Duggan Does MK Ultra & Mazar With High Brix & Lots of LEDs

Good morning everyone. I'm back. Id'e like to thank the few of you who cared enough to inquire how i was doing and wished me well.The last couple of months have been a whirlwind of stress for me and my G.F. My journal and relationships here on the mag suffered, because of it. Things in my life will never be the same now but we seemed to have survived our battles and can move on. My G.F has been sworn to secrecy, so info on all this is unfortunately not available.The only thing i can say is that they paid her to go away, because big corperations with deep pockets can, and will do that.We have to try and move on now and save the fight for another day.
On a positive note ....i will be doing a photo update tonight ,so all can have a look at how my two Mazar's are coming along.I've had to prune them twice now because of very thick under growth and unbelievable branching.For one watering/feeding they get about ten gallons total, it's a good thing that's only every ten days or so. That will decrease as these next couple / three weeks happen. They are still under 16" in height but they make up for it in sheer vigor and health.The main stalks on them are now very well developed and have a good size (one inch thick).These Mazar's need very little training to encourage branching and seem to be taking to the H.B. soil like no one's business.I'l take a bunch of pics when the sun comes up in the G.R. Later.
As promised! Some pics...a bunch of repeats cuz i was playing with diff. light settings to see what....I wanted to show how they branch! Yesterday i pruned a shopping bag off both of these ,and you would never know.They were choking themselves off with just too much growth inside. Have to channel that energy now to fill out my space ,just a little bit more (bigger!) Plan to flip in two weeks. Have a goal of two lbs. for the room this round with these Mazar's.Once again "Gang" i'm back and hope you all are doing well and pulling off some cool things in your G.R'ms. Cheers eh! Oh Doc...got a quick ? for ya ,if your listening...i want to start cooking some new soil....I only have 2nd. and 3rd. run amendment. Can't buy any 1st run right now cuz..... what would you recommend to get it going? Thanks.:Namaste:
agreed^^^ great to have you back Duggan!:high-five:
Plants are looking stellar man, Im really impressed with these two beauties, I CANT wait to see these beast flower!!!

Again welcome back:peace:
LOL, holy crap, Duggan!! :laughtwo:

I'm always startled when I see your plants. You grow 'em big! :cheesygrinsmiley: Fabulous training - love the tight nodes and all the low branching. :love:

I was worried aboutcha, Duggan - that was a rather ominous post you left with. It's great to have you back! :thumb: :party::allgood:
Mornin Gray and "gang" . Ya eh Gray ....thanks for the words and thoughts bro! It's nice to be back...i missed all you guys and have come to value my brothers here at the mag.People think all we do here is grow great produce....not true ....we are forming lasting friendships ,as we all continue to learn from each other.

I hope to get some time today and over the next few days ,to catch up with all your latest fun stuff.Oh ya Gray.... i got my Desfran seeds a couple weeks ago, and will be looking to you for growing info ,etc...on this great Sativa. We all know how Doc feels about landrace strains ,or at least ,strains that havn't been messed with too much.These Mazar's ,after they got "hooked up" to these 26 gal. pots just seemed to go nuclear on me....non stop explosive growth like i've never seen before. More so ,than the MK Ultra.....alot more vigor .i guess you could say.In a couple (maybe sooner) weeks i'm gonna flip them ,so i can't wait to see how they progress.
There are some plants you all have been growing i want to find out how they're all doing. Doc's Afghani's, Your (Gray) Destroyers,SGA's,beauties,Zigg's. new journal he invited me over to,i'l get there Zigg's,can't wait to check everything out. Yee haw!I know i forgot a few of you ....it'l take a few days to get cought up and i'm stoked for all your grows! Later brothers!:Namaste:
Duggan, no worries.. Im just getting going.. :) you'll catch up in no time. One big happily functioning family here at 420 :)

When you do come..Spoiler alert: You may want to bring an appetite, your beverage of choice, and a napkin :rofl:
Yes ,indeed my friend ....i shall come prepared!:yahoo:
I'm taking my little guy ( ,7) out to play some outdoor ,pond hockey/shinney today so ,just waiting for his mother's approval with my "plan" to get it all happening. It's very cold and sunny today ,here ,in Southern Ontario! Ziggs....you gonna be hangin later ?Have a great day ! Duggs.:high-five:
Ya know....just thought of something pretty cool gang.....When using Doc's "kit" and getting some grows under ones belt ,so to speak....The plants and soil seem to be almost maintainance free, with no real concerns or worries,giving us all kinds of time for other cool stuff. I can't imagine ,ever ....the worries ,and stress doing Hydrophonics! If you loose power for a day ....or even half a day,pumps stop....O2 stops,plants die ,quickly, no forgiveness.With our refined methods with Doc's. gear and findings and our own, of course, a power outage would really only mean lights out . They quickly recover when healthy, and suffer no ill effects over it.I know....i'm ramblin now...:tokin: It helps also when the drink they get is ten gallons+! and there is really no reason to fuss over them ,and so...Cheers!
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