Duggan Does MK Ultra & Mazar With High Brix & Lots of LEDs

Duggs, you have some good times ahead of you with your mazars. Mine was oozing two nights ago, tasted very sweet!

Sorry for the sideways crappy pic, yours will be incredible!


36GrOw....hey bro!....that cola looks awesome.Congrats on that eh! Sideways pic....no matter....i just turned my monitor.:tokin: OK....got a couple Q's. for ya ,if that's cool. Is your Mazar done now?How long in bloom from first clusters(not from flip)? Do you like the buzz and flavour? Would you grow it again? Any issues thru the grow with yellowing ,curling,burnt tips etc.? Thanks so much for droppin by with your info ....it's much appreciated!

Well ,they got flipped today along with all 5 lites now on and cookin! We'll see what happens now eh.....
5 lights are Budmaster 675xg(Bid's test light a while back) in the centre with two G8 240w Bloom only on iether side with two G8 (all red) UFO's. over each plant for 5 in total. This combo of lights really rocked my yield with the last crop of MK Ultra's ,so i have high hopes for these two mazar's.
I'l post a few pics of how they've come along lately.Have to steal the GF's. camera first :slide:I'm curious to here what the "gang" thinks of the size of them before they get into budding. If i had more space i would grow them much larger but....but....i don't ,so here goes! Cheers all....Duggs.
Hey duggs! Ya my mazar just got cut down and washed tonight. Could have gone a few more days.

I don't know days from bud clusters sorry. It went 62 days in flower from flip to 11/13. Literally no yellowing until the last few days. At that point the yellowing leaves also turned a purple shade. Very beautiful plant, first comments were always how green she was. Slight tip burn after some strong teas. That's on me though. Less resistant to PM than the other 3 I had in the same tent. Never got bad or anything, just showed up at times. I suspect that is also because of me. I live in the woods in a studio above a garage, I have a dog, and we are always in the woods and gardens. Add in the fact that I live in Washington and it's winter time, I've learned to deal with it and minimize it.

I would grow this again for sure. My buddy has one in veg right now, so I may take some cuttings soon.

The outdoor girl this one was taken from, a few people noted pain relief. I didn't smoke much of it because I was irritated I let it start rotting. Looking back, I could have cut early, that fog was a bitch! I'll probably smoke some off this one when its done drying. I'll let you know!

I can't wait to see yours get going, see what the strain can do.
36GrOw....Many thanks for all the great info on Mazar! You say 62 days from flip.....wow.....short flowering time then eh. That would mean about 52/53 days to finish.That's good news as well. I was hoping for a faster finish with this one. When I can get my hands on my GF's. camera i'de like you to have a look ,and tell me how they look in comparison to yours....if that's cool? I'm gonna take some pics this weekend so the "gang" can chime in and hopefully get some feedback on them. Have a great night 36G , cheers....Duggs.
Hey "gang" ... Hope your all havin a stellar weekend! Got some time ,took some pics,little update. Today was soil day! Thought i would share my work today....let everyone see what and how i mix my "Kit" soil up ....indoors in the middle of winter ,in Canada!
After mixing in the EWC's. and the amendment from Doc 's. kit ,i fill the totes half way.....water ,then mix real good.
Time for a break!
After filling up the totes with the rest of the soil,i puor in some more H2O ....then mix this top half again ,making sure to get all the soil moist.Oh,and i forgot to mention ,i mixed in a couple handfulls of pruned fans w/ a little "Roots" in the bottom half.Some pics of my two Mazar's in 26 gal. "Rootbuilder" pots.First run "Kit" soil. Too bad the pics don't show the nice vibrant green they are!
Sorry for any repeats...i'm a little bagged. Have a great night all!! Cheers....Duggs!
I gotta write Doc. My kit didnt come with Stellas..
...Im growing my own with the Kit :)

Zig....Bro.....top of the day to ya anyhow!:passitleft: Ya eh ....should complain to Doc. eh...LMAO!
I'm not sure what happened when i was uploading to my thread....lost everything ,had to hit memory recall and i think it came back all mixed up....i didn't notice.:tokin: How bout those shortbread cookies Ziggs? Tomorrow would be a good day for me....no boys eh! My Mom used to make them at Christmas every year...they were to die for ....could get sick ,eating too many of em. Later!
Thought i'de take a few pics after a big pruning session. Spraying with Brix weekly and only spray De Stress after a pruning session or if they look tired, or just "off". I'm alternating the Transpl. and the G.E. In between they get straight H2O. Only give tea when they get the kit (Trans. & G.E.)

