Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

They haven't had a TP since Veg and none since before transplant. These big ole pots I tell ya lol. So I'm guess up near should be........ is mostly tp so plan drenches accordingly.After you give cd's...its best to just give water ..then follow up with more ge ok.Then back to directions..for remainder of grow.cheers

I like Duggan's advice.

The plants aren't showing any signs of low soil energy. A Super Drench might not be quite right at this point. I think GE, then Water, THEN Super Drench if they look hungry.....then water, then GE, etc.
I like Duggan's advice.

The plants aren't showing any signs of low soil energy. A Super Drench might not be quite right at this point. I think GE, then Water, THEN Super Drench if they look hungry.....then water, then GE, etc.

Thanks Doc, I got one more water feeding tonight and then GE in a few days. Glad no one is seeing anything I'm not. Ohhhh I did see a few leaves like this, I was thinking maybe the plant is just grabbing light from different reflections but not sure, thoughts


Thanks Doc, I got one more water feeding tonight and then GE in a few days. Glad no one is seeing anything I'm not. Ohhhh I did see a few leaves like this, I was thinking maybe the plant is just grabbing light from different reflections but not sure, thoughts



Everything look normal to me...those leaves aren't getting enough light is all. The plant will digest them soon enough, just cut 'em off when they yellow.

I like to prune the plants so that I can look straight down on them and see dirt. If that's the case, the plant will orient itself (phototropism) in order to get as much light as it wants/needs. If light can't get to the leaves, they'll wither and die, which is good and normal.
Everything look normal to me...those leaves aren't getting enough light is all. The plant will digest them soon enough, just cut 'em off when they yellow.

I like to prune the plants so that I can look straight down on them and see dirt. If that's the case, the plant will orient itself (phototropism) in order to get as much light as it wants/needs. If light can't get to the leaves, they'll wither and die, which is good and normal.

That's what I was thinking just in a different way. That the plant was trying to get light from where it could. Also the haven't pruned any since flip. Oboe because every cola seems to have the right amount of leaves that it needs and if I start taking leaves off like last time I feel like they may slow down. And as you've stated before, the plant needs leaves, that's why the grow them. Also they grown so large that I have to move the game up and out of the way if I want to spread them and more or I'll just be spreading them into each other. Yup, they're getting to the point I have to start doing something before I lose control lol
Can anyone diagnose this? The plant on the left is droopy throughout the wet/dry cycle. I thought perhaps it wanted a bigger home, but I took it out the pot and it's still good in the current pot, no roots circling or anything. Also growth seems non-existent although it is using water. The one on the right seems like it's about to start the same exact thing so I just put it in a one gallon from a Solo cup, that could be the issue with the one on the right.

Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Can anyone diagnose this? The plant on the left is droopy throughout the wet/dry cycle. I thought perhaps it wanted a bigger home, but I took it out the pot and it's still good in the current pot, no roots circling or anything. Also growth seems non-existent although it is using water. The one on the right seems like it's about to start the same exact thing so I just put it in a one gallon from a Solo cup, that could be the issue with the one on the right.


Hey BN looks like the roots have just been to wet and unhappy a bit. How often are you watering? Did you let the soil dry out? Like reaaaaaaally dry out? Have you given bites while in solos cups? Are the plants on the ground? Gotta keep the roots from getting to cold.

First this is to let them dry, looks like the soil is still wet in the pics. Give em a few days and then we can better diagnose, still though, need answers to those questions ..
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey BN looks like the roots have just been to wet and unhappy a bit. How often are you watering? Did you let the soil dry out? Like reaaaaaaally dry out? Have you given bites while in solos cups? Are the plants on the ground? Gotta keep the roots from getting to cold.

First this is to let them dry, looks like the soil is still wet in the pics. Give em a few days and then we can better diagnose, still though, need answers to those questions ..

I am watering when they are light. The one on the right was just watered because it was transplanted right before the picture was taken. The one on the left does not have roots circling the bottom of the pot, has nice development of thin roots down the side which should indicate that I am letting them sufficiently dry out. They are not on the floor, they are properly insulated. When they are in Solo cup sized containers they get plain water until they have 5 bladed fans and then I give them a little trans with their water. The one on the left has looked just like that for the past week perhaps more, whether it's dry/soaked or anywhere in between. Absolutely no change.
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I am watering when they are light. The one on the right was just watered because it was transplanted right before the picture was taken. The one on the left does not have roots circling the bottom of the pot, has nice development of thin roots down the side which should indicate that I am letting them sufficiently dry out. They are not on the floor, they are properly insulated. When they are in Solo cup sized containers they get plain water until they have 5 bladed fans and then I give them a little trans with their water. The one on the left has looked just like that for the past week perhaps more, whether it's dry/soaked or anywhere in between. Absolutely no change.

