Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck


Quantity 3: 2700k CFL Flowering Bulbs
Quantity 3: 6500k CFL Grow Bulbs
thanks for helping out. I have the little girl in a wool pod in a shot glass with water. I will take a pic now and send it along. I have a grow box I bought from Dealzer, itis 3' tall and 2'wide. The lights are listed above. It didn't come with instructions and my first grow started out okay except I didn't know about height and the plants stretched so bad I had to give them to a friend who is a grower and she is trying to rescue them. This is the last of my purchased seeds and of course will be another learning tool. Do I need to build up a station just under the lights and should I have all three lights on with one plant. And, my other grow I tried, the leaves dried out and crisped under the lights although some of the old timers thought it might be my nutes. Oh, and to date I've done nothing other than germinate.


Hi, friends. :ciao: Hope you're all having wonderful, green days. :rollit:

The girls got fed today - 15 ml Super Plant Tonic, 30 ml Grow It Green, 7.5 ml Flower Power in a gallon of water. They each got half a gallon (1.9L). This is double the amount they usually get. Let's hope they flourish instead of flounder. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Here are a couple pictures right after they were fed.

Day 59





And now I'm going to admit something I'm a little embarassed about.

When I started growing I didn't have a pH meter so I went to the store and bought some strips. Silly me didn't look at the bottle before buying it (won't do that again). The color key only goes down to 6.8 (up to 8.4). That was a bummer, but I figured I'd use them until I could buy a proper meter.

Well, I got home and tested my water straight out of the tap. Wow, 7.0 right on the nose. I always let my tap water sit out for days to evaporate off the chlorine before using it on my plants. I tested it again after letting it sit. Wowzers, 6.8. It does go down a bit after adding my nutrients, and honestly, I'm not sure what it is, but I'm guessing somewhere around 6.2-6.4.

The first strip (the lighter one) is after adding nutes. The second one is tap water that has sat out for four days.

This is my runoff. I think it actually goes up a tad. Somewhere before 6.2 and 6.6ish, I'm guessing.

I'm about a couple months into my grow now without a pH meter. I actually knocked it off my Christmas list. I will get one if my tap water changes drastically, but at this rate I'm happy without it. :partyboy:

I'm planning on taking some clones in a couple hours. I was going to do it last night, but I read that it's better to do it after feeding so that your clone has some food to survive on. I'd like to take a couple from each plant, and I plan on trying a couple different methods. Hopefully I'll have a decent update tomorrow about the process.

Also..... :yahoo: my HID setup was delivered today! :party:

I'm going to tinker with that for a bit - maybe even see if I can hang it up.

Happy tokes!


Lady's looking great, Keep it up :thumb:
Hi, friends! :circle-of-love:

It's all about that LST! :rofl:

Good one - I'd say that's very accurate. My poor fellow's will looks like one of LA's creations after all these years. :laughtwo:

3 AM, that's a long after show party.

I'd say 85% of the time when you see me on that late I'm sneaking my phone under the covers in bed. When I'm doing this I only read and never reply to anything... I hate making posts on my phone: I can't see my whole response at once (have to scroll); auto-correct might make me have baby watts; I can't access all them 'motacons! :goof:

Hi Mono :ciao: :passitleft:

Heya Mick. Good weed to you too, sir! :high-five: :bongrip:

Good afternoon, Heady :ciao: I've been sleeping my mornings away lately. Ironically enough, I get up early when I'm smoking regularly because I'd rather be smoking than sleeping. When there's no weed, there's no reason to get up. :rofl:

:battingeyelashes: Hi Rico :battingeyelashes:

How are the Clone Rangers doing Dresney?

I'm so glad you asked. :partyboy:

Here they are 4 days after the snip.

Pascalle v2.0 is doing fine. She's grown a bit and is working on a new node. There is also new growth forming where I cut off some lower leaves.

Loretta v2.0 still looks a little sad, but she is doing way better than she was when I first cut her. She is way perkier and isn't resting her leaves on the cup anymore. She has grown quite a bit and is working on her second new node.

Here you can see the leaf I dyed with my red towel. I wouldn't believe that's what happened unless I saw it... and I did, so... yeah. :loopy:

Here are the big girls today.

Day 64


I took her upstairs by the window for a natural light photo shoot... although there wasn't much sun. It's cloudy and gray out again. We got a couple more inches of snow overnight and this morning.


Upstairs with the kitties swarming... :bitingnails:

Back in The Lady Cave at a safer elevation.

Here they are tucked safely back in their veg nook - their home for only two more weeks! :yahoo:

They tolerated their last feeding well (it was double the amount they usually get). They were a bit droopy for several hours afterward, but were very perky and happy the next morning. I'll be sticking with that amount (2L each) from now on unless I need to increase it down the road.

Pascalle has pistils on every budsite that I've seen. I can't find any pistils on Loretta. :straightface: She had that one nub that looked like the beginning of lady bits and I haven't seen any nubs since then. And I have no idea where that nub is now... buried in her foliage somewhere. Is it weird for her not to have pistils anywhere several weeks after showing a lady bit?

Going to make my rounds now.

Quantity 3: 2700k CFL Flowering Bulbs
Quantity 3: 6500k CFL Grow Bulbs
thanks for helping out. I have the little girl in a wool pod in a shot glass with water. I will take a pic now and send it along. I have a grow box I bought from Dealzer, itis 3' tall and 2'wide. The lights are listed above. It didn't come with instructions and my first grow started out okay except I didn't know about height and the plants stretched so bad I had to give them to a friend who is a grower and she is trying to rescue them. This is the last of my purchased seeds and of course will be another learning tool. Do I need to build up a station just under the lights and should I have all three lights on with one plant. And, my other grow I tried, the leaves dried out and crisped under the lights although some of the old timers thought it might be my nutes. Oh, and to date I've done nothing other than germinate.



How many watts are your bulbs? You could probably get away with just 1 or 2 bulbs on a little bitty seedling and then add more as it gets a bit bigger. I started out with just one 26 watt 6500K CFL on each of my plants and they were fine. I'd say you should get your seedling within 2-4 inches of your CFLs to minimize the stretch. Just hold your hand at leaf level for a bit - if you don't feel any heat it's fine for your plant.

Heya, Northmann :ciao: Happy to see you drop by! Hope everything is good and green for you. :rollit:
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