Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Perfect! Thank you Duggan and Graytail. I am excited to start another grow. I will journal it and will post a link soon. I will be growing a cross between Critical Jack and Dark Devil Auto.
You won't want for help... post that link up and you'll have lots of HB experience on your side! Excited for you, and excited to watch your grow!
You won't want for help... post that link up and you'll have lots of HB experience on your side! Excited for you, and excited to watch your grow!
This will be my second high brix journal and third grow under my belt. I journaled my grow last year. My first grow was using OC+ in soil. It did well. Very low budget.
Hey everyone just looking for some guidance on how often to apply 50% strength Brix to freshly cut clones? Thanks
You want to apply half strength de-stress, not brix, to rooting clones bud. I have seen Doc mention once maybe twice, while in my own experience I was spraying every day when I was rooting in plugs.
I've been away from the interwebs for a few days, so I just read the last 3 pages.....

Mr. Krip,

Try dunking those teensy, tiny and not recommended containers in a solution of 1oz Transplant per gallon of water with a few drops of Tea. You'll want to feed 3x before doing straight water, otherwise you'll leech out the tiny pots and everything will go south.

They really should be in 1 gallon pots. I can't give you a high confidence of success if you deviate so much from the instructions.
I've been away from the interwebs for a few days, so I just read the last 3 pages.....

Mr. Krip,

Try dunking those teensy, tiny and not recommended containers in a solution of 1oz Transplant per gallon of water with a few drops of Tea. You'll want to feed 3x before doing straight water, otherwise you'll leech out the tiny pots and everything will go south.

They really should be in 1 gallon pots. I can't give you a high confidence of success if you deviate so much from the instructions.

Thanks, Doc! I was hoping you'd chime in on this one! ;)

The plants going into flower will be in bigger pots. The "teensy, tiny" ones are just for Bonsai mom's which will NEVER be in pots larger than 4". Do you think I should use a "standard" nutrient feeding routine for the Bonsai Mom's or would you try to keep the Bonsais in the HB soil using the kit?
Thanks, Doc! I was hoping you'd chime in on this one! ;)

The plants going into flower will be in bigger pots. The "teensy, tiny" ones are just for Bonsai mom's which will NEVER be in pots larger than 4". Do you think I should use a "standard" nutrient feeding routine for the Bonsai Mom's or would you try to keep the Bonsais in the HB soil using the kit?

I think you should do "teen" moms so the telemeres don't shorten and your cuttings retain vigor for years. But is you really want to do the bonsai, I'd suggest using salts. There's just not enough room in those tiny containers for a proper soil/food web.
I think you should do "teen" moms so the telemeres don't shorten and your cuttings retain vigor for years. But is you really want to do the bonsai, I'd suggest using salts. There's just not enough room in those tiny containers for a proper soil/food web.
Dang Doc, I had the same thought about using regular soil and salt fertilizers... I don’t think those would fair well in your kit... just not what it was designed for.
I think you should do "teen" moms so the telemeres don't shorten and your cuttings retain vigor for years. But is you really want to do the bonsai, I'd suggest using salts. There's just not enough room in those tiny containers for a proper soil/food web.

Thanks, Doc, much appreciated!
Dang Doc, I had the same thought about using regular soil and salt fertilizers... I don’t think those would fair well in your kit... just not what it was designed for.

We're always exchanging quality for quantity, perfection for convenience, etc. No matter who we are, there's always a tradeoff and due to our particular situation we may or may not be able to do certain things.

Bonsai mother plants are super cool in the sense that I love a mini-plant around the house. However, I don't see such a practice as being particularly good when it comes to high quality produce. The bonsai mother plant is by definition under stress. The longer that plant is kept, the older the clones will become and their health and vigor will suffer much sooner than other methods.

Nevertheless, if someone is determined to have a bonsai I don't think my gear is the right choice. If a person wants the highest quality my gear is perfect. That's not practical for some, especially if a person is "married" to the idea of using small containers, bonsai, SWICK or a plethora of other practices that some folks like for one reason or another.

Having said all that, there's no reason a bonsai mom couldn't produce clones that grow out High Brix and do just fine.
We're always exchanging quality for quantity, perfection for convenience, etc. No matter who we are, there's always a tradeoff and due to our particular situation we may or may not be able to do certain things.

Bonsai mother plants are super cool in the sense that I love a mini-plant around the house. However, I don't see such a practice as being particularly good when it comes to high quality produce. The bonsai mother plant is by definition under stress. The longer that plant is kept, the older the clones will become and their health and vigor will suffer much sooner than other methods.

Nevertheless, if someone is determined to have a bonsai I don't think my gear is the right choice. If a person wants the highest quality my gear is perfect. That's not practical for some, especially if a person is "married" to the idea of using small containers, bonsai, SWICK or a plethora of other practices that some folks like for one reason or another.

Having said all that, there's no reason a bonsai mom couldn't produce clones that grow out High Brix and do just fine.

Due to where I live, it's not easy to get seeds and growing outdoors is not pheasible. My last grow, I had a 2'x2'x5' custom veg cabinet and another 2'x2'x5' flower tent. I just had major remodeling done to the house and had to get rid of the veg cabinet.

