the measurement system they have been using all their life to be much easier.

I was a standard guy until I got used to the metric system. Much easier to learn to use decimal points than fractions to me! And much faster.

Unless you're doing things that require symmetry and not incredibly tight tolerances!

And I'm just having a bit of fun.....I use both systems, as do most folks.
Here's the primary difference between the two systems:

Just got off work about an hour ago, and this back and forth between houses is starting to lose the Luster... LOL... It's only about an hour each way however just got too much going on... Garden is overgrown, Girls are in need of attention, and the BIL has kinda checked out somewhat overall... No fault of his own I guess, he starts both of his jobs now... 16 hours a day... But overall the end will justify the means right??/
.... O and did I mention I got like 30 clones at my house downstairs.... LOL....
.... Picked tomatoes and peppers for like a joints worth of time, and these Jalapenos are hot as hell.... Probably too close to Ghost Peppers.... LOL... Good Salsa for me... mMMMm
If there is anything I can do for ya PM me Yo..... Green days...
Here's the primary difference between the two systems:

Hey Hacks.....tbh I've had much better days....how bout you?

Hope it gets better for ya Duggs ... don’t let those bastards get you down. Just think of all your peeps here and of jumping off cliffs in Jamaica, to ease the stress and block out annoying people
Cm.... inches... does anyone disagree that those colas are huge?! I worked glass a long time. Lead shower installer. Pretty fun setting a door between tile and another 3/8" piece of glass when the industry standard is less that a quarter inch either way. Cant tell you how many times I got away with a 1/64th inch gap. Maybe less, but weed need Van's MM or Nanometers for that. Lmfao, cannabis is a LOT more forgiving then a 3 by 7 piece of glass
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