Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

I actually liked the lord of winterfell, that bean guy, but he didn't last long. I still trying to figure out what littlefinger is really up to. If I were to have a daughter it would be exactly like what's her name again? Ariel or something like that. She is winterfell's youngest daughter.
That's right, sorry it's been months. Don't mean to jack your thread DP. James little finger has some redeeming qualities, he did save Arya older sister from that female dog Cersie. I can't know the true reasons behind that. Do you think the targyrian should inherit the throne again?
not got a clue what your on about, not a huge book reader unless its about mj, by the time ive read one page ive forgot what the other page was on about, the last book i read was the bfg, lol, thats how long its been since i read a book,

thanks for the idea mcloadie, ive seen them dabs on the video site, they use something could earwax, really not sure what earwax is or how they make it, but it looked like earwax so guess thats why they called it ear wax, must be some sort of extraction method.

a method we used for hash years ago was the old hot knife method, heat it the knife up then put some hash on and squash it with the other knife then inhale the smoke, but some street hash is so poor it is so damn harsh but this bubble hash is much smoother and a nice idea, so simple and works so well, i remember when we rented a small caravan and got this big block of hash that was a load of crap to be fair, we just chopped it up and shut all the doors and windows, then 3 of us sat their as we kept topping the frying pan up with hash, that was some experience, confined spaces and plenty of cheap hash gets you pretty wasted, we must of put several ounces through this frying pan, caravan stunk for days, luckily it was a bit of a dive and was on its last legs so we gave it a good send off,
DP, That Story Makes Me Laugh!!! I Remember Being Confined To SMALL SPACES, And Smoking:high-five:!!! Sure We Must Of Gotten More Stoned, Breathing All That Second Hand!!! And DB, Hell Yes, I Think A Targaryen Should Inherit The Throne!!! How Else Would The Prophecy Be Fulfilled, Azor Ahai's Return???SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!!
its my understanding that UK hash that we know from childhood is a totally different creature. you cant even say it has an extraction protocol as nothings extracted lol.

if im remembering right, you create 'solid' by throwing all your waste plant material (and if your 420fied and not some back street crook, some real bud too) into a big drum or something and then basically fermenting the lot in an alcohol till it turns to a black mush like molasses, itss then poured out flat slabs and the alcohol evaps away. i think its isopropyl alcohol but this entire msg is going from an ancient memory that may not even be accurate, lol.

if you use a sieve like a cheese grates you may be able to convert your sticky trichs back into powder. it might be an idea to dry a small amount of bud untill it crumbles to a fine powder, mix this powder in like talcum with your trichs to make it more crumbly maybe? ;)
might work GiGa, the street hash is hard black or dark brown stuff, like concrete, very little thc if any at all,
without burning it you would need a hammer to break it up, once burned it sprinkles like dust,

its pressed into 9 bars like they do on the video site when they just grow to make hash then press it into bars, im sure on them videos they have to burn it to make it sprinkle or pull some off as its pressed using several tonnes,

i know street hash is very poor, contains plastic or vynol if your lucky you might get some squidgy black which is more like bubble hash but still crumbles when burned, i think the water process is what makes it go all sticky when burned, ive got a tub of trichs out of my grinder and thats pushed into a block but i can just break some off and its very easy to sprinkle, maybe this bubble hash needs to dry out a lot more before i use it, so its in storage until i want to give it a try, its been drying for about 2 weeks and has got darker over this time so its not the blonde colour anymore its more a brown colour now but still sells like bud,

ill let it dry a few weeks and try it again but mixing it in with some grinder hash might work, if not i can roll it into a thin roll then put it in a spliff or just use it from my chillum
If ya guys want some slightly crumbly yet sticky enough to push together hash just come on over I got some new made :)

very nice jimmy, i just pm you mate,

mine was really blonde when it was first drying but now it looks like yours does but mine is squashed together into a block, how do you let yours dry, do you tip it onto foil or something similar so it lets the water evap off,

just uploading some pics,
ok pics as promised, for some reason the camera makes the leaves look a lot lighter than they are, next time i take pics ill use natural light with no flash, maybe i had settings wrong on camera, i had to go and check my plants after looking at the pics as i was thining they need more N in their feed, but no its just the camera
below is sour diesel


below is sensi star

below is kerala x skunk



below is the 2ltr dwc hempie critical sensi star






below is my own fem strain, moster cropped and revegged twice






nearly 30 cuttings later and a big bag of trim she started looking more presentable, was getting no light to any of the plant apart from canopy, so binned about 30 lower branches and trimmed off as much as i could
can finally see the branches now



