Duggan Does MK Ultra & Mazar With High Brix & Lots of LEDs

Must be nice Doc to have a sample of your stuff anywhere you go. Or a sample from product you helped grow. You've got quite the following and for good reason. It's like you donated to sperm banks for years and now your kids brought you money!!

What a gig! :)

Big difference is you've been a huge part in your kids lives!!

Hope my analogy doesn't gross you out, it's a compliment ;)

Oh, and duggan I'm here to learn, thank you and good luck with your plants!!
Must be nice Doc to have a sample of your stuff anywhere you go. You've got quite the following and for good reason. It's like you donated to sperm banks for years and now your kids brought you money!! What a gig! :)

Big difference is you've been a huge part in your kids lives!!

Hope my analogy doesn't gross you out, it's a compliment ;)

Oh, and duggan I'm here to learn, thank you and good luck with your plants!!

Mornin MedMan! Please drop by any time brotha....your always welcome here....don't know how much you'le learn here but it's nice to here you say that! Have a great day ....till next visit!:high-five:
Ahh shucks Zig....I really think we all learn so much here at the mag. People are so willing to jump in and assist other growers they don't even know....I think that's incredible to say the least. It's not always the BIG things we learn either,sometimes it's just a little tip here or there ....or some good advise on a small issue that results in a better grow or strengthening a relationship that matters. I've gotten worked up a few times over the last 1-1/2 yrs. at times and there has always been someone to jump in and assure me things will be OK or just talk it out and wake me up ,so to speak.I'l always hold a place in my heart for "the mag" and it's members and of course our teacher....Doc Bud!:Namaste::thanks::thumb:
Ahh shucks Zig....I really think we all learn so much here at the mag. People are so willing to jump in and assist other growers they don't even know....I think that's incredible to say the least. It's not always the BIG things we learn either,sometimes it's just a little tip here or there ....or some good advise on a small issue that results in a better grow or strengthening a relationship that matters. I've gotten worked up a few times over the last 1-1/2 yrs. at times and there has always been someone to jump in and assure me things will be OK or just talk it out and wake me up ,so to speak.I'l always hold a place in my heart for "the mag" and it's members and of course our teacher....Doc Bud!:Namaste::thanks::thumb:

Duggan, Agreed! People helping and assisting others is unwritten policy here...its a great family! :)
Mornin Gang....can't wait to get some new pics up of how the girls are lookin after the two C.D's. and their first dose of Epsoms. I can really notice the Landrace effect that Doc always talks about with H.B. soil, salt lovers and all that!These Mazar's ,being very close to pure Landrace are absolutely loving this soil. Still have close to 4 weeks left .I've NEVER in over 25 yrs. seen resin on my plants like this!Thanks Doc and all my friends . What a great place! Cheers all, and have a fantastic day!.....Duggs.:Namaste:
Mornin Gang....can't wait to get some new pics up of how the girls are lookin after the two C.D's. and their first dose of Epsoms. I can really notice the Landrace effect that Doc always talks about with H.B. soil, salt lovers and all that!These Mazar's ,being very close to pure Landrace are absolutely loving this soil. Still have close to 4 weeks left .I've NEVER in over 25 yrs. seen resin on my plants like this!Thanks Doc and all my friends . What a great place! Cheers all, and have a fantastic day!.....Duggs.:Namaste:

Landrace is the way to go! Not the only way....but just like heirloom tomatos, they're just better!
OK then.....not much time for this but here are some hurried-up pics of the ladies 10 min.s before i serve the boys supper,clean-up,take them across town,home,then get ready real quick, and go to my last hockey game for the season! Wew....made me tired just thinken that fast.:laughtwo:
So,they are about 3 good weeks away yet and smelling very fruity...like a wild fruit....hard to explain....very strong and long lasting smell after handling and pruning. Enjoy....please!:thumb:
Mazar....they will get G.E. from here on out with a little Trans. ,Tea, and Epsoms ....we'le see what happens....i'm hoping they will thicken up a little and really fill out nice!:blunt: Have a great night Gang...gotta book!.....Duggs.
Duggs, do you typically feed/drench in the plant's nighttime or just whenever is convenient?

I always like to give them their drink just after (within a couple hours) the lights come on. I run the lights at night to save $$....so when I get home from work at around 4:angel:Love:,the lights will have just come on....that's when I water. Cheers eh!
Hello all my 420 brothers....the Mazar ladies got a nice drink a bit ago. 3 gal's. each of G.E.,1/4 Transpl.,Tea and epsoms. This is the first G.E. they've gotten in a while so i suspect i'l really see them goin the next few days. They're at the time in their cycle when they should bulk up nicely. I prefer to give less water but more often when in flower.....just to always have the soil moist....unlike in veg when we want the soil to partialy dry out to encourage roots. When in flower that's not a good practice. it's much better to give less,but more often! Have a great night "Gang".Cheers eh .....Duggs.:tokin:
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