Just wanted to report back on my first Lo 'n Slo. I took everyone's advice and kept the faith
By day 14 the hum. in the refrig was registering 63° and the buds were no longer sticking (well, some were) to each other or the bags. Did a test jar w/hygrometer and they were approx. 65°. Close enough for me to to finish drying and begin a pre-cure.
Being a little squished in the jar the buds are sticking together a bit when I burp them, but that's to be expected with HB ultra sticky buds, right?.
I've posted the following method before - may have been another thread. Anyway, this method was given to me by a dispensary owner/grower and it's worked well for me.
Day 1-3: Lids off 3 x for 10 min.
Day 4-6: Lids off AM and PM for 10 min
Day 7-9: Lids off once for 30 min
Day 10: Ready
After that, I open and do a visual inspection about once a week leaving the jars open for 15-30 min depending if the buds feel too moist. As many of you have experienced, HB buds can be VERY sticky, so I make sure to separate any that are sticking. Knock on wood, but in five years I haven't had any mold issues with this method. BTW, I use 62% Bovedas.