Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

new grower here just got a quick question if anyone can pls help me i dont knw how to start a new thread n just want a quick answer. just want to know what is this growing out my bucket??
jdmjp i am not impressed.
you have spammed multiple peoples threads from grow journals to other people asking for help.
i have repeatedly told you to make a new thread in the help section to be dealth with properly.
at first i thought it was newbie blunder, then i thought it a little ignorant, now i think you are just plain disrespectful and dont care one bit about other people as long as your ok.

had you followed my instructions yesterday this would have already been sorted and you wouldnt have alienated the helpers.
yes the top loader and the twin tub im talking about are one and the same thing i think. yes its very small, it weighs about 20k and you can curl it with 1 arm (dont ask, lol).

trichs stick. it sucks, but its just the hazard of the product.

what you need is a great big hydroponic drip tray, thats big enough to hold lots of water and if at a slight angle will settle all the trichs at the 'deep end' hopefully.
oh and an ice scraper for gathering it up.

ok on the wet or dry trim issue.
if your making a solvent based hash then you want to dry your trim as much as possible and crumble it to a powder. we do this because there is as much or more THC inside the green matter as on the surface.

if your making ice hash, then you want as little of the green material as possible to pass through your screens as your only interested in the surface trichs.

trim that has never lost its moisture has the strongest cell structure and resists the agitation better, so from that point of view you just want to snip the leaf off the plant, freeze the trichs and then break them off with agitation. however, those critters can be stubborn so it pays to chop up your trim, it needs to be big enough so that it wont pass through your screen, but chopped up finely enough to maximise the surface area exposed to agitation.

the most important factor is the temprature.
the trichs need to freeze, ice is the magic, you try to only add just enough water to allow your mix to agitate (twin tub will not like to turn a tub full of ice cubes alone).

this looks promising, not sure if its too small. you would definatly have a lot less product, but it would be of the highest purity
The Mesh Company (Warrington) Ltd #400 & #500 Super Fine E-Cig Wicking Mesh - 25 Micron & Atomizer Wire

What you guys need is a separator funnel and a vacuum pump, sharkskin filters...........
looks like mushrooms to me, id just cut them out and problem solved, also why do you have a big hole like that in the side of the pot, holes should be in the bottom where its dark, if you have open part like that ill will encourage all sorts of things to grow, algae,fungus etc etc, plus it lets bugs in also, so id scrape out whats their all ready and tape it over a few times with some strong black tape,

then if their are no holes in the bottom of your pot just get a strong knife or a sharp screwdriver and poke some holes in the middle of the pot at the bottom and towards the outside but only on the very bottom of the pot, this will stop anything growing but will also allow the pot to drain, if your trying to collect the run off to keep from having water everywhere then just place the pot in a big bowl or a dish, then when you water it will collect in the bottom and the plant will suck the rest up, or maybe your watering to much and you got to much run off, their are many growers who use pots with no holes at all, if you dont over water then their is no need to have holes,

but i have holes as it makes sure i dont over water, plus i can also water from the bottom, i just fill the dish up with water and the plant sucks up the water and uses what it needs, this also prevents over watering, so id cover that hole this will stop anything from growing, its only going to cause problems if you got holes like that in the side of the part,

also welcome to 420, we are all a decent bunch of growers always willing to help, ive not come across you in other journals yet but not been on here the last few days, feel free to pm me if you have further problems, also try and get a grow journal going and then growers can follow along and offer help where its needed or offer advice when you ask,
your plant looks healthy and the pic is not that clear but to me it looks like snails when ive looked a bit closer, just what ever it is pull them off and cover that hole, you dont need any holes like that its only going to cause you problems, so take it up with some strong duct tape and poke some holes in the bottom of the pot,

problem solved my friend, if you need help setting up a journal give me a shout and ill talk you through the process and help you get it started with the correct info, if you need help then its best to just ask for help in one place instead of several journals, you will get the help you need but posting in many places dont always come across as the best option,
so if your planning on sticking around in this amazing site then just start a grow journal then many will follow along,

