Duggan Does Ace's Zamal Hash With Doc's Gear - Huge Pots & Lots Of LEDs

Morning Major...just chillin a little this mornin....got the boys , so....My Zamal Hash plants have shot up quite a bit showing alot of Sativa traits with that spread out lanky look....long internodes and stretchy growth. I'm a lil dissaapointed in it so far. It's showing all Sat. traits and NO Indica signs at all...not to mention it's still growing up ...not liking this at the moment. I've grown loads and loads of hybrids that were around 50/50 like these but no where near the Sat. show these are putting on. As soon as i get more time i'l post a few pics showing what i mean. Cheers gang and have an awesome Sunday!
I don't have your experience, and I was surprised at the difference in my two outdoor strains. There is supposedly only a 10% difference in their Sativa/Indica ratio, but they grew completely different. Even the same Pitbull growing this time is much more lanky. I'm sure it is due to the crowding. It is reacting by trying to get above the competition.
May I say how proud it makes me to swing through here and always find you in teaching mode? Yeah, more proud than that. :hug:

Great work Duggan. I cannot believe you got more lanky girls. Is there a lighting differential to that back area that causes those back pots to challenge you so, or are you just naturally blessed with challenging girls? I've only really watched one of your grows before this.

You'll find this in the morning, and I'll finally be in bed by then surely (hopefully) so let me take this chance to wish you a wonderful, joy-filled day. :battingeyelashes: :love:
May I say how proud it makes me to swing through here and always find you in teaching mode? Yeah, more proud than that. :hug:

Great work Duggan. I cannot believe you got more lanky girls. Is there a lighting differential to that back area that causes those back pots to challenge you so, or are you just naturally blessed with challenging girls? I've only really watched one of your grows before this.

You'll find this in the morning, and I'll finally be in bed by then surely (hopefully) so let me take this chance to wish you a wonderful, joy-filled day. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Hey Susan....thanks for the visit and always kind words! No...the lighting has zero to do with it Sue, the front pot is lanky too. All three are growing the same way...very , very Sativa looking. I didn't think they would stretch quite as much as they have.Approx. 100% growth in height since flip. They're right at my chin now, so lights are already almost at the very top of GR. Gave Brix today and tried to rotate them a lil , but it's sooo hard with such a small space. They're really healthy and i'm not worried about that part of this grow...not one burnt tip or bad leaf yet so i'm thinken brix levels are where they should be. I need to get in there real soon and give them another good pruning....just to open up the middle a bit more and cut off any under performing branches. Now's the time for that...before bloom gets too deep. Cheers SS and Gang, and have a great night everyone!:circle-of-love:
Mornin Ziggs, ya bud, if ya go with any more than that youl'e be wasting your cash. I've always thought right around 50-60 w/sq. ft. is about the most our indoor plants can utilize with our fake sunshine. My goal is to not make the lighting a "limiting" factor and to give them all they can use.Too much and other things become the limiting factors ,like CO2,nutrients etc. Cheers gang and have an awesome day!

Going to have to say me three on that one. I'm getting some noticeable fall off on the edge of my scrog. Silly me let them get too big and now all the biggest tops are out on the edges...My initial thought was to get one more small panel ...but I recognize I may be flirting with disaster if I go that way.
Mornin CC...ya , there is a slight problem with letting our girls get a lil too big during veg. What happens is they get so big and tall that our main light no longer hits all of it and the outer edges suffer for it. Most growers here know this and flower their plants before this becomes an issue. Me ,on the other hand ,grow em really big during veg . ,so I'm always faced with a challenge come bloom time and ALWAYS hope for minimal stretch during that first couple/ three weeks of bloom. These Zamals are no exception , as they have stretched a little more than I would have liked.....that's OK cuz after those Desfrans I just laugh at stretchy plants now....:rofl: :blunt: Have an awesome day CC and Gang.
Morning to all my brothas I havn't had time to visit....cheers eh! :circle-of-love:
Hy duggan

Have a Zamaldelica and Panama going 1-2 weeks before chop with some others.
All are very frosty the Panama is even unreal but Zamal has very little frost.
Did you also see that or is it my pheno ?
Hy duggan

