Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

OK Since I just ordered the kit and want to make sure I have everything
ready I thought I should ask.

I will be receiving the New Kit with updated ingredients, looking at
the last Updated instructions date of Aug 24th 2015 I am not sure what parts
I need to adjust for ?

Or basically Anything special I need to be aware of if while following
these Aug 24th 2015 Directions that I would now need to change in
some way ?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can put me on the right track :)

Following instructions is definitely on the right track. I haven't updated them, because they're a very good guideline. The new formulas don't completely change the products....just improve them.
Doc, I was just wondering if your Cannapharms email is still working as I need to order some more products of yours. I've already sent you a email. I know you're busy but if it still works I'll patiently await your response.

Headbanger by Karma genetics


Cornbread by Raredankness
Following instructions is definitely on the right track. I haven't updated them, because they're a very good guideline. The new formulas don't completely change the products....just improve them.

OK, another question I see mention of OG Drench, I don't see that listed in my order and you had
mentioned it may not be needed with the new formula. Is it included in my order and if not how
will I know if I need it or not ?

Thanks again
OK, another question I see mention of OG Drench, I don't see that listed in my order and you had
mentioned it may not be needed with the new formula. Is it included in my order and if not how
will I know if I need it or not ?

Thanks again

I am guessing Doc is still testing everything with the new products, but I have several questions myself.

I have a large collection of both "Frankenstrains" and Landrace genetics.

As far as the Frankenstrains, like you, what products will we need to add (Bloodmeal, OG Drench, Etc..) and if we run them in first run soil, will we be able to recook and reuse it again? If so only on the Frankenstrains or can the 2nd and 3rd run be a landrace?

For the Landrace, I know Doc said the new products were good news for Frankenstrain lovers, so how will we need to adjust for the Landraces using the new products.

I am fairly sure it will all be figured out eventually.

Doc, I was just wondering if your Cannapharms email is still working as I need to order some more products of yours. I've already sent you a email. I know you're busy but if it still works I'll patiently await your response.

Ive never seen Doc put that add on here...I think that's for a reason. I could be wrong tho
I am guessing Doc is still testing everything with the new products, but I have several questions myself.

I have a large collection of both "Frankenstrains" and Landrace genetics.

As far as the Frankenstrains, like you, what products will we need to add (Bloodmeal, OG Drench, Etc..) and if we run them in first run soil, will we be able to recook and reuse it again? If so only on the Frankenstrains or can the 2nd and 3rd run be a landrace?

For the Landrace, I know Doc said the new products were good news for Frankenstrain lovers, so how will we need to adjust for the Landraces using the new products.

I am fairly sure it will all be figured out eventually.


I prefer to grow Frankenstrains in 3rd or 4th run soil. As for landrace, I'll have the old formulas on hand for those who want to grow landrace strains, but the new stuff will do pretty good in those too.

A good gardener always has some other stuff about the place, bloodmeal, epsoms, EWC, etc. You could need them, you might want them!

But the consistent mag demand issues we're seeing are gone! No bloodmeal or epsoms used on these:

whoa! We always do Transplant drenches! Real ones! Some of us....myself to do 1/4 Transplant in place of pure water, but that doesn't mean we don't do the drenches! It's all in the directions.

Evenin Doc, Medman ...Medman, come on brotha , new that...right!!
OK, basic 'kit' instructions, ...real easy. Start with a Transplant Drench, then water, water, now a GE Drench, then water , water, then a Transplant Drench, then water , water, then a GE Drench. Alternating the two main Drenches. As plants get bigger give 1/4 Trans with the pure water drinks ,...if ya like:) When giving Cat. Drenches , keep in mind , it's best to start back with GE and not Transplant when another Drench is due! All Drenches get Tea. All amounts are listed in the instructions, please newer growers , go to Doc's sig, and click on "how to use the High Brix Kit", , do some more pays off! Cheers Doc, gang,...and friends!:Namaste:
whoa! We always do Transplant drenches! Real ones! Some of us....myself to do 1/4 Transplant in place of pure water, but that doesn't mean we don't do the drenches! It's all in the directions.

