I'm probably not ever going to "switch" to hydro. I like soil, and I think that overall, soil renders better quality, other things being equal.
My hydro buddy has been growing the same cut of OG for 15 years....he has it down way past science, way past art.....he is doing it the right way.
All I'm going to do is tweak my soil to line up more the kind of feeding his is getting in hydro and see what comes out. He seems to think I can do even better than the hyrdro, based on how my Jack Herer does in soil. (that's the other strain he's been growing for 15 years.)
Basically, when I grow the OG, I'm going to be adding Epsom with every feeding. I'll heavier on the P and K....and I'll add a great deal of silica.
His stinks to high heaven, and it's because of sulfur and magnesium. The buds are huge due to the lighting and canopy control....and the pistils are controled by adding massive amounts of P at key times during the grow.
I'll be learning all this, and will post pics as things progress. You aren't going to believe what those flood trays will look like in a few weeks.