Duggan Does MK Ultra & Mazar With High Brix & Lots of LEDs

Lol...i will be going iceskating with Mrs Ziggy and Lil Ms Ziggy :) in 15 min. Back later for some awesome hot chocolate..rated R, thats for me :) and
Rated G..for Lil Ms Ziggy and Mrs Ziggy :)

See you later!

Have fun having fun!

Zig....awesome....you goin skating with your family! Have fun ....just skating,or a little stick fun, too? Now we have this in common too!Funny eh! Duggs.
Morning all!! The Mazar's got another big drink(drench) last night.They each got 15mls. Energy with 3-4mls. tea. No Transplant this time ,as last time they got a full drench with it. I'm trying to make the two drenches work against (or with) each other as Doc. mentions in his "kit" instructions.It's working as far as i can tell. Total of ten gal's. for both plants.Wow....can't believe how much water these pots will hold! Giving them 5 gal's. each and nothing comes out the bottom,and if it does,it gets sucked up pretty fast. Tonight when i check them out ....after these big drinks they get...they look alive and vibrant the next day.
I wanted to mention to Doc... the way the leaves look and feel with these. They look and feel really thick and leathery with an unusual smell to them. One plants leaves are bigger ,seem thicker and have that waxey,shiney ,fake look to them ,while the other is just so,so. It's hard to pin down, but i can just tell ,in the end they will be special....i hope!;) Have a great day "gang" cheers,...Duggs.
Ya eh LMAO! I'm a little unsure of how big to let these one's get before flip. I've never grown this strain before or to be honest no strain that only seems to grow out....and not up,if ya know what i mean! I've had to seriously prune three times now just to let the inner growth breath a little. The inner growth is almost uncontrollable it seems. Branching.....wow....never seen nothin like these Mazar's for that. They only got a little LST (tying down the "main" for a while.) thats it! Look at them! I'm just not sure how they will respond after flip....i'm a little concerned they will run out of space before ..... I do know one thing,for sure.....i love these big(26 gal.) pots.Very easy to manage feedings /watering etc. Cheers....Duggs.
Whats up Duggan:high-five: great day to you my friend!

Man 10+gal each:cheer::cheer::circle-of-love: holy crap man you are going to have a crazy time in flower. its going to be really remarkable to watch this unfold.

Great job with the waxy thick leaves! looking forward to seeing how the girls look!
Whats up Duggan:high-five: great day to you my friend!

Man 10+gal each:cheer::cheer::circle-of-love: holy crap man you are going to have a crazy time in flower. its going to be really remarkable to watch this unfold.

Great job with the waxy thick leaves! looking forward to seeing how the girls look!

SGA....hey bro! It's about 10 gal's. in total bud...A little over 5 each! Using distilled (bottled) like I do i'm just glad there's only two of em,that's for sure. It costs me $9.00 for two 5 gal. jugs every time they get a drench,which is about every 8-10 days right now but the way they're growing that will prolly get down to 4 or 5 days pretty soon! When they're in these huge pots it gets a little boring with Doc's soil cuz there's really nothing to do except once a week they get brixed,that's all folks. Almost maintainance free.....almost!

I must admit i'm a little concerned of running out of room as these weeks go by and not sure just how big to let them get before flip.Luckily 36grOw has advised me that stretch is very slight with these Mazar's. Good thing eh! Remember my goal with em is between 25 (last crop of MK Ultra in 10 gal pots.) and 32oz's.(2 lbs.) so I gotta let em get monsterous to pull a yield like that. We'll see what happens .....should be fun in flower,as you say! Thanks for droppin by and have a great night. I'm at work ,so gotta run. Cheers...Duggs.
AWWW ok 10 total gotcha.

Yeah I hear ya about it getting boring with the ease of the kit...good and bad but obviously we can agree mostly good :) guess you could always get to work on a second space :):thumb:

with those genetics I would def agree with 36grow about little stretch, its going to be incredible to watch you get these babies to the beast you want!!!!!

Im rooting for you BIG TIME :cheer::high-five:

Hope you didn't work to hard last night, catch ya back here later

AWWW ok 10 total gotcha.

Yeah I hear ya about it getting boring with the ease of the kit...good and bad but obviously we can agree mostly good :) guess you could always get to work on a second space :):thumb:

with those genetics I would def agree with 36grow about little stretch, its going to be incredible to watch you get these babies to the beast you want!!!!!

Im rooting for you BIG TIME :cheer::high-five:

Hope you didn't work to hard last night, catch ya back here later


SGA....not much time today to shoot the breeze....got the boys this weekend and it's a busy one with hockey,soccer and my own hockey ....all the while doing all the cooking and cleaning and everything else that goes with two boys!Get back when i have more time....getting supper ready now....it never stops......Cheers eh...Duggs.
SGA....hey bro! It's about 10 gal's. in total bud...A little over 5 each! Using distilled (bottled) like I do i'm just glad there's only two of em,that's for sure. It costs me $9.00 for two 5 gal. jugs every time they get a drench,which is about every 8-10 days right now but the way they're growing that will prolly get down to 4 or 5 days pretty soon!

You should really drop $120 for a cheapo RO system from the 'bay. I'm quite happy with mine. :cheesygrinsmiley: The only thing that's annoying is the 3 gallon tank - gotta keep a couple 5 gallon buckets full to have enough onhand - no big deal. But no buying and hauling water, and it pays for itself in a matter of months.
You should really drop $120 for a cheapo RO system from the 'bay. I'm quite happy with mine. :cheesygrinsmiley: The only thing that's annoying is the 3 gallon tank - gotta keep a couple 5 gallon buckets full to have enough onhand - no big deal. But no buying and hauling water, and it pays for itself in a matter of months.

Gray...brotha....cheers bro. Ya, i know it makes sense...but ...but....i thought those things needed a water line hook up.That's a good price as well .So with the Can. $ being so low right now ,that would translate to about 200 or so. It's very far down on my priority list right now.Love to have a little RO system though.Hey Gray ,last time i looked you were rockin the POTY!!:cheer: How much longer you gotta go bro?. Good to see ya ....Cheers...Duggs.
Hey Gray ,last time i looked you were rockin the POTY!!:cheer: How much longer you gotta go bro?. Good to see ya ....Cheers...Duggs.

That contest runs until Feb 5, so I have several more days of tick, tick, tick torture. :laughtwo:
Good day "gang"! Little update here....but ....i know this is a boring journal with only two plants in veg. right now but it'l be picking up in the next few weeks as i flip em,which is going to be real soon.
They got another BIG drink just now of a full 5 gal's. each of just water. The watering intervals are shrinking as i expected to just 7 days now to drink it all. I am continually taking off fans to make room....they are stupid bushy.....too bushy in fact.There are twenty ,plus branches off the "main",that's plenty for my yield goal.Now i just have to wait a tiny bit longer before flip,maybe a week,we'l see. Anyhow,have a great night everyone....time for a little H.B. MK Ultra....AHHHHHH! oh,and a Stella.:thumb:
Duggs, you have some good times ahead of you with your mazars. Mine was oozing two nights ago, tasted very sweet!

Sorry for the sideways crappy pic, yours will be incredible!

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