Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I was gifted a jug of Mammoth P by my grow store manager for fixing their AC on a 90 degree day when they couldn't get anyone else to come. I took it gratefully and set it on the shelf in the grow room and never used it. I don't know anything about it except it is crazy expensive. I would be really interested on feedback on how it works with the kit.

Could you smell it? Compare it with Tea?

I'm not endorsing the product. I'm a bit worried that peopel will just start using it with the kit before knowing what it is and does.....but from what I could tell it appears to be suspiciously similar to Tea.....

Woudn't that be something? My product is Mammoth P but at 1/6 the cost? LOL. They do have the same ingredients.....
here's the label doc. This stuff isn't really expensive, it's cheap if you think about how much you use. I've had my bottle for over a year, still half full after 3 full grows
Interesting talk on the watering guys, all of you who chimed in. I am currently working on not letting my bloom plants get as dry and sometimes I just miss the mark, so this conversation was reassuring, maybe I can swing them to the other side and water them more often.

As far as drenching bloom plants, I keep to the 7 gallons so I can schlep them out of the tent and throw them in a tub of water and drench them. With larger pots I think I would be stuck to watering them drenches in. Not something I think I am into, I like to be able to move the plants around and the sevens keep that manageable.
Seven gal plastic is the most my back can handle for DUNKING, anything
larger is not possible once water is added.

I need to improvise something, BTW Already have the 7 Gal & 10 Gal DUNKABLE SCROG pot
DIY 420 redirect link below

EDIT: Thinking Motorcycle or Transmission lift ? something with wheels and can lift,
need to look at a few and see what kind of ideas come to mind
My big pots are 20+ gal, last night they were kinda starting to get dry, I added 3.5 gal of straight water with no runoff. I'll take a pic when lights come on, see how she looks compared to the other getting just 1 gal.

But seems like my hucks in 12 air pots, one wants a drink at least every other day. The air pots dry out too quick, but do grow great roots.

I gotta get my ppfd up just a little, my light is 18-20" above canopy.

Hey Buck, want have you noticed with your airpots drying out? Mine seem to do quite well and I could go 5-9 days between feedings IF I want/need to. I opened one pot up the other day to check the roots and the moisture, just because I have the ability and felt that after 7 days the soil was still too moist to feed or I could have fed BUT I felt that not feeding would help the roots a bit more. The roots systems is good, it's made its way around and through the soil, just could be a bit better and I believe it will be.
With watering ,..and 'dunking'. It's advantageous to dunk smaller pots , as Doc does, but he does this for a soak the entire rootball very well, period. This encourages roots to thrive , he lets them dry out in the #1's. before another drink,..building a very healthy root mass before transplant into the larger pots. After this transplant is done it's not necessary to "dunk" your pots ,..just water from the top over a longer period, to ensure the complete soil mass is moisturized. In bloom i water the same amount as i do in veg. but simply more often..pretty easy method. Instead of every five to six days (in the big pots)in veg,. that gets changed to every four to five , bloom. Cheers.:high-five:
Mag, seems like my air pots dry out about a day or 2 faster than plastic pots. But I have roots sticking out of all the little egg shape holes, I think it's better root system than regular pots. Lots more fine fuzzy roots, all the way up to surface

I haven't seen any routes coming out the side gym but I would really like to see that soon
The whole idea behind air pots and the 'Rootbuilders' i use is so the roots will get air pruned at the holes , creating a very intense fibrous root mass. It works , but the soil around those holes does dry out faster , but it's supposed too. When a root is 'air pruned' it's like a plant when you top it... only many other root hairs grow out from the 'dead end' that was air pruned,..just back from it slightly. When i break down my pots after a grow and remove the outer pot ...the rootball could prolly be rolled down the street without coming apart, cuz of the root mass throughout the whole pot and not just circling the outer edges. i'm not saying regular nursery pots don't work ,..cuz they do, i've had a bad infestation before i started with Doc's gear with Root Aphids,..that's why i switched to these pots. Cheers gang!:circle-of-love:
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey Buck, what kind of bottom do you have on your pots, my bottom is set about a half inch up in the pot making the run off unable to wick back up. It's to late to pull it out with out messing things up, I think. Hmm maybe off I add soul to the bottom of the pan and treat that as the bottom of the pot? Thoughts?
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