Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Good work beavis....good work. :thumb:

Thanks bud! When reading your journal the other day I realized my plant is only 3 days behind your I'll be riding copilot. :lot-o-toke: Man after I posted the pics I realized I promised pistil action then failed to deliver the goods and instead posted pics of bud formation. lol Well we do have pistil action booming all over the place especially in the past 2-3 days.

I'm having a blast watching her change.
Blue Dream flip #11. We have pistils! This stuff is fun....thanks Doc!!



Looking awesome Beavis!! You have a journal? I'd love to sub...
Hey doc, I wanna grow Gorilla Glue 4 and Blue Dream in HB soil. What additives(aside from the basic "kit") if any would I need for these strains?



You don't need any additives Seaweed! Welcome to the Brix came to the right place!

You get Doc's kit, mix it with a 3.8 cu ft bale of ProMix HP myco (be sure to get the HP), 20-40 lbs of earth worm castings (most here use Wiggle Worm) with an NPK of 1-1-0 with K being zero. You mix that all together in a sealed bin raised off the floor in a controlled environment and in 30 days you're ready to plant (I'm generalizing the process...see Doc's instructions on his In The Lab thread for specific soil mixing and kit instructions).

Throughout the grow you'll use items in Doc's kit to feed the plant but other than that you don't need anything other than RO water and light. With Doc's old product formulation some strains needed epsoms and bloodmeal but with the new version of Doc's product you don't need any of that "extra" stuff.

Those are 2 strains that grow well in Doc's soil!
You don't need any additives Seaweed! Welcome to the Brix came to the right place!

You get Doc's kit, mix it with a 3.8 cu ft bale of ProMix HP myco (be sure to get the HP), 20-40 lbs of earth worm castings (most here use Wiggle Worm) with an NPK of 1-1-0 with K being zero. You mix that all together in a sealed bin raised off the floor in a controlled environment and in 30 days you're ready to plant (I'm generalizing the process...see Doc's instructions on his In The Lab thread for specific soil mixing and kit instructions).

Throughout the grow you'll use items in Doc's kit to feed the plant but other than that you don't need anything other than RO water and light. With Doc's old product formulation some strains needed epsoms and bloodmeal but with the new version of Doc's product you don't need any of that "extra" stuff.
I got my kit in February I think, would the version I have be the one you speak of? When I got my kit and asked a similar question regarding strains that are considered "frakenstrains" I was told I'd have to use Epsom's and way ahead I think it was.
I got my kit in February I think, would the version I have be the one you speak of? When I got my kit and asked a similar question regarding strains that are considered "frakenstrains" I was told I'd have to use Epsom's and way ahead I think it was.

Ok then I think that would be correct for a Feb kit Seaweed (not sure exactly when Doc started the new products) and you may not even need those items but it is nice to be prepared. I can't speak for the GG#4 but the BD will probably need some epsoms. WayAhead is a solution that is given as a foliar spray. But neither will be needed until flower stage so you don't HAVE to have them at the very beginning. You order the WayAhead from Doc.
Ok then I think that would be correct for a Feb kit Seaweed (not sure exactly when Doc started the new products) and you may not even need those items but it is nice to be prepared. I can't speak for the GG#4 but the BD will probably need some epsoms. WayAhead is a solution that is given as a foliar spray. But neither will be needed until flower stage so you don't HAVE to have them at the very beginning. You order the WayAhead from Doc.
Do you happen to know why wayahead is needed and what it is exactly? I understand some strains like salts and that's why the Epsom's are needed.
Man I'm a newbie here so I'm walking out on a limb (I'll let the veteran Brix team members correct me) but I believe WayAhead is to primarily supplement or add either Manganese or's to supplement some deficiency that crops up in these frankenstrains.

I don't know what WayAhead is made of but it is a concentrated liquid. You add a small amount of it to water and spray it on the plant. Ideally you know the strain and ahead of time apply the epsoms and/or way ahead in anticipation of the problem.
I ran BD in the kit a couple times and it came out just fine without anything extra. The last run I did with it I added some Epsom's in early bloom and it did seem to push it a little deeper into flower, but it's not mandatory. I think it also depends on your light source. If using LED, I'd recommend Epsom's as they seem to deplete the magnesium, or at least show deficiency more readily. Using RO water will also increase the likelihood of Mg def.

To clarify, it's not the "salts" the frankenstrains like, rather it's the seeming unusual demand for certain things, like magnesium (Epsom's salt is actually crystallized magnesium sulfate) they seem to have. Use of LED's and RO water will exacerbate those demands.

WayAhead 10x is a carrier for magnesium as well. I use it in small amounts in bloom and even then not every time.
Hey doc, I wanna grow Gorilla Glue 4 and Blue Dream in HB soil. What additives(aside from the basic "kit") if any would I need for these strains?



As others have said, you'll have no problem with those strains in High Brix. Currently I'm growing GG#4 and I've done BD in the past. Both will thrive. GG can be fed pretty strong.

If you're still using the OLD formulas....and as i read down the list here it seems that you are....just top dress with Epsoms when you transplant into the final containers and top it off every 10 days of so with 2 tblspn Epsoms.

The old formulas were designed to grow pure, heirloom stuff. The new formulas are designed more for the hybrids and frankenstrains that have taken over.
Do you happen to know why wayahead is needed and what it is exactly? I understand some strains like salts and that's why the Epsom's are needed.

WayAhead.....and I'm about to tweak the product and change the name a a micronute foliar spray and is designed for strains that get the "mid-bloom fade." I use 2 applications of WA (actually I'm using the updated version of it) and I haven't seen the fade for months.
back when i first started following Doc, he was big on the Querkle, so of course I ordered a 5 pack.
All 5 were male. I saved some of the pollen and the next time I grew my top notch WW I used some on her.
She only produced 4 seeds, but my pal that keeps the WW going is also keeping the WQ cross going. it's his fave.

This is a clone of her that I crossed with fresh WW pollen from a 25th gen of the same WW original he keeps.
test bud is great. I can't wait to grow some out.
more pics here
Come on folks let's see some eye candy! Here's some for ya

Doc Bud - -
Can I still order your High Brix kit from you?

Thanks everyone when I get ahold of some seeds or clones I'll start a journal

A very great morning to you two,...both of ya's! 1953 and SF's. You have both found the most awesome weed forum on the web! Congrats for that ! I would like to ...on behalf of all the other members in this HB neighborhood offer both of you a very , big, warm welcome to the 'Mag'.:welcome:...The growers around these parts are a passionate group and are real people with high levels of integrity , who will offer up help , advise, wisdom and good cheer on a daily basis. We are a very proud group and welcome you both ! You both need 50 posts to send and receive PM's Ok. If your interested in a 'kit' from Doc. just check his profile and you will find an email to communicate your wishes to him. he is very good at getting back to all new members and his shipping is fast and stress free...just the way we like it...:thumb:
Would like to suggest you both do some reading of Doc's 'in the lab' thread along with doing some reading this thread ,the Q and A thread. please feel free to check out some of the other HB journals to get a feel for our group and what we're all about. We only ask that you please leave your ego's (if this applies) at the door , enter our journals with a good attitude and a smile these things and i promise ya's , ya won't wanna leave this place ,'s a pretty cool spot...we kinda like it ...a lot!:tokin:
Enjoy this place's a special one , and once again ....welcome to the 'Mag'.....:welcome::circle-of-love:
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