Duggan Does MK Ultra & Mazar With High Brix & Lots of LEDs

Hey Duggs!

My Mazar wasn't too hard to trim, the colas kept growing without much additional leaves. Just big fat colas with sparse leaf at the end, I was actually kinda disappointed because I didn't get much trim lol. Im looking forward to your last few weeks, gonna be some nice smoke! My friends always request the Mazar, it's good stuff.
Hey 36....thanks man!I was really starting to wonder about all this leaf ,holy fu....k bro,you should see it all . I took a full grocery bag off them the other day and you couldn't even tell! I've started to really try and thin them out cuz ther'es just no room between colas.They still have a good four or five weeks left and are starting to pack on the juice nice now.Cheers eh.:high-five:
Duggan, all is great here, thank you! I harvested a few today but the WN had a good attorney. :rofl: ..and her moving on will be..shhhh
Manana! ;)
I chopped the Kwazulu, the 2 autos..man, one, the jh x amnesia gave a lot for the pot size :), and an unknown.
I could have waited a few more days with a couple of the bunch, but my new tent was delivered today, have not put up yet..the other gorilla tent was up in under 20 min.
Peace! Have a great evening. And a stella :)
Well, i ordered some more Desfrans a bit ago and put a rush on them ,so hopefully by the end of next week i can try again .This time no roots and i'm gonna use cooked first run Kit soil or straight Pro Mix. The wait begins....again!
On a happier note ,the Mazar's are lookin stupid with resin and still have around four weeks to go min. I can't believe this strain though....absolutely no vertical growth after flipping to 12/12.When i get around to doing this strain again ,i know i can afford to let them get much bigger(height) before flipping.Still not sure how they're gonna look after it's all over.36Grow says the smoke is to die for and his "people" keep asking for it ....so i'm a bit stoked over that! They are a bit too leafy for my liking but that's just the 100% landrace indica mother coming out in them. Very sweet smelling and quite oily and sticky to the touch.G.F.'s. bringing her camera over tonight for me ,so i'l be able to show all what i mean about the resin. I have to keep telling myself that this strain was bred for the resin for hash in the mother land of Afghanistan.Yee haw....:thumb:
Re: Duggan Does MK Ultra & Mazar w/Doc Bud's High Brix Kit & Lots of LEDs

Looks BEAUTIFUL man. How do I start a thread on here

First post ....glad that's over eh....:thumb:Instructions are at the top....youle find it ! And thanks BTW. Later tonight or tomorrow i'l post some pics of how they are comin along. Cheers ghaze!:high-five:
I can't wait for pics Duggs! My Mazar was literally oozing towards the end, and tons of resin. To me, it smelt like faint sweet bananas, and that smell intensified during drying. Now cured, it has that musky dank smell, with a bit of sweetness.

How's your popcorn nugs, even those we

My mazar was seriously the easiest plant I've trimmed, nice dense nugs. My only problem was PM, my purple Staub was never affected by any humidity swings. Mazar was a weekly struggle. You haven't had that problem, I'm guessing now dialed in environment and room.

How is your popcorn nugs? Mine were dense resin balls, lol, I kept all I could manage while still keeping an arm up on the pm.

Roasting one for you Duggs!
Re: Duggan Does MK Ultra & Mazar w/Doc Bud's High Brix Kit & Lots of LEDs

PS, you can ask dutty for a second opinion, he's smoked mine and has much more strain experience. I know he didn't like growing it; but his was sativa dom.
Hey there 36....good to here from you again. So far no PM but my R.H. is very low at between 35-40, so shouldn't be a problem but i'l keep an eye on them ,for sure later on. Still have around a month or so to go.If your out there and listening Dutty chime in will ya and give me your take on Mazar.Both my Pheno's are indica dom. so look just like they're supposed to ,i guess. The one that's the nicest was the little runt that almost died and i almost pulled it cuz it was struggling so much at the very beginning and barely made it. When i look at her now i think it's just amazing hoe they can rebound and thrive. Have a great day 36 and Gang! I'm gonna get those pics up later when the sun comes up in my GR. Cheers eh!
Re: Duggan Does MK Ultra & Mazar w/Doc Bud's High Brix Kit & Lots of LEDs

Ok then gang....took a wack of photos here. Gonna post em all ...since i don't always have this camera.If your out there, previous Mazar growers of the world....please chime in will ya and tell me if i'm on track with these two! Two different pheno's ,it seems, might just be how they evolved with the training and supercropping. They like to produce a rediculous amount of leaf as they grow! Typical i suppose ,of this variety in Afghanistan. Finally got the macro working as it should be with this little Cannon.
For those of you not cought up around here....these are my two Mazar's from D.P. fem seeds. Grown in Doc Bud's gear ,in 26 gal. Rootbuilder pots. Lights are Budmaster2 ,675xg (B.I.D.s test light a while back...R.I.P.) along with two Dorm Grow 240W. all blooms, and two, Dorm Grow 90w,all red ufo's. Grow area is exhausted by 6" inline ,w/CAN filter# 33. Temps in G.R. maintained at 65-72 far.
Resin is starting here and there!:love:

It's all about a "Kit" thingy!:thumb:
Duggan! Looking awesome! :bravo:
Stella time for sure :)
Thanks eh Ziggs....ya havin a Stella right now....gonna get into my sweets soon though.:love:
Picked up a few treats at the market today...yummy. Ya know i don't bake and cook ....well ,i cook but don't really know my way around baking and stuff. Also picked up three nice Papaya's as well ....man just love those.Have a great night Zig. Cheers.
Morning Gang.....hope ya all had a nice Sat. night and all your G.R.s. bring smiles to your faces today!I've decided to start giving my Mazar's some extra Mag. from here on out. I had a real good,close look last night and only seen a few old fans showing very slight def. of Mag. They will get 1tspn/gal. with every watering for at least three in a row. They have about 4 weeks left ,so i feel it's the right time for this. Up to this point the big pots have been great at keeping these leafy beasts healthy. Time to give them a little salt now for hopefully a little more flavour and increase resin production for the last four weeks here!
Just a little note on how i give it to em.....I dissolve the epsoms in warm (distilled) water first ,then mix it in . Doing it this way ensures all the chunks of Mag. get dissolved properly before hitting the soil.Cheers Gang!:circle-of-love::420:
Gonna spray Brix tonight.Wanna take a few more pics but don't know how to set this little Cannon to filter all the purple out.Can anyone tell me how to set it or maybe it's impossible to get a GREEN pic. with the LED's burning. Hey 36G...your buddie's Mazar is lookin good. It'l fill out alot more and be special,for sure. Hats off to him 36....he's kickin it ! Gotta get to Brixen here....cheers.
You can turn off the lights for a min. Others do it too.
Hey Zigg....I wasn't sure bud....so is that how all you guys take those nice GREEN pics....just turn off the lights for a few min's.? I wasn't sure if that would affect them at all, messing with their sunshine like that. I know the pics would be a lot better for people to see if they were not all pinky/purple like they are. Thanks for the idea Zig....I'm gonna try it tonight! Cheers.
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