I'm lovin the pots btw! 26 gal's. each ,of Doc's. best!:thumb:

Have a great night "gang".....cheers.
Subbed, better late then never :).
Welcome aboard ! it's not the busiest around here yet but that may change when these two ladies start to show off! Morning "gang". Mazar's get a full Drench w/Transplant and Tea tonight . They still havn't showed flowers yet but they're in the process so i expect next week they will start. Hardly any stretch so far .:thumb:
Wow,these Mazar's took a full 2 weeks to start flowering,prolly cuz my G.R. is only at 65-70 degrees. That's with extra electric heat as well. That tells ya how fuc...in cold it 's been here lately. it's going down to -27 degrees celcius tonight....great! My hydro bill is very high this month cuz of the extra heater. My humidifier is also constantly running ,pumping out about three gal's. a day into my house ,and that only brings it up to between 45 and 50%. My furnace doesn't really get a break iether....ssssooooo sick of this winter.Wish i was in Jamaica.....wait ....real soon now!!!:thumb: As far as stretch....there was next to NO stretch at all! They have filled out quite nicely and look forward to showing them to you guys(the "gang") when i return from my short vacation.:circle-of-love:
Hi all! One more journal entry before I go. The girls got a full drench w/energy last night and a bit of Transplant and Tea. Everything is coming along nicely and they are starting to flower profusely. When I get home I will take a few pics for sure. My house sitter only has to water once which is good.Anyhow "gang", have a great week and i'l see you later eh, mon!:thumb:
Burn one for me at sunset, Duggan!

May the ocean breeze in your face, and the soothing sound of the lapping waves in your ears, last you through another winter!

Duggs buddy,

First off, enjoy your vacation, you deserve it! My mazar also didn't stretch much, but with temps in the 80s at night high 60's at night. Yours will be fatty and dense, I'm excited for you! I'm loving the smoke already!

I'm starting my first journal and hope that you and your followers can find some time to check it out. I would enjoy the insight, advice, and conversation with the knowledgeable people around here. Link is in my sig, thanks!
I'm back, late last night. We teased ourselves again for 7 days....stepped off...got to breath some warm air and feel soft warm sand between my toes.The water was clear and warm and the food was fantastic. The beer they have,... Red Stripe, sucks but that was cool cuz as soon as i could ,i had 24 Hieny's. brought to our treehouse style room. I could go on and on about this trip....we had some really cool excursions off the resort. Stepped off the cliff again at "Ricks" a few times...Visited two different sunset type bars along the cliff side out on the west end road ,right off a post card but you couls "puff" without fear of anything ,really.Have a few beers and move on..."good times"! The G.F. made sure we had that "beach " time to come back to Canada with some "colour" , so we had a few days of laying around the beach and bar ,eating and drinking ,stupid like. I made sure the resort had no Papaya left .:slide:Just love em. Ate fish three times a day ,mostly Snapper ,cooked a bunch of diff. ways and some other kinds of fish i hadn't heard of before. All in all...the week went by just as fast as i knew it would....just like it was shot out of a rifle.....we tried to be beside the bullet the whole time.;) As far as the produce and stuff.....i took my own!! Ya you heard me....shhhhhhh! Rolled 30 j's. the night before ,wrapped them,tight in three sets of ten ,in freezer bags,tapped with clear hockey tape ,then inserted into a pyrex (lab bottle),while making sure to continually wash my hands between steps.Continue to tightly tape and seal screw on lid with same tape,then tape outside of bottle with white,hockey,stick tape and label "MEDS".This was then put into my overnight shaving bag along with all my vitamins ,shaving cream and stuff,then into my "checked" bag. As soon as we were in the air in Toronto...i knew it had worked....i had done it.....now the time spent looking for really good smoke could be spent otherwise.
I still had my friend ,who we have known a couple yrs. to grab me some really nice finger hash. Made sure a few locals got to try the H.B. MK Ultra.....what a hoot you guys.They would much prefer Sativa's....met a guy from Boston ....he was soooo glad to get to smoke some .We had time to visit two diff. farms while we were there and i'm gonna post a few pics a little later tonight of those,and the two Mazar's. Cheers :circle-of-love:
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