Dr. Strange Bud - How I Quit Worrying And Learned to Love The Medi Bomb

good weed WB:)
I hope you do get to use the stuff that everyone has shared here at:420:
I keep up with a lot of journals, I just sit here all day
and take all the info in so when i can use it I have it.

good weed Alex:) it is about 60% and will stay that way.didnt get as much stretch from the Medi Bomb I was hopping for. thats ok though. once it grown out I think I will get a nice stash:) at least enough to hold me over till the next grow is done:)
How's the Scrog coming along fishcake what % of the screen is filled now?

I think i see the future here !

I can only hope Invi:)

you sure got a whole lot of pages in your journal,
even a quick flick through could take a week,lol

hows it my friend
good DP, and a good weed to you.:) got a lot of good folks keeping their eye on me so I don't stray down the wrong road:)

Morning Fish&Pond!

Have a great weed!
From the silence over here i suppose 4th celebrations went really nice :)
good weed if I didn't say it to you before Invi:)
just another day really.:)

Happy weed Sir Fish
A fine weed to you Ash:) hope you have many of them!

I just love reading an being apart of these journals:cheesygrinsmiley:
Jaga a fine weed to you buddy:) I love that you are a part of my journal and a member of this great community here at:420:

what page is it today?:)

Good weed day to you Mr Fish Prabhu Ji:thumb: my Mrs is maybe as soft as me an she made a comment live last night :cheesygrinsmiley: butshe carried on reading an she read the post from JTG it made her cry she really felt the love come through:circle-of-love: You an all of the people I have met during your journal are so great
genuine people the best:love:
JTG is very good folk and has much good karma. I'm proud to have met him at least in cyber land:):circle-of-love:

Good weed fishy! I trust you had a great holiday yesterday! I never get to have fun like I used to, one semi large firecracker and I'm afraid I'd be in big trouble....it's too dry to go out and do one big one.....LOL
I did and hope you did too Mc:) I think you got the right idea. save those fireworks for new years:circle-of-love:
its thursday WB but I will always cherrish your greetings no matter what day it is!
now go smoke another one:)
Good Fry-Day fish and friends.
Hell your right WB! see I was a carpenter and didn't retain all of my fingers so I cant keep count anymore.
Fish its Fry-Day my friend. My meds come in today so i know its Fry-Day lol.
so the high school wood shop teacher and the English teacher got done with everything and decided to celebrate the weekend at the bar.
they walk in and sit down and the shop teacher sticks his middle finger up at the barmaid. the barmaid walks over and with a stern voice says"why did you just give me the finger?" the shop teacher replies "I just wanted 2 beers"
think about it:)
MC im lucky to have all my fingers. I was a sawman for 30 yrs in a cabinet shop.
I almost cut my left thumb off once but thats about it on the finger cutting lol.

LOL, I love my sawman! I got em all, but I slipped on a truck lift and dropped a sink base on my hand and one of my fingers don't work anymore......not my trigger finger!
OK so I am taking a stab at making some oil or tincture some kind of stuff thing:)
I got a half gallon jug almost full of trim all dried and ground up. I got 2 fifths of 151 and soaked it all down with it and then stuck it all in the deep freeze over night. I got my wife's best silk stockings to strain it with. now what?
do I just put that in a simmering bath of water till it reduces down? I watched a video of it but wasn't sure if I missed something.
I aint never made any before! HELP a fish out will Ya?
Hell your right WB! see I was a carpenter and didn't retain all of my fingers so I cant keep count anymore.so the high school wood shop teacher and the English teacher got done with everything and decided to celebrate the weekend at the bar.
they walk in and sit down and the shop teacher sticks his middle finger up at the barmaid. the barmaid walks over and with a stern voice says"why did you just give me the finger?" the shop teacher replies "I just wanted 2 beers"
think about it:)

I know a guy who lost his whole left side....but he's all right now!
OK so I am taking a stab at making some oil or tincture some kind of stuff thing:)
I got a half gallon jug almost full of trim all dried and ground up. I got 2 fifths of 151 and soaked it all down with it and then stuck it all in the deep freeze over night. I got my wife's best silk stockings to strain it with. now what?
do I just put that in a simmering bath of water till it reduces down? I watched a video of it but wasn't sure if I missed something.
I aint never made any before! HELP a fish out will Ya?

Ok, you strained it, that's right now to remove the solvent......IDK when alcohol boils....but don't get the bath water too hot. You could strain it through a coffee filter too I think, and that should take the concentrate out, but evaporating it is probly more efficient....but you lose your solvent. I prefer a 24" sharkskin filter in a Nalgene funnel set in a vacuum, it would take around 30 seconds to finish. My bro then takes that shit and puts it under a lot of pressure in his hashmakin tube thingy under a large hydraulic press, applys pressure til it stops, and leaves it for a while....the best hash I ever smoked........and I smoked a lot of import hash.....
I really don't need the solvent do I?
I thought that was just there to break down the THC and then you boil it off to concentrate the THC.
I really don't need the solvent do I?
I thought that was just there to break down the THC and then you boil it off to concentrate the THC.

Well, no, but if you filter it out you could use the solvent again. Just continue as you were fishy, I just thought I'd throw in a coupla alternatives.................I love the lab...hehe, all that shiny glass, friggen tubing, stir plates....mantles, flasks.....muhhahahhahahaha! Be careful.......no f'n sparks or static electricity! I have seen people on fire, and with flammable solvents you don't SEE the fire, but I could tell by the way they were screamin and runnin around.
Yes I should ask him. I think I read to many things and they all get stuck together LOL
now that I think about it(which is going to get me in trouble)I remember JTG doing what I did but he knew what he was doing and I of course haven't a clue:)
sure will be mad if I waste $50 worth of 151:)
Fish it sounds like you are doing two different methods at the same time I think it has to soak for at least 10 days to extract the THC. Buckshot has done some tinctures and knows what's involved he even explains it in his journal. I've only read about it and there are several ways to do tincture and I'm not sure which one is best.:peace:
Fish it sounds like you are doing two different methods at the same time I think it has to soak for at least 10 days to extract the THC. Buckshot has done some tinctures and knows what's involved he even explains it in his journal. I've only read about it and there are several ways to do tincture and I'm not sure which one is best.:peace:

It needs to be soaked very briefly to avoid the unwanted compounds from breaking down and ending up in the finished product. You want the solvent coming off only slightly yellowed....no green. Any chemistry project can be accomplished using different methods, it's all common sense, with a little chemistry knowledge. I have done lotsa extractions using solvents and what you describe will work fish....solvents are used quickly! Are you making a tincture?, if you are, the solvent stays in the tincture, unless you extract, then add a vehicle for the trichs to stay in, tryst me, we don't have the equipment to extract thc only....you're talking about a laboratory procedures and that molecule is very unstable when isolated.
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