Fluffy and not able to make a dirt clod out of it......perfect.
What kind of "lime" did you use? Limestone I hope?
phew! Thanks - that’s exactly how it is. And yep - limestone. An Ag limestone that te garden centre says the spec is 98% Calcium Carbonate
And thanks @LadyGaea and @DopyLemontree for the help too. I took Dugg’s mention of 5 gal and had half that set aside as the ballpark amount of water. I had to add a bit more, and I think I’ll need to water it again, but it was a good guide - or I’d have had no idea.
@Doc Bud - I actually think I made an error in calculation: because the pro mix you guys usually use is already cut with perlite (to 27%, thanks Gray), by adding perlite to my SPM I have actually increased the volume. I’m wondering now if I should’ve added some extra amendment to compensate for that It was only 36 hours ago that I mixed, so there’s easily time to mix some through if it’s a good idea.