Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Said from someone who gets up at 420 every day...:rofl:
Seed Ball Bandit....

nothing growing with Docs kit takes long...
-dunking pots doesnt take long.
-mixing the nutes doesnt take long.
-washing buds doesnt take long.

the longest thing is the grow itself, and mixing/cooking the soil/cure. :)
Cloth/air pots require more frequent waterings, feedings, etc so if you're planning on traveling while growing in those pots; plan accordingly.
Also some have had issues, justified ones ;), of transplanting from an air/cloth pot to another, roots have been damaged.

its all preference and what one is used to..

both grow great produce!
Besides, The early gardener catches the bud! ;)

a heck of a lot goes on with our plants in the dark...
waking early 4:20 and going to bed late 12-1, gives me more time with my girls..:rofl:
Said from someone who gets up at 420 every day...:rofl:
Seed Ball Bandit....

...and then goes to the gym.....

Nothin wrong with that! lol I get up around 4am most days too, go workout in my home gym! Good times...

My wife does that! Up at 4:00AM every day to get to the gym by 5:00. :cheesygrinsmiley: I don't.

Sheesh Ziggs, are you one of those people who only sleep 4 hours a day? I always envied that.
I am now..I conditioned my body over past 2 years to do so ..used to require 6..:)

I was only getting around 4-4.5... but I realized I needed way to much coffee so now I try for around 7... Also... theres this:

Catastrophic lack of sleep killing us – expert | Cape Times

I am a lawn guy, burn crazy calories, take in around 3000-3500 a day and barely keep my weight on, so I decided, finally, that I would try for more sleep .
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey Buck, what kind of bottom do you have on your pots, my bottom is set about a half inch up in the pot making the run off unable to wick back up. It's to late to pull it out with out messing things up, I think. Hmm maybe off I add soul to the bottom of the pan and treat that as the bottom of the pot? Thoughts?

Did you get the oxy pots from htg. That's what I'm using. The bottom piece is conclaves. I flipped it over where the middle touches my pan, which allows it to wick excess water back into the pots. I learned this after I did the other way for one grow
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Did you get the oxy pots from htg. That's what I'm using. The bottom piece is conclaves. I flipped it over where the middle touches my pan, which allows it to wick excess water back into the pots. I learned this after I did the other way for one grow

Not sure exactly what you mean but I have a good idea. I think next time, I won't add the insert for the bottom and I'll flip it so that it can wick up from the outside drain holes that only seem to be at the top. No I don't have the HTG ones. I did order them lol but but lol but I put those one in the box for the more pricey nice ones and sent them back and got the refund ..., Ima stinker sometimes but rarely do I make that "mistake" when returning items. I can't even remember the name of the company I bought them from. Any way, the original bottom edge of the pots don't have and holes to wick up, but the top edge does. So I'll flip on the next grow. I think I thought about this in the beginning but decided to go with manufacturers directions.
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Not on mine, it sits up in the pot on the first row of nubs. By manufacturer specs, leaving a half in gap between the pot and the pan. But the bottom looks just the same
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