Have a Zamaldelica and Panama going 1-2 weeks before chop with some others.
All are very frosty the Panama is even unreal but Zamal has very little frost.
Did you also see that or is it my pheno ?
Well Dark, your post has me very ,very worried! My Zamal Hash's are only 10 days or so into bloom(not flip) and NO visible resin AT ALL!
Remember two of my Desfrans were like this and basically were scrap, or garbage after flowering for 14 plus weeks...not good! These Zamals were chosen for three reasons...#1 , they're only 50%Sativa, #2 , they're from Ace ,and everyone has been raving about them, so.... and finally #3, they're supposed to be a good resin producer as they are 50% Hash Plant! If they don't produce for me i'l be not only very pissed but will run out of produce LONG before another crop can be harvested. All my hopes are on these three plants to , not only rescue me and my finances but supply me with medicine for the next four months or so while the next crop is growing. It actually really bothers me that there's no resin yet but i'l be patient......maybe! Thanks for the heads up Dark! Cheers and have a great day !

Oh ya , one more thing.....why the hell are some of these pheno's not making any resin....example , your Zamadelica....my last Desfrans....what causes this lack (hardly any at all) of resin with some pheno's? Anyone?
Have faith, duggan! I bet these turn out great for ya. :morenutes: :popcorn: :lot-o-toke: :woohoo:
Hey duggs, just snapped some phone pics of my zamadelica........3 weeks and 2 days..........


Edit: hey duggs, just read yr whole post......lol. You know we r running diff strains.......its just everyone seems to be saying zamal for everything.....anyway, hit em hard with a cat drench.....lol, no man all seriousness.....I'm pulling for ya, I cant believe you can have two bad runs in a row.....
Hey duggs, just snapped some phone pics of my zamadelica........3 weeks and 2 days..........


Edit: hey duggs, just read yr whole post......lol. You know we r running diff strains.......its just everyone seems to be saying zamal for everything.....anyway, hit em hard with a cat drench.....lol, no man all seriousness.....I'm pulling for ya, I cant believe you can have two bad runs in a row.....
Hey Nate, top of the day to ya my brotha...ya , everyone says Zamal...but Zamal what? These three are Zamal Hash! I'm really hoping i don't have another bunch of DUD plants...i'l lose my freekin mind if i grow these out and they don't make any resin.Thanks for the CD tip....dunno when or with how much yet ,as far as that goes. They're due for a big drink and a Drench,....i'm a little undecided on what to give em now...just dunno pal! It's a lil early for the CD so, maybe just GE and some Tea....Just not sure yet. Thanks again for droppin by Nate! Cheers brotha!:high-five:
Subbed for the rest of this one. Read through, looks amazing! 26gal pots is insane.

Hey there RB...was up ? What's your story? Thanks for stoppin by and if ya like this journal, there's plenty more on this forum from many excellent growers! Ya, the 26 gal. pots...no worries of the soil runnning out of gas.....never does...plants just love all the resources they have throughout the entire grow. Cheers RB!:circle-of-love:
Ok Gang....a few pics of my lil jungle! They just got 4 gal's. each of 30mls. GE. W/5mls. Tea. I know some will ask why not give CD now....i simply don't know why....i'm goin on a feelin with these. GE for now ...but next time CD for sure....this way bud development WILL NOT be slowed down just yet. When they do get the CD they'le be ready for it.
As well gang , just thought i'de mention how the Brix last night really started something good here!!...noticed alot more pistels than the night before....could just be that time for turbo pistels to start ...dunno.It's bin 22 days since flip and 12 since pistels. Anyhow Gang enjoy the pics ....it's been a little while ,so...
Just a few buds eh!! :Namaste:
Yeah, just a few! :rofl: Regardless of the current lack of frostiness, they're stacking beautifully. Have you asked anyone at ACE about the trichome production characteristics of this strain? They may be known late starters, and if you know that you're less stressed about it. I'm hoping they start and just amaze you with how quickly they frost up. Pulling for you Bud. :hug:
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