When you look at the leaves you can see that they are fat and fluffy, indicating over watering. How well does the pot dry out? Meaning do you have enough drainage in those pots? Maybe add more holes to help air circulation. Those roots are not happy, light doesn't always mean dry. My first grow had these exact same symptoms. How many days between feedings, I've gone 13 days before and signs of wilt in 1 gal pots.

EDIT: Also you see the plant one the left is taking nutrients from the lower leaves, I believe and I could be wrong but that is an indicator that the roots are not happy as well. Not getting the uptake because the microbes aren't very active. Something like that, I think I'm close anyway.
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

When you look at the leaves you can see that they are fat and fluffy, indicating over watering. How well does the pot dry out? Meaning do you have enough drainage in those pots? Maybe add more holes to help air circulation. Those roots are not happy, light doesn't always mean dry. My first grow had these exact same symptoms. How many days between feedings, I've gone 13 days before and signs of wilt in 1 gal pots.

EDIT: Also you see the plant one the left is taking nutrients from the lower leaves, I believe and I could be wrong but that is an indicator that the roots are not happy as well. Not getting the uptake because the microbes aren't very active. Something like that, I think I'm close anyway.

The pots dry out pretty well, they have 4-5 rectangular drainage ports on the very bottom on the sides. Water easily flows out when overwatered. Last watering was 5 days ago and I say she has at least another 3 days to go before watering if I had to guess. I have overwatered in the past, so I try and be more vigilant and let them dry out. I believe you see a lot of lower roots when not properly letting them dry out, this was the opposite with few roots on the bottom but lots of roots down the side of the soil.
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

The pots dry out pretty well, they have 4-5 rectangular drainage ports on the very bottom on the sides. Water easily flows out when overwatered. Last watering was 5 days ago and I say she has at least another 3 days to go before watering if I had to guess. I have overwatered in the past, so I try and be more vigilant and let them dry out. I believe you see a lot of lower roots when not properly letting them dry out, this was the opposite with few roots on the bottom but lots of roots down the side of the soil.

If you believe your not over watering and the new growth look the same as the old growth you can see that the problem is persistent. Nothing has changed sine the problem started. The roots just don't look happy. The point tips angled down is also a sign of over watering. It happens more often than we think and it's so easy to not think we are. Our soil holds moister like a mofo. Ok ok I'm done I don't want to sound like I'm beating you down with over watering man. I just really messed up my ladies and it took me until after I harvested to really understand the plant and how our souls was doing things, more than just when I was feeding and nurturing them through all their stages. So yeah.... they'll recover in time, just be patient.

Just one more question, where are your lights in comparison to the plants? That would be my only other thought, maybe the lights are to close and they are trying to get away from them.
The problem is that growth is super slow at a point where I expect pretty rapid development. Something isn't right. I would love it to be as simple as overwatering. That would be an easy fix. COBs are over 36" away from the top of this plant.
The problem is that growth is super slow at a point where I expect pretty rapid development. Something isn't right. I would love it to be as simple as overwatering. That would be an easy fix. COBs are over 36" away from the top of this plant.

Ok, 36" should be sufficient from what everyone talked about but tripleBeam would know better than me. What % are they set at? Tent or room? What temps, also, sometimes it is as simple as overwatering. Overwatering is the initial issue and everything follows after, fix the the issue and everything else falls in line
Ill take a stab and just say give them a rescue drench after they dry out. You are either lacking soil energy or your roots are lacking. Though it sounds like you have some nice roots building with them being thin and developing along the sides and not the bottom. So I would try and up soil energy with the rescue drench and maybe prune those lower leaves if they start looking worse.
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey BN looks like the roots have just been to wet and unhappy a bit. How often are you watering? Did you let the soil dry out? Like reaaaaaaally dry out? Have you given bites while in solos cups? Are the plants on the ground? Gotta keep the roots from getting to cold.

First this is to let them dry, looks like the soil is still wet in the pics. Give em a few days and then we can better diagnose, still though, need answers to those questions ..

