Duggan Does Purple Envy, Star Pupil & Black Cherry Punch With Doc's Gear!

Dont everybody get too excited ok.
Ween has a knack for this.
Sorry buck I secured my guess super early. Duggan’s last grow I waited and every good guess was gone lol. I wanted the purple bud so bad lol o_O

There's your problem Dark! You gotta wait until the last set of pics are up and then science and art work together to calculate "how much will that group of buds weigh when dry, on to the next group and so on..." Ha!:rofl:

Stage had it right, I'm gonna win! Let's say if I do win, my gf and I will make the trip out and with duggans approval you bring someone and we smoke as much of that Zip that we can! Stage, your invited too, heck everyone come along if Doogs is up for it!

Now there's a great idea.....:high-five:.....make a day of it .....:passitleft:.....Sounds proper. One hr. west of TO.
Close to Neiko......well, ok,...not that close...:surf:....lol.....I betcha a few of us ...more than a few..would make a big dent in ti. Someone's gonna have a brilliant idea ...like rolling up a real fatty...Cheech and Chong style or sumpin...I can just picture a bunch of my bestest buddies...(my mag. gang!...:slide:) all gathered around the base of my treehouse...laughin, puffin, eatin, and some of us will drink a few beers too...Stella's of course. Make it BBQ party...wow, listen to me....'drifting' ...lmao!
Ween , you crack me up ....you are gonna win....lol....what a hoot!
I like messin around with my 'Duggan's Dungeon' contest more than ,..more than....?

sent from my DeLorean...in the future!:ganjamon:
There's your problem Dark! You gotta wait until the last set of pics are up and then science and art work together to calculate "how much will that group of buds weigh when dry, on to the next group and so on..." Ha!:rofl:

Stage had it right, I'm gonna win! Let's say if I do win, my gf and I will make the trip out and with duggans approval you bring someone and we smoke as much of that Zip that we can! Stage, your invited too, heck everyone come along if Doogs is up for it!

Hey ween don’t forget the last contest I guess the same as you but you guessed first. Darn you ween.
But yes 15 hours drive or more for me but I’d come for a gathering.
Hey ween don’t forget the last contest I guess the same as you but you guessed first. Darn you ween.
But yes 15 hours drive or more for me but I’d come for a gathering.
Now there's a great idea.....:high-five:.....make a day of it .....:passitleft:.....Sounds proper. One hr. west of TO.
Close to Neiko......well, ok,...not that close...:surf:....lol.....I betcha a few of us ...more than a few..would make a big dent in ti. Someone's gonna have a brilliant idea ...like rolling up a real fatty...Cheech and Chong style or sumpin...I can just picture a bunch of my bestest buddies...(my mag. gang!...:slide:) all gathered around the base of my treehouse...laughin, puffin, eatin, and some of us will drink a few beers too...Stella's of course. Make it BBQ party...wow, listen to me....'drifting' ...lmao!
Ween , you crack me up ....you are gonna win....lol....what a hoot!
I like messin around with my 'Duggan's Dungeon' contest more than ,..more than....?

sent from my DeLorean...in the future!:ganjamon:
Hey Duggan my guess is 31 oz even if it's not taken.
Now there's a great idea.....:high-five:.....make a day of it .....:passitleft:.....Sounds proper. One hr. west of TO.
Close to Neiko......well, ok,...not that close...:surf:....lol.....I betcha a few of us ...more than a few..would make a big dent in ti. Someone's gonna have a brilliant idea ...like rolling up a real fatty...Cheech and Chong style or sumpin...I can just picture a bunch of my bestest buddies...(my mag. gang!...:slide:) all gathered around the base of my treehouse...laughin, puffin, eatin, and some of us will drink a few beers too...Stella's of course. Make it BBQ party...wow, listen to me....'drifting' ...lmao!
Ween , you crack me up ....you are gonna win....lol....what a hoot!
I like messin around with my 'Duggan's Dungeon' contest more than ,..more than....?

sent from my DeLorean...in the future!:ganjamon:

Sounds like a ball! :yahoo::theband::slide::surf:

Hey ween don’t forget the last contest I guess the same as you but you guessed first. Darn you ween.
But yes 15 hours drive or more for me but I’d come for a gathering.

I did forget. Wow, 15 hours, that's a good trip. I'm probably 6 or 7 hours away. Sure would be a hoot!

I like grams more than ounces. LOL

I don't mean to correct someone who's operates primarily on the metric system, but I believe you meant too say that you like "kilos" more than ounces. If given the choice between a gram and an oz. with all else being the same, take the oz! :ganjamon:
I don't mean to correct someone who's operates primarily on the metric system, but I believe you meant too say that you like "kilos" more than ounces. If given the choice between a gram and an oz. with all else being the same, take the oz! :ganjamon:
Tell ya what Krip.....you enjoy your ounce and I will enjoy my gramS. Key to that statement is the (s) brother! Unlike most of my North American friends, I fully embraced the metric system and know the conversions. Just don't start talking stones as a measurement. My eyes start to glaze over! LOL
Pretty sure we all use both. I've gotten so used to saying 1/4,...1/2...1, ounce etc. It's easier to say 1/2 ounce as apposed to a gram amount , like 14 grams please,..ok then, 1/2 ounce for you. Not once in my life have i ever heard another stoner say ,..i'l take 28.3 grams....it's an ounce...metric ,..imperial, who really gives a crap, easy conversion....
One of my med guys/customer will soon say "give me a half pound".....not gonna say 226.4 grams.
Anyhow , both systems are good ..or not , for somethin.

Plant stuff....the little ones are comin along nicely and have started to get stronger. Have to keep closer eye on the four...got them about 2..- 3 inches from the lamps.
Enjoy the night ya'l..
The metric system is great on paper. But if you're building stuff, like houses....or rigging sailboats.....the metric system is pidgin measurement.

The physical world is about 360 degrees, which breaks down nicely to feet and inches. Carpenter's square's work on this principle. It is hell to build a house or rig a boat using the metric system. It's just not done!

The computerized world is all about base 10. It's also about very, very small things....for which the metric system is very apropos.

Both systems are useful, but for different reasons.
hehehe...I remember after we adopted the metric system, they tried to incorporate it into building materials...dimensional lumber was left alone, but they tried to switch plywood, chipboard, OSB, drywall...it failed miserably...01101000 01100101 01101000 01100101 01101000 01100101 00101110 00101110 00101110 01001001 00100111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110101 01110011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01101111 01110100 01101000 00101110 00101110 00101110...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:...just a lil binary ...:rofl:
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