Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

hi guys I was just wondering how does every1 test there brix levels I was looking online and I found this one can any1 tell me if this is a good one to get to test my brix levels cause I don't wana drop over a 100bux and then find out its not the right thing or something like that here is the link to what I was looking at on amazon

Milwaukee MA871 Digital Sugar Refractometer with Automatic Temp Compensation, Yellow LED, 0 to 85 percent Brix, +/- 0.2 percent Accuracy, 0.1 percent Resolution: Science Lab Refractometers

You don't need anything that fancy. Search on that same site for "refractometer". They're in the $20 range. Get one that reads from 0-32% and you're good to go.

You don't need anything that fancy. Search on that same site for "refractometer". They're in the $20 range. Get one that reads from 0-32% and you're good to go.


thanx man the only reason I went with a pricey one is cause that was all I cud find for a digital one since I have horrible eyes I wanted something that wud read out kinda clear and those cheaper ones u gotta hold it up and look threw a lens it looks like and from watching icemuds utube video it looks like if ur shakey tht wud make it really hard to see so I figure go with the digital one but the one I picked out is the right thing tho am I right lol??
Actually, from reading the reviews, it sounds like a cool tool to have! It's more accurate than the manual ones, and it can hold a sample as the reading stabilizes. Kinda nice. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Actually, from reading the reviews, it sounds like a cool tool to have! It's more accurate than the manual ones, and it can hold a sample as the reading stabilizes. Kinda nice. :cheesygrinsmiley:

thanx man then that will be the one I get then thanx a lot for the help

Thanks for the links Ziggy! I am almost done reading Dr. Albrecht's Soil Fertility and Animal Health. It's has turned the light on for me in so many ways. Not just growing but our food supply. If we quit wasting money on chemical farming, healthcare put that money into rejuvenating our soils, a lot if not all our health issues would fix themselves.
Is there condensation on the lid and sides? If not, it wouldn't hurt to spread another quart or two of water over the top.


It should have eaten those leaves by now ... :hmmmm:

Only a little condensation on the lids and sides, not much... I was a bit paranoid about adding to much water so I followed directions
(erred on the cautious side and used the least amount recommended.) After it was mixed I could grab a fist full and squeeze it, it would/still does stay in a nice clump till you poke it, then it falls apart, doesn't leave to much mess on your hands. Ill get some more water in those tubs today, pull those trimmings to the top, sprinkle with Roots!, recover and then add the water. Thanks Graytrail!
A very great morning to you two,...both of ya's! 1953 and SF's. You have both found the most awesome weed forum on the web! Congrats for that ! I would like to ...on behalf of all the other members in this HB neighborhood offer both of you a very , big, warm welcome to the 'Mag'.:welcome:...The growers around these parts are a passionate group and are real people with high levels of integrity , who will offer up help , advise, wisdom and good cheer on a daily basis. We are a very proud group and welcome you both ! You both need 50 posts to send and receive PM's Ok. If your interested in a 'kit' from Doc. just check his profile and you will find an email to communicate your wishes to him. he is very good at getting back to all new members and his shipping is fast and stress free...just the way we like it...:thumb:
Would like to suggest you both do some reading of Doc's 'in the lab' thread along with doing some reading this thread ,the Q and A thread. please feel free to check out some of the other HB journals to get a feel for our group and what we're all about. We only ask that you please leave your ego's (if this applies) at the door , enter our journals with a good attitude and a smile these things and i promise ya's , ya won't wanna leave this place ,'s a pretty cool spot...we kinda like it ...a lot!:tokin:
Enjoy this place's a special one , and once again ....welcome to the 'Mag'.....:welcome::circle-of-love:

Do you think of me every time you say the word "Mag"? I think you do! Probably not but I do so I had to say it lol ..
Hey what type of brix refactormeter do u guys use to test your brix levels

Only a little condensation on the lids and sides, not much... I was a bit paranoid about adding to much water so I followed directions
(erred on the cautious side and used the least amount recommended.) After it was mixed I could grab a fist full and squeeze it, it would/still does stay in a nice clump till you poke it, then it falls apart, doesn't leave to much mess on your hands. Ill get some more water in those tubs today, pull those trimmings to the top, sprinkle with Roots!, recover and then add the water. Thanks Graytrail![/QUOTE

Your soil is fine. Following directions is a good thing, not a mistake.

If the soil is moist, and it wasn't resting on a cold slab and temps were 70ish....the soil is perfectly fine.
Very much working on it Zigg's......

Any temperature compensated 0-30 Brix scale, digital or analog will work just fine.
Thanx doc much appreciated after im done doing this sponsored grow im doing i was thinkn about switching up to ur kit about how much is the whole kit guna cost to get? Just wanting to know now so i can save a check or two for it deoending how much it is
Not sure if posting in right place or not. But I must say I'm very impressed on how fast my package of 2 kits arrived to me. Ordered last week sometime and showed up to home today to find my mail slip to pick up tomorrow. I expected a lot longer due to having to go through customs.i was wrong. Got everything to start my cook today in preparation and will be mixing this weekend if weather holds off for me. Thanks again doc for all the help.
One question I do have is I see it's recommended to use a castings with 1-1-0 most of the casting local to me seem to be 1-0-0 is this going to be a problem for me.

Hey there Darkscotia, That is not gonna be a problem. I believe most here have been using Wiggle worm castings as I have. They seem to be the most available and work just fine. The important thing is you want the last number to be 0.
ugh... I've got mites. Time to start with some spinosad, unfortunately this isn't high brix yet or I wouldn't be so worried. Cant wait to get that going, coming very soon. Any recommendations for getting rid of them and trying to make sure they are all gone before my first DBHBB grow? Would it be a good idea to maybe take them outside, try and blast off as many as I can, then treat with spinosad? Or water with spinosad and spray as many off with the spinosad as well? Never had this issue before and I know there is lots of info out there on how to get rid of them. The thing is... I trust you guys. I know you're experienced and have great knowledge in this area. And of course I will not be using anything inorganic, that is just not an option for me.
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