Doc, my bad! Somewhere along the line I got it in my head that the Transplant formula changed, or at least the process changed, resulting in adding ¼ Tp with all waterings, foregoing the Reg. Transplant Drench. I have been incorporating ¼ Tp with every watering.

My directions - modified from yours, along with supporting notes, confirms continued use of a "real" Tp drench. Not sure what I've been smoking, but I sure missed this one!

I think what happened is that I got confused a while back with some of the terminology being used: waterings, feedings, drenches and fertilizer/fertilizing. The directions use all of these words, and some of the responses to posts seem to use them interchangeably. I obviously misunderstood what individuals actually meant.

The good news? Now that I'm back on track giving the ladies "real" Transplant drenches, the result should be spectacular!
Evenin Doc, Medman ...Medman, come on brotha , new that...right!!
OK, basic 'kit' instructions, ...real easy. Start with a Transplant Drench, then water, water, now a GE Drench, then water , water, then a Transplant Drench, then water , water, then a GE Drench. Alternating the two main Drenches. As plants get bigger give 1/4 Trans with the pure water drinks ,...if ya like:) When giving Cat. Drenches , keep in mind , it's best to start back with GE and not Transplant when another Drench is due! All Drenches get Tea. All amounts are listed in the instructions, please newer growers , go to Doc's sig, and click on "how to use the High Brix Kit", , do some more pays off! Cheers Doc, gang,...and friends!:Namaste:

Yah, yah, yah, I know, I know! My problem is I've read them so many times that sometimes the words run together. I also try to incorporate tips that others use and things (my thinking) get askew.

When all else fails, READ THE DIRECTIONS! Ha! Speaking of which, can you point to the directions from August 2015, the ones in Doc's sig, that states the order, and the pattern, for waterings and drenches? You state "Transplant, water, water, Energy, water, water", etc., but I do not see this in those directions. I always thought it was a drench, i.e. transplant, then water, then Energy and repeat. I know that you do not water between Cat drenches, but I can't find anything in my files from Doc that says two waterings between T and E drenches.
Yah, yah, yah, I know, I know! My problem is I've read them so many times that sometimes the words run together. I also try to incorporate tips that others use and things (my thinking) get askew.

When all else fails, READ THE DIRECTIONS! Ha! Speaking of which, can you point to the directions from August 2015, the ones in Doc's sig, that states the order, and the pattern, for waterings and drenches? You state "Transplant, water, water, Energy, water, water", etc., but I do not see this in those directions. I always thought it was a drench, i.e. transplant, then water, then Energy and repeat. I know that you do not water between Cat drenches, but I can't find anything in my files from Doc that says two waterings between T and E drenches.

MM has some weapons grade going on fo sho. :thumb:
No, it's not included and yes I don't think you'll need it. How will you know? You'll have to grow them out.

I hope I am not coming across as some jerk, I am not trying to be, only want to give this
product my best effort. I try to be proactive rather than reactive so wanted to know what
to look out for.

Follow directions is probably one of the things I do best. But the directions are a little
confusing now that some items are no longer needed.
Two watering's between, really applies to second and third run soil. That shit is hot. Tard just pointed out some "Talon" as a hint to too much nitrogen and be best to give two waters in between. 1st run soil has been drench water drench water....etc. Now I'm in second run....noticing some talon, its...drench water water drench. None the less, don't think any of us has killed one, it still puts the dispensary to shame. :peace: my man
There a few new kit users here and the same questions keep coming up. Everyone wants to do things perfect the first time. Chances are you won't, but guess what....It is still going to be fire! You'll just get a feel for the products and what they do, don't stress about it. Just follow the basic directions the best you understand. If you're worried you are screwing up, start a journal. You have a bunch of people here who will guide you. They were all invaluable to me.
On when to drench and when to use just water (with or without 1/4 transplant), a good starting point is to give the drenches no closer than a week a part mix drenches at .5-1.5 ml per gallon of soil. If they need water before that, that's when I give straight water or water with 1/4 transplant. You will learn what strength your plants need as you learn the strain. I usually start out at 1 ml per gallon of soil and adjust from there. Spray Brix every 7-10 days. Hope this helps someone.
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