Ya know, that yellowing looks a lot like my ladies when doc said my soil energy went flat. Mine didn't look droopy like those there, just the yellowing and slowed growth. So, yea, I guess rescue drench for the soil activity, but what about the droopy leaves. Buck had his drooping a bit, I think he raised his room temp a bit.
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Can anyone diagnose this? The plant on the left is droopy throughout the wet/dry cycle. I thought perhaps it wanted a bigger home, but I took it out the pot and it's still good in the current pot, no roots circling or anything. Also growth seems non-existent although it is using water. The one on the right seems like it's about to start the same exact thing so I just put it in a one gallon from a Solo cup, that could be the issue with the one on the right.


Hey BN looks like the roots have just been to wet and unhappy a bit. How often are you watering? Did you let the soil dry out? Like reaaaaaaally dry out? Have you given bites while in solos cups? Are the plants on the ground? Gotta keep the roots from getting to cold.

First this is to let them dry, looks like the soil is still wet in the pics. Give em a few days and then we can better diagnose, still though, need answers to those questions ..

I am watering when they are light. The one on the right was just watered because it was transplanted right before the picture was taken. The one on the left does not have roots circling the bottom of the pot, has nice development of thin roots down the side which should indicate that I am letting them sufficiently dry out. They are not on the floor, they are properly insulated. When they are in Solo cup sized containers they get plain water until they have 5 bladed fans and then I give them a little trans with their water. The one on the left has looked just like that for the past week perhaps more, whether it's dry/soaked or anywhere in between. Absolutely no change.

When you look at the leaves you can see that they are fat and fluffy, indicating over watering. How well does the pot dry out? Meaning do you have enough drainage in those pots? Maybe add more holes to help air circulation. Those roots are not happy, light doesn't always mean dry. My first grow had these exact same symptoms. How many days between feedings, I've gone 13 days before and signs of wilt in 1 gal pots.

EDIT: Also you see the plant one the left is taking nutrients from the lower leaves, I believe and I could be wrong but that is an indicator that the roots are not happy as well. Not getting the uptake because the microbes aren't very active. Something like that, I think I'm close anyway.

If you believe your not over watering and the new growth look the same as the old growth you can see that the problem is persistent. Nothing has changed sine the problem started. The roots just don't look happy. The point tips angled down is also a sign of over watering. It happens more often than we think and it's so easy to not think we are. Our soil holds moister like a mofo. Ok ok I'm done I don't want to sound like I'm beating you down with over watering man. I just really messed up my ladies and it took me until after I harvested to really understand the plant and how our souls was doing things, more than just when I was feeding and nurturing them through all their stages. So yeah.... they'll recover in time, just be patient.

Just one more question, where are your lights in comparison to the plants? That would be my only other thought, maybe the lights are to close and they are trying to get away from them.

The problem is that growth is super slow at a point where I expect pretty rapid development. Something isn't right. I would love it to be as simple as overwatering. That would be an easy fix. COBs are over 36" away from the top of this plant.

Ok, 36" should be sufficient from what everyone talked about but tripleBeam would know better than me. What % are they set at? Tent or room? What temps, also, sometimes it is as simple as overwatering. Overwatering is the initial issue and everything follows after, fix the the issue and everything else falls in line

Ill take a stab and just say give them a rescue drench after they dry out. You are either lacking soil energy or your roots are lacking. Though it sounds like you have some nice roots building with them being thin and developing along the sides and not the bottom. So I would try and up soil energy with the rescue drench and maybe prune those lower leaves if they start looking worse.

Ya know, that yellowing looks a lot like my ladies when doc said my soil energy went flat. Mine didn't look droopy like those there, just the yellowing and slowed growth. So, yea, I guess rescue drench for the soil activity, but what about the droopy leaves. Buck had his drooping a bit, I think he raised his room temp a bit.

This ^^ is a beautiful thing! I completely agree with the diagnosis and the remedy.

In the directions I recommend planting into 1 gallon pots. A small container with "bright" walls like a solo cup is not a large enough volume of soil to really live well. So that's not optimal.

Also, solo cups let a lot of light in, so you get a light pruning action on the roots when we actually want them to grow, grow, grow.

So, your soil isn't alive. Now you're in a proper container, so like the misfits and ne'r do wells said: Rescue Drench. Prune off the dead stuff. Let's also see about 60% humidity and daytime temps of 78-80 and night time temps of about 69-70.
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