Duggan Does MK Ultra & Mazar With High Brix & Lots of LEDs

Duggan, you can use a metal garbage can cover, handle removed, as a saucer for your huge beautiful pots.

Hey Ziggs....another great idea bud ,cheers. I wish you told me earlier cuz the garbage can idea would have prolly worked just fine. Merry Christmas Zig, have a great holiday with your people and talk to ya soon.:high-five:
What up Duggan my cannabrotha!

Been MIA for a bit but got caught back up on where I last left off before the holidays and man GREAT DAGGUM HARVEST!!!! Those MK look great and super impressive yield too!! +REP :high-five::bravo:

The new Mazar look great so far, nice big pots this time. I went to 12.5gal air pots instead of the 5gal equivalent this time and they are def much happier, its going to be frickin awesome watching you have a go in 26gals!!!! :):)

Happy Holidays, and happy new year to you and your boys! :volcano-smiley:
What up Duggan my cannabrotha!

Been MIA for a bit but got caught back up on where I last left off before the holidays and man GREAT DAGGUM HARVEST!!!! Those MK look great and super impressive yield too!! +REP :high-five::bravo:

The new Mazar look great so far, nice big pots this time. I went to 12.5gal air pots instead of the 5gal equivalent this time and they are def much happier, its going to be frickin awesome watching you have a go in 26gals!!!! :):)

Happy Holidays, and happy new year to you and your boys! :volcano-smiley:

Duuuuude! Glad to have you back!:high-five:Bin wondering how you've bin. I've been scarce around here too, lately. All kinds of stuff goin on....some good....some bad! Glad to say though,that the plants are doin great and are starting to get thick.
I'm glad to here you went to those 12.5's. bro. The difference is very noticable and worry free all thru bloom cuz of all the resources they have to draw from. The soil with doc's gear doesn't have a problem supporting very large ,heavy eater,salt lovers ,like the MK Ultra. I'm quite confident that this round of Mazar's will be my best work,to date with Doc's. H.B.'s Blend line of products ,soil methods,and of course his never ending patience with us as growers along with his desire to keep improving an already great, growing system.
Wow ....long sentence there....just puffed eh:surf:
Ya eh....that MK harvest...was about a month ago,now. What a yield this time...quality is very good and flavor is slowly coming along as the cure goes on.I'm kind of glad i'm changing up strain though...still going with an Indica heavy one,with the Mazar. It's alot closer to a true landrace,being 80% Afghani to 20% Skunk #1.
The mother was Afghani., 100% landrace Indica. Ok ,starting to ramble a bit there SGA....Anyhow ,nice to here from you....have a great day bro, and a nice time with your people over Christmas. Cheers.:passitleft:
Thanks Duggan great to be back!

I agree with you I think this is going to really really a great grow with this plant. im working on finding plants that are more amped to the HB soil which seem to be the landrace strains so this is gonna be real nice to watch.

Have a great day too ill hit ya back after Christmas!

Happy growing
I only thought of it after seeing your homemade version. :)

LMAO Ziggs....funny how that works eh??It was right in front of me the whole time..........my fu...in garbage can lid!!Couldn't see the forrest for the fu...in trees eh!! What a hoot! Oh well...these homemade jobs will do just fine. 25 bucks for the material....big deal.Hey Ziggs,have great Christmas bro...and find some time to just kick back and smell the produce ,LOL! Cheers eh:high-five:
Good morning "gang" and hope everyone had a nice Christmas and is looking forward to the New Year!
Just ordered my next strain to grow...."Desfran" fems from D.P. It's 100% Sativa mainly from South America and is a cross of "Destroyer" X "Destroyer" I have to grow it ....it's calling me....i can't explain it! Gray....help! LMAO! The stretch will for sure be a big challenge for me with these huge pots.