@miwa, thats the exact method i used apart from the foil at the end, i poured the last of the mixture into a pot bottle and let it settle into the one corner by leaving it on an angle, then i just soaked the water up using paper towel or coffee filter and this left me with the trich rich mush, i just then left it to dry or helped it dry with an air dryer, once it was dry i just scooped under the one edge and it popped out in one block as can be seen in the last pics i posted, so i never had no scraping to do but both methods work and work well, its cheap for most it will be free,

happy hash making everyone,
ive now shaped mine into a shape now their dry, its was very easy just slightly warmed it up with a hair dryer and placed it in some cling film, then i just worked it into a sausage shape so its easy to use, ill let it dry a bit longer now as its starting to get a big darker, but it does smell realy nice so cant wait to sample it, im told its best to make sure its totally dried out before use so thats what ill do,

ive only done 1 small jar full of trim and i recon i easily got 4g dry but ill weight in when i get up as i may have more than that, but i got 3 big shoe boxes of trim in the freezer and a couple of big jelly bean jars the big fat 1ft jars, so got plenty of trim, its just a slow process but its worth it in the end, i might work one lot of trim and take it out then work some more trim into that, i guess i could work it all into the same jug as long as i left it to settle each time then rinsed some water through the strainer as i took out the trim so i did not lose any trichs when removing trim,

what i found works well and i was suprised at how much more trichs i got but i got my trim out the big jug and placed it into coffee jars, i then just filled it up with cold tap water, i added a couple of cubes of ice and put the lid on, then i shook the life out of it, then when i checked i could clearly see lots of trichs floating around, so i drained it through the strainer and rinsed with water, then i decided to repeat that process with the same trim, and again i was very glad i did, i got more trichs this time as well, but not as many and it was clear the plant matter was starting to break down, so ill do this with every batch i do as i know for a fact i got many more trichs from processing the plant matter and extra 2 times,

i think it broke off more trichs in the smaller jar as i gave it a good pounding when i shook it up, so i think this helped get the trichs off completely, plus i was not breaking the trim up into smaller pieces as it was not been whisked so i got no plant matter when i strained it out and rinsed, i just need to find time to do the rest
my plants are getting huge now, ive not grown them this big before so should be a good harvest,

ill take some pics if a got time tomorrow before lights go out, the 2ltr dwc hempie is huge, smells dank all ready, its drinning a whole 2ltr bottle of nutrient solution in just under 24 hours so im filling that up everyday, i think the plant just got to big before i flipped it to flower,

ive also found out 1 of the kc45 autos is male which is a huge bonus as im out of kc45 seeds, so the pollen will be used on one of the 2 female kc45 autos, that way i got seeds for future grows and future crosses,

i think ill be doing some reveg with the new strains i got growing, the sensi star looks really nice and the kerala x skunk is another amazing looking and smelling plant, so both of these will be reveg,

the monster cropped plant i have got is getting bigger and bigger and its still not in full flower yet, not sure whats going on but all the other plants are in flower but this just keeps on growing, its clearly starting to flower but it seems it wants to just keep on growing, ill take some pics tomorrow and show you what i mean, smell could be a problem this time round, possibly need to make an ozone generator or get some ona gel and make an ona bucket with fan

thanks for all the comments everyone,
JDMJP, As Others Have Told YOU, They Are Just Mushrooms, And Will Not Hurt The Plants. They Come Most Likely From The Soil And Amendments You Are Using. Eventually They Will Just Wither Away, With NO HARM DONE,SER:high-five:!!! Do Not Stress Them At ALL!!! GOOD LUCK, SER:partyboy:!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!!
their you go, just mushrooms that wont cause any problems,

thanks GiGa, i should be ok but my plants are getting big now, no problem with smell just yet so ill see how i get on, i got some boxes of activated carbon lying around as i use it in my tropical fish tanks so can make some sort of carbon scrubber if it comes to it, hopefully ill be ok, ill soon find out i guess,

@miwa, i sure did my friend, had me on my arse for hours, i usually only smoke spliffs/joints or what ever you call them where you are, but normally with hash you burn the end and sprinkle it into a spliff, so i tried burning it and it bubbled like crazy, i thought maybe it does that so i tried to pull some off and it just stuck to my fingers, so i went to my drawer under the bed and pulled out my old chillum my mom bought back from jamaica, its like a wodden pipe with a stone in the pipe end, anyways i put a small amount of this purple cheese auto and then pulled of a bit of the hash and gave it a rip, i not been that couch locked that quick in a long time, it puts all other street hash to shame,

ive never tried bubble hash before, usually its the dark brown/black hash that its like concrete until you burn it, but this bubbles as soon as you put a lighter near it, now i know why they call it bubble hash, it bubbles away, plus i had a good 3 blasts on the pipe with it, then it hit me and i sat down and did very little else for the next few hours,

me got some more bubble hash to make, me likes it very much not something to smoke when you got something to do, but an hour or 2 before bed is perfect, so yep it was much better than i thought it would be, i was expecting it to be on par with the street hash, i couldnt of been more wrong, it left me with a nice smile on my face for a few hours, i must of sat their holding this pipe for about an hour without moving a muscle, never been so chilled and relaxed, why didnt they sell this on the streets years ago instead of all that crap that had very little thc in it,

i wont be smoking street hash again, now its dried its got like a marble affect to it, it has a nice light brown layer than a slightly darker layer running through it
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