Duggan Does Ace's Zamal Hash With Doc's Gear - Huge Pots & Lots Of LEDs

Evenin Ziggs....how's all my brotha! Got some pics here to show....some bloom start with the Zamal hash's and a few pics of my furnace for Neiko to check out. A couple shots are of the lst i'm doing on two of the mains....they were starting to get away on me there so....no serious breakage though...just some gentle tieing down (to itself) with my all time fav. ,...pipe cleaners, of course...fast, cheap, and easy.....nice!!;)
So many of the Gang i've not visited...just so ya's all know, i've bin here but not really, if that makes any sense.
Anyhow a few pics of my Just blooming ladies!
Have an awesome night everyone....:circle-of-love:
Duggan, it's so good to watch the room fill up with blooming plants again. Wow! That went fast! I just love your monster pots. :laughtwo: Obviously, the plants do too.
Duggan and Graytail in considering different plans for a future grow area I researched foam board insulation, there are a few types (extruded, expanded etc) and they naturally have different pros and cons concerning things such as moisture, bugs, minor off gassing, r-value and stability, fire and resulting noxious smoke. There is an alternative, reflective roll insulation, which has less to no issues (Class A/Class 1 fire rating), is thinner and r-value of 3 and up. I just wanted to mention these things to encourage research while looking for solutions. I am big on fire issues, having lost one home to a forest fire and one to electrical problem in a house only 8 years old. One of the first items to enter my grow space will be the automatic fire extinguisher(s). Stay safe and keep'em green.
:bong: :peace:
That's a nice sky you have there. :love: How many watts/sqft are you running?


@hemper - I'm looking at the closed cell foam with foil backing. At 3/4 inch you get R-5 I think.
When I last looked at insulation, rigid polyisocyanurate foam, looked good. 1" thick provides R6 and comes with foil or white surfaces. Very easy to work with and has/had the highest rating of any material I could find. It can even act as a fire suppressant in some cases.
looking great, duggan, as usual!! :bravo:

i hope you like the Ace stuff even 1/2 as much as I do :)
Thanks Ziggs...ya me too pal, i've got lofty hopes for these three. Cheers eh!
Duggan, it's so good to watch the room fill up with blooming plants again. Wow! That went fast! I just love your monster pots. :laughtwo: Obviously, the plants do too.
Hey Sue, it sure doesn't take long for em to grow up eh.....just like our own kids! These Zamal's ...i must say ...look very , very happy , i'm stoked...yeepa, yeepa. Not one burnt tip or bad leaf! Brix seems to be climbing...i really should start checking that. Have a great day girl.
Duggan and Graytail in considering different plans for a future grow area I researched foam board insulation, there are a few types (extruded, expanded etc) and they naturally have different pros and cons concerning things such as moisture, bugs, minor off gassing, r-value and stability, fire and resulting noxious smoke. There is an alternative, reflective roll insulation, which has less to no issues (Class A/Class 1 fire rating), is thinner and r-value of 3 and up. I just wanted to mention these things to encourage research while looking for solutions. I am big on fire issues, having lost one home to a forest fire and one to electrical problem in a house only 8 years old. One of the first items to enter my grow space will be the automatic fire extinguisher(s). Stay safe and keep'em green.
:bong: :peace:
Mornin Hemper...very good advice my brotha...reps on the way for your thoughts. They are right on the money!! Research, learn,apply knowledge for a safe functional grow room.Cheers eh.
That's a nice sky you have there. :love: How many watts/sqft are you running?


@Hemper - I'm looking at the closed cell foam with foil backing. At 3/4 inch you get R-5 I think.
Gray...good Q ...no time right now but later i'l figure that watts /sq. ft. out. Goin out for breaky with the GF.
So many choices for insulation eh...they're prolly all pretty good but what Hemper said about "off gasses" would have me a lil cautious. Cheers pal...get back later with that answer.
I grew high brix mk-ultra on my first high brix grow and it was the best I've had to date.:Namaste:
FF....ya , you said it brotha...MK-Ultra...just love it. Had two phenos with it, grew it out from seed three separate times. One pheno was off the charts for flavour, just heavenly!Highest yielding of all my kit grows . I'm gonna put another one in the single pot next round...lookout !I need one more light for that . I think i would like another big BM right beside the other BM and move the two G8 240,B's. to the opposite side as the UFO's. We'll see, that's alot of bones for that light...think i paid around a g. for it. Anyhow cheers eh!
When I last looked at insulation, rigid polyisocyanurate foam, looked good. 1" thick provides R6 and comes with foil or white surfaces. Very easy to work with and has/had the highest rating of any material I could find. It can even act as a fire suppressant in some cases.