Anyhow , the Mazar's are looking very ,very good.Doc,....the growth these are showing is a little frightning. The leaves look dangerous....so big and thick and shiney!The stalks and stems on them are huge. They are only about 6" off the soil but you should see all the growth and branches that have already developed underneath! 12 or more branches each....Have supercropped the main stem twice now to get those side branches starting to emerge.I've started to LST them a bit now as well....just to try and get all the little side branches growing out .to compete with the "main". I'm really liking how they are taking to the soil and they seem to really like all the root space. i'm letting the big pots dry out a little before they get a full pot drench just to encourage the roots to completely fill the pots. I'l take a few pics when the sun comes up in the GR a little later. Cheers all!:circle-of-love:
Took a few pics...just to show how they are loving this first round "kit" soil!:yahoo:
Cheers and Happy New Year!
Good morning "gang" and hope everyone had a nice Christmas and is looking forward to the New Year!
Just ordered my next strain to grow...."Desfran" fems from D.P. It's 100% Sativa mainly from South America and is a cross of "Destroyer" X "Destroyer" I have to grow it ....it's calling me....i can't explain it! Gray....help! LMAO! The stretch will for sure be a big challenge for me with these huge pots.

Anyhow , the Mazar's are looking very ,very good.Doc,....the growth these are showing is a little frightning. The leaves look dangerous....so big and thick and shiney!The stalks and stems on them are huge. They are only about 6" off the soil but you should see all the growth and branches that have already developed underneath! 12 or more branches each....Have supercropped the main stem twice now to get those side branches starting to emerge.I've started to LST them a bit now as well....just to try and get all the little side branches growing out .to compete with the "main". I'm really liking how they are taking to the soil and they seem to really like all the root space. i'm letting the big pots dry out a little before they get a full pot drench just to encourage the roots to completely fill the pots. I'l take a few pics when the sun comes up in the GR a little later. Cheers all!:circle-of-love:

That sounds just perfect! You've got it now.....and with that relatively pure strain you'll begin to see some amazing things happen...just like with heirloom tomatos.

I'm finding that these Afghans I'm growing are able to take some higher soil energy, so don't be shy with feedings. The way you're describing those stems is exactly how they should be.

Nicely done. ON edit: just saw your pics! That's the stuff!
Doc....Sure is nice to have you checking "in" on us around here!Really appreciate your thoughts and wise words you offer.I was wondering about the heavy eater thing with these Mazar's as well. They seem to want to grab alot of energy from the soil....they're so vigorous and vibrant! They will get a really good drench(3-1/2 - 4 gal's. each) with full dose of tea and G.E.That's what i was planning Doc. with of course a very slow watering with that amount to completely soak the entire pot.How does this sound to you? The last watering was just tea and 1/2 strength G.E. That was about ten days ago now. Later.
Doc....Sure is nice to have you checking "in" on us around here!Really appreciate your thoughts and wise words you offer.I was wondering about the heavy eater thing with these Mazar's as well. They seem to want to grab alot of energy from the soil....they're so vigorous and vibrant! They will get a really good drench(3-1/2 - 4 gal's. each) with full dose of tea and G.E.That's what i was planning Doc. with of course a very slow watering with that amount to completely soak the entire pot.How does this sound to you? The last watering was just tea and 1/2 strength G.E. That was about ten days ago now. Later.

That sounds perfect. Toss in an ounce of Transplant for the both. It's not normal practice for most strains.
OK then....first real drench and feeding just happened. They both got 2 gal's. of straight water followed by another two gal's. each of 20mls. G.E. and 20mls. Transpl. w/each getting 4mls tea. These huge pots would have prolly taken another two gal's. each but wow.that's alot of water for one drink! Eight gal's. for one one drench for two plants. Wonder how long that will keep them happy for? Can't wait to see in the next couple days how they like it! Cheers "gang"
Speaking of strains good for the high brix soil, what are the best ones? I really want to grow some kind of cheese and god bud. I like the more fluffy buds over the hairy ones.
What up Duggan!!

Plants are looking supreme!!!

real nice structure on them!!!!!!

Im waiting on a couple new kits to get some 1st round soil ready myself and I cant wait to throw some ladies into it.

Happy Weedsday to ya D:volcano-smiley:
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