I wanted to expand the flower area, so just went to a 4'x4'x6.5' flower tent but, as a result, had to shrink down the veg area to a small DIY veg cabinet that's only something like 30"x18"x30":

That little cabinet will need to hold four mom's plus enough clones to make sure I can flower four plants at-a-time in the new tent.

The clones will NOT be vegging long in that cabinet before going into the tent in large containers to finish vegging and flowering.

If it were easy to acquire seeds and/or I had a lot more space to work with, I'd have a different strategy.

If the bonsai's are maintained properly, there should be no significant loss in vigor or potency of the clones over time, although, the longest I've kept one is a little over 2 years and, at that time, under GLR light schedule, she started to go into flower.

Typically, after a year, or so, I just turn one of the clones into a new Bonsai mom, anyways, or start on a new strain.
Due to where I live, it's not easy to get seeds and growing outdoors is not pheasible. My last grow, I had a 2'x2'x5' custom veg cabinet and another 2'x2'x5' flower tent. I just had major remodeling done to the house and had to get rid of the veg cabinet.

I wanted to expand the flower area, so just went to a 4'x4'x6.5' flower tent but, as a result, had to shrink down the veg area to a small DIY veg cabinet that's only something like 30"x18"x30":

That little cabinet will need to hold four mom's plus enough clones to make sure I can flower four plants at-a-time in the new tent.

The clones will NOT be vegging long in that cabinet before going into the tent in large containers to finish vegging and flowering.

If it were easy to acquire seeds and/or I had a lot more space to work with, I'd have a different strategy.

If the bonsai's are maintained properly, there should be no significant loss in vigor or potency of the clones over time, although, the longest I've kept one is a little over 2 years and, at that time, under GLR light schedule, she started to go into flower.

Typically, after a year, or so, I just turn one of the clones into a new Bonsai mom, anyways, or start on a new strain.
Doing the teen mom routine that Doc mentioned would free up some of that space as you would not have to keep mothers around. You would just clone the plants you are going to flower before you start flowering them. I have never had luck keeping plants alive for very long periods of times so this is how I have cloned and kept strains going the whole time I have grown. Doc does the same thing and it works well for him. You just grow the plants until you are ready to flip, or close to ready to flip and then when you prune before flipping you take your cuts then. You can take as many clones as you feel safe taking while cleaning the under side up. By doing this you can use your whole veg cabinet for growing your next round. Prune as you move tem from the cabinet to the tent and then you just have a cloning area in the cab and once they hit soil you are just vegging in there again and you wash, rinse, repeat.
Doing the teen mom routine that Doc mentioned would free up some of that space as you would not have to keep mothers around. You would just clone the plants you are going to flower before you start flowering them. I have never had luck keeping plants alive for very long periods of times so this is how I have cloned and kept strains going the whole time I have grown. Doc does the same thing and it works well for him. You just grow the plants until you are ready to flip, or close to ready to flip and then when you prune before flipping you take your cuts then. You can take as many clones as you feel safe taking while cleaning the under side up. By doing this you can use your whole veg cabinet for growing your next round. Prune as you move tem from the cabinet to the tent and then you just have a cloning area in the cab and once they hit soil you are just vegging in there again and you wash, rinse, repeat.
This is what I do as well. I don't have room to keep mother plants either and like Doc said it keeps the vigor of the plants longer.
Doing the teen mom routine that Doc mentioned would free up some of that space as you would not have to keep mothers around. You would just clone the plants you are going to flower before you start flowering them. I have never had luck keeping plants alive for very long periods of times so this is how I have cloned and kept strains going the whole time I have grown. Doc does the same thing and it works well for him. You just grow the plants until you are ready to flip, or close to ready to flip and then when you prune before flipping you take your cuts then. You can take as many clones as you feel safe taking while cleaning the under side up. By doing this you can use your whole veg cabinet for growing your next round. Prune as you move tem from the cabinet to the tent and then you just have a cloning area in the cab and once they hit soil you are just vegging in there again and you wash, rinse, repeat.

I fully understand this, but doing it this way I'll basically be taking clones every 60-90 days or to replace the "last round" which means all clones would need to be vegging for 60-90 days in that small cab. That's too long for the plants to veg in that small area, which means I'd end up having to clone the clones due to the size/timing of harvests.

Also, let's suppose I want to maintain four strains, but I want to flower a round with all four plants from one strain? How many times do I have to clone the three non-flowering strains while I'm waiting for the one being flowered to finish?

As Doc said, there's no reason I can't take clones from Bonsai mom's in non-HB soil, and have those clones thrive in the HB soil, so that's my plan, for now.

I fully understand this, but doing it this way I'll basically be taking clones every 60-90 days or to replace the "last round" which means all clones would need to be vegging for 60-90 days in that small cab. That's too long for the plants to veg in that small area, which means I'd end up having to clone the clones due to the size/timing of harvests.

Also, let's suppose I want to maintain four strains, but I want to flower a round with all four plants from one strain? How many times do I have to clone the three non-flowering strains while I'm waiting for the one being flowered to finish?

As Doc said, there's no reason I can't take clones from Bonsai mom's in non-HB soil, and have those clones thrive in the HB soil, so that's my plan, for now.

Those are good points as well bud. A good example of how what works for one will not work for another. I have never run a monocrop though I can see the appeal. I have always liked growing as many strains as I can at once to see what i can find. I am always looking for a better specimen than what I am already running.
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