Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Another question for you Doc, my cooking soil is in a room that’s at the colder end of the ideal range at 17-20degC. I’ve bought a seed raising heat mat to bring things into a better cooking range and it arrived today. Can you advise me re an on/off schedule for cooking please. I’ve seen you talk about what do do for seedlings, but not cooking. Perhaps they’re the same.
Thanks Doc
Wondering if you'd consider offering "stealth" shipping or changing the return address from Doc Buds High Brix....? Even in places that are legal like Canada now, customers may prefer a more stealthy option. Just throwing that out there. I appreciate you in a BIG way Doc and will never grow with another system!


I have to comply with certain legal regulations because I am shipping agricultural goods.....if I was shipping sex toys or STD testing kits I could do "stealth."
I have to comply with certain legal regulations because I am shipping agricultural goods.....if I was shipping sex toys or STD testing kits I could do "stealth."
Hey Doc... what if you could just omit the bud in the Doc buds high Brix... so it’ll ship like : Docs high Brix : or something to that effect. Not really stealth per se, but would be less curiosity that way. Idk if it’s possible, just a thought.
Yes.just leave it alone...those matts don't get hot ...only no worries.No timer is necessary.
Duggs is right, no timer needed. Those mats raise the temp just a little, perfect for your situation ;)
No “thanks” button anymore... so here’s a loud one ;):thanks:

I have to comply with certain legal regulations because I am shipping agricultural goods.....if I was shipping sex toys or STD testing kits I could do "stealth."
How about my idea of initials on the bottles so that the lables on the bottles don’t contradict the info on the manifest? Then if they inspect it no problems. Just concerned if they open it and compare what’s written on the stickers to what’s written on the manifest they may send it back.
Small chance sure since they only open 1% but possible.
How about my idea of initials on the bottles so that the lables on the bottles don’t contradict the info on the manifest? Then if they inspect it no problems. Just concerned if they open it and compare what’s written on the stickers to what’s written on the manifest they may send it back.
Small chance sure since they only open 1% but possible.

Well, I paid thousands of dollars and another guy spent hundreds of hours talking to mouth-breathing bureaucrats for those labels and they've got to be just right or I get in big trouble.

The bottom line is that we're not free. We cannot trade with eachother, we must label things we have permission to sell EXACTLY how they say to label it, and customs does whatever the hell they want.
I could use some guidance on an issue I'm having....

I have three seedlings all started in small (3"-4") pots using kit soil including a Bad Azz Kush, Fruit Punch, and Tut. The BAK is a couple weeks ahead of the others and just got topped after putting out 5-6 nodes. The FP and Tut are still working on their 2nd nodes.

One of the lower leafs (NOT the cotyledons) on the BAK browned & died pretty quickly. I didn't think much of it, since the new growth was looking good.

Now (a couple of days later), I'm noticing some very brown spots on the leaves of all three plants that, to me, looks like a Calcium deficiency.

Also, I'm starting to see some chlorosis on the lower leaves of the BAK that look like a Magnesium deficiency but my bigger concern is the brown spots on all three plants.

The FP and Tut should really be too young (I would think!) to be showing any deficiencies, even in spite of the smaller pots.

BTW, I do understand that that Doc recommends starting in 1 gallon pots, but these are being groomed to be Bonsai Moms, so I will keep them in small pots, but wanted the clones to come from high brix moms.

Should I top dress with some roots powder? Any suggestions?

Thanks for any/all help!


Hi Krip...great day to ya sir!
Yes...Doc does recomend 1 gal pits to start. Imo your plants are starting to suffer because the soil in those little 3....4 inch pots has simply run out of gas. At 5 nodes ...means theyv'e been in those pots for a while. Easiest and most effective thing would be to get them in #1's right now. Just my thoughts ok!
I could use some guidance on an issue I'm having....

I have three seedlings all started in small (3"-4") pots using kit soil including a Bad Azz Kush, Fruit Punch, and Tut. The BAK is a couple weeks ahead of the others and just got topped after putting out 5-6 nodes. The FP and Tut are still working on their 2nd nodes.

One of the lower leafs (NOT the cotyledons) on the BAK browned & died pretty quickly. I didn't think much of it, since the new growth was looking good.

