Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

@mcloadie, sharkskin filters, would these stop the trichs sticking to them once dry,

let me search round google and see what i can find, ive got more trim to process but dont mind using the method ive used all ready with this trim but for future bubble hash id like to find an easier option, GiGa came up with some good ideas like the drip tray, so i found using a sponge to soak up the water after it settled really sped up the drying process, id prefer to find a method that lets the hash run into one block instead of having to scrape it up,

using the bottom of the 2ltr pop bottle allowed me to angle the bottle and wash the trichs into 2 of the pockets in the bottom of the bottle, then when i soaked off the water and left the mush in the bottom once it was then dry i was left with 2 nice egg shaped blocks of hash, all i then had to do was use a small spoon to push under the one edge then it just popped out with ease in one little block, so i could do with an easy method to get the trichs to settle in the corner of something so their is no need for any scraping, i did not need to scrape the bottles, once it was totally dry it just popped out when i poked something under the one edge, it left nothing in the bottom of the bottles,

a drip tray would allow me to wash the trichs into a corner so when dry they would be all joined together so no scraping needed, i hoped the coffee filters would work but a complete waste of time, i lost lots of trichs when i poured water through them, they just clogged up and water did not filter out and when it did many hours later i let it dry and could not remove the trichs from the paper, i was so glad i did not pour the whole bottle through the filter, i ran a test first with only a small amount of water from a 3rd wash and after about half a cup or liquid the filter just blocked up, it would of taken days and many coffee filters, plus i would of lost most of the trichs using coffee filters,
@mcloadie, sharkskin filters, would these stop the trichs sticking to them once dry,

let me search round google and see what i can find, ive got more trim to process but dont mind using the method ive used all ready with this trim but for future bubble hash id like to find an easier option, GiGa came up with some good ideas like the drip tray, so i found using a sponge to soak up the water after it settled really sped up the drying process, id prefer to find a method that lets the hash run into one block instead of having to scrape it up,

using the bottom of the 2ltr pop bottle allowed me to angle the bottle and wash the trichs into 2 of the pockets in the bottom of the bottle, then when i soaked off the water and left the mush in the bottom once it was then dry i was left with 2 nice egg shaped blocks of hash, all i then had to do was use a small spoon to push under the one edge then it just popped out with ease in one little block, so i could do with an easy method to get the trichs to settle in the corner of something so their is no need for any scraping, i did not need to scrape the bottles, once it was totally dry it just popped out when i poked something under the one edge, it left nothing in the bottom of the bottles,

a drip tray would allow me to wash the trichs into a corner so when dry they would be all joined together so no scraping needed, i hoped the coffee filters would work but a complete waste of time, i lost lots of trichs when i poured water through them, they just clogged up and water did not filter out and when it did many hours later i let it dry and could not remove the trichs from the paper, i was so glad i did not pour the whole bottle through the filter, i ran a test first with only a small amount of water from a 3rd wash and after about half a cup or liquid the filter just blocked up, it would of taken days and many coffee filters, plus i would of lost most of the trichs using coffee filters,

You should use one of those fine steel strainers to pour through into a jar, then the trich's will settle to the bottom.

Nevermind, you were past that point lol! Did you use wax paper? I'm told that works best?
hmm don paul just had a small brainwave. not for your final stage, but for seperating trichs from the bigger plant matter thats super cheap and easy.

a simple gauss from pipes added in combination with a hole in a pop bottle lid then you can turn a 2l coke bottle into a trich filter, not quite 100 micron or whatever but will stop most of the crap, use it to scoop out the green matter before your first drain, and then you can use it for the said first draining.

a really quick and dirty method of drying your trichs would be bain marie style as trichs dont combust at 100c and thats the maximum a bain would heat it to ;) in fact a bain marie would be a sleek way of doing it.
I Am With You GiG, When I Smoke The Hash I Make, I Never Press It, It Is All Bubble Hash Though, And Dries Into Kernels, About The Looks Of Little Brown Nuggets About The Size Of Peas, And The Varying Shapes Of What Gold Nuggets Look Like. I Used To Use A Press That I Could Heat In An Oven, Problem Being, It Would Barely Press You Out A 28Gram Disc Of Hash. I Would Virtually Be Pressing Hash In That Size For HOURS, If I Chose To Press. I Don't Though, And Feel It Makes No Difference To My Self, Although There Are Those That Say, If Not Heated And Pressed, The Hash Never Fully Expresses It's Self?!? To Each Their Own, I Suppose:high-five:!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!!
i can understand about heating it if eating it so that the thc can be carboxylated, but i cant really see how heating it before smoking it would have any positive effect, unless of course it triggers some thermal chemical reaction that further strengthens it in some way over time, and it would have to be over time or again whats the point that smoking it cant already do.

speaking of smoking...i got these new papers online recently from OCB called crystal paper. they are incredibly slow burning and very strong (dont you just hate when a f'kin twig pierces your deck) and have no gum, lick anywhere and it will stick to anywhere...and here is the kicker...they are completly transparent and look and feel like plastic...but dont let that put you off, its made entirely out of plant cellulose so its no more toxic that wrapping your bud in a leaf as far as im aware.