Hey Major...ya, there's alot of suitable products out there that will work great for our purposes. All my GR needs , is a little extra heat in the winter. Was never an issue before ,when i was running all H.I.D.'s. Not complaining one bit ,but last winter when i did the Mazar, the temps struggled to get up to 70F. Too cool, especially lights out temps. Anyhow , gotta book...later Gang.
Hello gang...hey Gray, got that number. It's 40.6 W/sq. Ft.

All five lights draw an actual 829W. GR is 20.42sq. ft. I would like to add more, another BM would be perfect...just for when things get really bushy and ya want some very bright light getting down deep. We both prune the same Gray...stripping everything off for the first half of every branch....kind of what some say is "loli-popping".Really encourages nice growth from there up. Anyhow Gray , how is that number compared to yours? 40.6w/sq. ft. Cheers .
I have 1020 watts in 19 sqft = 53.7 w/sqft.

It's really helping to get light to everything, not just the center of the space. I have 8 plants stuffed in there, and they're all thriving.

I have 1020 watts in 19 sqft = 53.7 w/sqft.

It's really helping to get light to everything, not just the center of the space. I have 8 plants stuffed in there, and they're all thriving.


Ya ...when they are small , one light is plenty but late in veg. and going into bloom ,one just doesn't get enough light to the outer edges, so now your GR is very inefficient (spelling?) Two BM's. , side by side ,with the other four G8 lites on iether side...ya baby, that's what i'de like. Cheers Gray, and thanks for asking that Q,....now i know myself too.:thumb:
Mornin Ziggs, ya bud, if ya go with any more than that youl'e be wasting your cash. I've always thought right around 50-60 w/sq. ft. is about the most our indoor plants can utilize with our fake sunshine. My goal is to not make the lighting a "limiting" factor and to give them all they can use.Too much and other things become the limiting factors ,like CO2,nutrients etc. Cheers gang and have an awesome day!
Mornin Ziggs, ya bud, if ya go with any more than that youl'e be wasting your cash. I've always thought right around 50-60 w/sq. ft. is about the most our indoor plants can utilize with our fake sunshine. My goal is to not make the lighting a "limiting" factor and to give them all they can use.Too much and other things become the limiting factors ,like CO2,nutrients etc. Cheers gang and have an awesome day!

Interesting. We know that Graytail's Land 'O Light is definitely working. :laughtwo: As I read this Duggan, I found myself wondering what square footage ratio Atrain blasts his POTM girls with. Two within six months, the man knows what he's doing, and a big part of that from his first grow was to hit them with so much light that I actually cautioned him at one point early on. He ignored me and won his first award. :laughtwo: I'll have to ask him and get back to you on that.
Mornin Ziggs, ya bud, if ya go with any more than that youl'e be wasting your cash. I've always thought right around 50-60 w/sq. ft. is about the most our indoor plants can utilize with our fake sunshine. My goal is to not make the lighting a "limiting" factor and to give them all they can use.Too much and other things become the limiting factors ,like CO2,nutrients etc. Cheers gang and have an awesome day!

duggan, good morning!! :)

i agree! my small potted plants get too much light sometimes...

Great day to you and yours!!
Top of the day to all my brothas , and SS. Checking in on the tripletts tonight....flowering is proceeding slow, more stretching goin on than expected.The back plant is the lanky one...very Sativa looking. Ya know ,i got this funny feelin ,that back pot is gonna be a Sat. pheno and take forever to finish....i just feel it. She's got alot of soil to work with , just like the Desfran...at the back ,so .:surf: Ive already had to LST a few of the taller mains.
So , out of the three, there's a runt, she's in the double pot. Colour still looks really good and water uptake is increasing . I'm not quite sure of what Drench they would prefer next...so ,like Doc. says..."if your not sure , use G.E.", so i think that's what they'le get. They will also get the Recharge, scratched in good before they're drink.
Something i've bin wanting to say about pruning....more for first timers or newbies. There will be a natural tendancy to ignore bottom or early branch growth as the plant takes charge of the space and all is looking really good.It's very important for yield and quality to make sure all, or most of that deep inside stuff is pruned , as well as any lower underperforming branches. All that wasted energy goes to the main canopy. So many different ways to cultivate ....so rewarding.:passitleft: Hope everyone is doin good, cheers.
Morning Duggs! Hey sorry I haven't been around lately........work is super busy. The close up pic of the takeoff shows the tapered end I was talking about. If you are putting your new 4" run in the same area just copy the one you showed me, if going farther down the trunk line keep the tapered end pointing back towards the furnace.
:amen: to that Duggan!
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