Now (a couple of days later), I'm noticing some very brown spots on the leaves of all three plants that, to me, looks like a Calcium deficiency.

Also, I'm starting to see some chlorosis on the lower leaves of the BAK that look like a Magnesium deficiency but my bigger concern is the brown spots on all three plants.

The FP and Tut should really be too young (I would think!) to be showing any deficiencies, even in spite of the smaller pots.

BTW, I do understand that that Doc recommends starting in 1 gallon pots, but these are being groomed to be Bonsai Moms, so I will keep them in small pots, but wanted the clones to come from high brix moms.

Should I top dress with some roots powder? Any suggestions?

Thanks for any/all help!



Hi Krip,
First thing, the soil is definitely not low in calcium, it’s loaded with it.

Doc recommends to start in 1 gal, and I have found the best success in following those instructions.

Can you elaborate on your environment, temps @ day/ night, RH, watering technique and how often, much detail as possible to help us troubleshoot your situation.

Hi Krip...great day to ya sir!
Yes...Doc does recomend 1 gal pits to start. Imo your plants are starting to suffer because the soil in those little 3....4 inch pots has simply run out of gas. At 5 nodes ...means theyv'e been in those pots for a while. Easiest and most effective thing would be to get them in #1's right now. Just my thoughts ok!

Hi Krip,
First thing, the soil is definitely not low in calcium, it’s loaded with it.

Doc recommends to start in 1 gal, and I have found the best success in following those instructions.

Can you elaborate on your environment, temps @ day/ night, RH, watering technique and how often, much detail as possible to help us troubleshoot your situation.


I used to have that problem... the soil is losing juice... I used to just feed them much heavier and that usually straitened them out.

Guys, thanks, but only the BAK has hit 5 nodes and it's in a larger (4.5") pot. I can't believe any of these would have exhausted the nutes in the soil yet - even without Doc's kit.

Here is an example from each of the three plants:

This is the BAK. Note both leaves in this pic:

The Tut and FP are both the same size and here's examples from each of them:

All environmentals are sound: Temps range from 75*-79* night/day, RH 50%-60% (a little low, maybe, but don't think it's the cause of the issue), only watering when pots are dry. Only the BAK has had any drenches, so far. Started with a transplant, water + 1/4 transplant, then a GE.

I did see that Duggan does not start GE until much later, which is a strategy I'll likely adopt, but I did want to give the Kush a boost early since it's supposed to be a heavy feeder and I'm anxious to get some clones out of her!

I will not be transplanting these to larger pots for quite some time, since they're going to be Bonsai mom's.

Small pots are not an issue for Bonsai's in soil, but perhaps I need a more traditional feeding routine for the Bonsai Mom's and the kit is better suited for the flowering plants? Again, I was just hoping to keep the Bonsai Mom's in some high brix soil, if at all possible.

Thanks for responses.


Guys, thanks, but only the BAK has hit 5 nodes and it's in a larger (4.5") pot. I can't believe any of these would have exhausted the nutes in the soil yet - even without Doc's kit.

Here is an example from each of the three plants:

This is the BAK. Note both leaves in this pic:

The Tut and FP are both the same size and here's examples from each of them:

All environmentals are sound: Temps range from 75*-79* night/day, RH 50%-60% (a little low, maybe, but don't think it's the cause of the issue), only watering when pots are dry. Only the BAK has had any drenches, so far. Started with a transplant, water + 1/4 transplant, then a GE.

I did see that Duggan does not start GE until much later, which is a strategy I'll likely adopt, but I did want to give the Kush a boost early since it's supposed to be a heavy feeder and I'm anxious to get some clones out of her!

I will not be transplanting these to larger pots for quite some time, since they're going to be Bonsai mom's.

Small pots are not an issue for Bonsai's in soil, but perhaps I need a more traditional feeding routine for the Bonsai Mom's and the kit is better suited for the flowering plants? Again, I was just hoping to keep the Bonsai Mom's in some high brix soil, if at all possible.

Thanks for responses.



Good info krip. Have you looked closely for any critters that may be doing the damage?

I don’t thing those seedlings have exhausted the soil. Is this first run soil? Are the pots on concrete, or raised up on something?
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