the bag of trim and a few small cuttings, i threw 30 or more of these away, not got room for clones so ended up in the bin,

theirs a couple of plants not in the pics but batt went flat so could do no more, i took cuttings from the sensi star and kerala cross skunk
thanks, revegging twice creats many many cuttings, ive defoled a few times with that monster plant and it just keeps on growing and filling out, by the looks of it you can pretty much reveg as often as you like, each time ive harvested down to the last bits of growth on the bottom of the plant then put it back under veg schedule and each times its bounced back ok and grow like crazy,

ive also found that growing from clones really does save lots of time, seedlings vs clone id have to say go with clones every time, you done have the slow growth for the first 2 weeks, the clones seem to be in crazy growth pretty much after they have rooted so they soon get bigger than the seedlings do,

but i dont have room for mother plants so all i can do is take the odd clone off strains i like the look of then reveg any i want to keep around,
i took clones of the sensi star and the kerala x skunk, im noticing this time round im getting more stretch and maybe this is why my plants are bigger as their not as bushy as i normally grow them so the heat has really made a huge difference this year, cant wait till it cools down a bit and i can bring the light back down to normal levels,

but so far its all going ok and not had any major problems, at least not yet
I would love to see what you would do if you had more room donpaulp.

Clones are great once you have the cut. Seeds are cool though since its almost like playing the lottery sometimes you win sometimes you dont. Regular seeds are the way to go as well but then again it comes down to room since you have to start ten seeds at the very least to find something worthy of keeping in the garden.

cheers donpaul
ok pics as promised, for some reason the camera makes the leaves look a lot lighter than they are, next time i take pics ill use natural light with no flash, maybe i had settings wrong on camera, i had to go and check my plants after looking at the pics as i was thining they need more N in their feed, but no its just the camera
below is sour diesel


below is sensi star

below is kerala x skunk



below is the 2ltr dwc hempie critical sensi star






below is my own fem strain, moster cropped and revegged twice






nearly 30 cuttings later and a big bag of trim she started looking more presentable, was getting no light to any of the plant apart from canopy, so binned about 30 lower branches and trimmed off as much as i could
can finally see the branches now



the bag of trim and a few small cuttings, i threw 30 or more of these away, not got room for clones so ended up in the bin,

theirs a couple of plants not in the pics but batt went flat so could do no more, i took cuttings from the sensi star and kerala cross skunk

I think mine are just ahead of yours what do you think?????????????????

@harley, yep a couple of weeks in front maybe 3, you got a very nice looking plant,

1 of my plants looks similar to yours with them longish branches but buds at all nodes so should be some nice decent sized buds, i think the hot temps had something to do with this, that heat wave we had made me raise the lights more as temps got high pretty quick,
the 2ltr dwc is not far behind yours, the dwc tends to grow plants quicker as its the same age as the other sensi star which is not as far in flower so dwc is slighty quicker and id say that its about 2 weeds ahead of all the other plants
Don Your Plants Are Spectacular, To Bad You Do Not Have MORE Room:bravo:!!! And Don, Ser, I Hope The Song "BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS" Did Not Piss You Off, And If It Did, I Sincerely Apologize, Although It Was Meant To Be Funny, I Believe. Get FC To Put Up The Video Of "SINK THE BISMARK", And You'll Get To See That John Horton Also PRAISES The British For Sinking Her. I Cannot Seem To Find The Video Anymore??? SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!!

@harley, yep a couple of weeks in front maybe 3, you got a very nice looking plant,

1 of my plants looks similar to yours with them longish branches but buds at all nodes so should be some nice decent sized buds, i think the hot temps had something to do with this, that heat wave we had made me raise the lights more as temps got high pretty quick,
the 2ltr dwc is not far behind yours, the dwc tends to grow plants quicker as its the same age as the other sensi star which is not as far in flower so dwc is slighty quicker and id say that its about 2 weeds ahead of all the other plants

The Liberty Haze and Lucy shot up after 8 weeks of veg. The white widow never did grow much until now. The buds are what are doin the gaining I've got some 6"-7" colas on the white widows and lucy has some fat ones, but the liberty haze has the fluffiest Liberty Haze takes a couple weeks longer to finish than the rest, per the breeders information on each of the plants.:peace::thanks::bravo::circle-of-love::thumb:
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