the thing is, y'all know me. i think so far out the box, there is no point having a box....i think they can be used as a sort of surgical skin graft for our plants, like sealing cracks on a supercrop gone wrong. or maybe there could be a benefit in wrapping a cutting end in it before planting.
hi all, thanks or all the comments, ill look into the prices of the vav pump mcloadie as i do need a nice easy method, or ill give the bubble bags a try, just not sure which route to go down, i know the method i used was very easy and finished product contained very little plant matter,
not sure what the heating does before burning, not really sure what you mean, i just sort of moulded it together in cling film and turned it into a big lump of hash, not sure id gain anything from pressing it either,

regular street hash in the uk is really hard and cant be sprinkled without putting a lighter to it, you burn the end of the bar or block then you break a bit off and it sprinkles like dust, without burning it just would not be possible to use it, but thats street hash for you, so i thought id need to do the same with this so i burned it and it bubbled like crazy, i went to pull some off and it just burned my fingers and left me in a sticky mess, so not sure it can be smoked in a spliff unless its rolled into a thin tube and placed inside the spliff, someone told me this, cant remember who as ive slept since then, so it seems bubble hash is more suited to bongs/pipes etc etc, certainly not easy to sprinkle in a spliff which is the method id like to use,

im my grinder that collects the trichs and i save this up in a plastic pot, these stay dusty so can easily be sprinkled, so i think the water extraction method just binds the trichs together when drying as it was not dusty after it dried, if it was id of left it dusty and used it like that, but it was in 4 blocks so i put it in cling film and rolled it into a sausage shape, still not processed the rest of the trim yet but as i got no bubble bags or funds to buy vac pumps at the minute then ill use the same process i think, paint filters might be ok like miwa says but coffee filters just soak up the water and the trichs just stick to it, i still got 2 coffee filters with trichs on that i cant get off, it looks like dust stuck to them but it dont tap off when i take it or shake it,

so coffee filters are a no no with this method, at least thats what im finding.

its some nice bubble hash though, i cant believe how poor street hash really is, thats if it even contains any hash at all,

ive read many guides that use irons to heat the bubble hash to mould it into shape but i didnt find it was needed, i just gently warmed it with hair dryer and it was very pliable, so just squashed it all together and will use it as it us, very happy with the results but just a bit time consuming using this method,

ill get some pics posted up shortly, been busy reading other journals so been neglecting mine, my plants are doing great, some very nice looking buds growing now, the plants are bigger than i normally grow them so lets hope the yields are lightly bigger.

thanks for following along everyone,
good weed day to you all,
i might give that a try with this next round, im thinking if i didnt squash it all together into this block then id possibly be able to break it up into small pieces and possibly sprinkle it, i think moulding it into a shape has just squashed it all up to much and thats possibly why i cant use it in spliffs,

but ill try rolling a thin line of it out and try and see if that can be used in a spliff, problem is it might get all sticky and turn to mush or stick to the rizzla paper and cause problems that way, ill give it a try and see what happens, im thinking if i let it dry into thin sheets then id be able to use it for what want to use it for,

good to hear from you james, hope alls good in your end of the planet,
good weed sir
NOT SIR DON, SER!!!:high-five: SEE GEORGE R. R. MARTIN, GAME OF THRONES, Best Read I Have Had In A LONG WHILE!!! Read All 5 Books 3 Times Now!!! Got To Say, I Wish I Was Ned Stark, Alive, Not Dead Though!!! Good Luck On The Hash Don, And Yes, I Do Believe That The Water Extraction Method Does Make The TRICH'S Stick Together More, The Solution Is To Not Adulterate By Mixing It With Weed, Tobacco ETC, Just Smoke Hash Pure, Is What I Say And Recommend;)!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!!
i might give that a try with this next round, im thinking if i didnt squash it all together into this block then id possibly be able to break it up into small pieces and possibly sprinkle it, i think moulding it into a shape has just squashed it all up to much and thats possibly why i cant use it in spliffs,

but ill try rolling a thin line of it out and try and see if that can be used in a spliff, problem is it might get all sticky and turn to mush or stick to the rizzla paper and cause problems that way, ill give it a try and see what happens, im thinking if i let it dry into thin sheets then id be able to use it for what want to use it for,

good to hear from you james, hope alls good in your end of the planet,
good weed sir

You could make a glass bowl, heat it and drop the concentrate in the bowl like they do dabs. I smoked a lot of hash oil like this back in the day, for 20 bucks we could get a mil of black affy that would last two people all day! Good luck!
NOT SIR DON, SER!!!:high-five: SEE GEORGE R. R. MARTIN, GAME OF THRONES, Best Read I Have Had In A LONG WHILE!!! Read All 5 Books 3 Times Now!!! Got To Say, I Wish I Was Ned Stark, Alive, Not Dead Though!!! Good Luck On The Hash Don, And Yes, I Do Believe That The Water Extraction Method Does Make The TRICH'S Stick Together More, The Solution Is To Not Adulterate By Mixing It With Weed, Tobacco ETC, Just Smoke Hash Pure, Is What I Say And Recommend;)!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!!

read those books too, still waiting for the rest of them, did the writer give up???
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