Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Please explain.

Hey Medman, ya with BM, it has a tendency to attract bugs ,..of all sorts. Ask anyone who uses it indoors, insects love that stuff. That's all i know about it . I won't use it indoors with the 'kit'. With doc's new recipe for the Transplant and G.E. it's not needed any more ...wasn't really needed anyhow, i've never used plants turn out OK! Cheers MMM, Doc and friends:)
Whats the deal Cannatard? You seem a bit grumpy in that post...

You know how long I've been doing this and helping, or trying to help, people? Then...they don't listen! If people would READ and do their due diligence, their plants would be typical high brix every time!!! I have one student from 420 mag and his plants are epic, to say the least! And you know what I've kept telling him? Read, listen and follow directions!!! If your plants suck, it's because you didn't read, do research and follow the dang directions!!!! The kit is simplicity at its simplest...with some common sense and due diligence. Ive never been one to hold my tongue...kit vets can tell you this. Doc has some real patience to keep answering the same questions over and over for growers that are imo lazy. I say lazy because they EXPECT us to be here to give all the answers. I read more than my share of journals before getting a kit and my plants have always been epic. If your shit aint beautiful, it's because you decided to run on your own. I've seen this many times over the years and just got tired of helping. Do research, read and follow the directions...then read some more then do a lil I say read? Learn
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures


This plant has unhappy roots. I'd say overwatering and cold feet. Make sure your temps are good and the container isn't on a cold slab....let it completely dry out....then mild transplant drench.....dry out then water....dry out Rescue Drench. (in the directions it says what to do if something goes wrong....towards the end.)

By then, it should look like a different plant and then you can Growth Energy and things will back on track.
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

This plant has unhappy roots. I'd say overwatering and cold feet. Make sure your temps are good and the container isn't on a cold slab....let it completely dry out....then mild transplant drench.....dry out then water....dry out Rescue Drench. (in the directions it says what to do if something goes wrong....towards the end.)

By then, it should look like a different plant and then you can Growth Energy and things will back on track.

Ok, so this plant and the other of her strain are way off the ground and have been at temp of 78-82. They have been drying out at about 6 to 7 days. All the pots seem dry and they meter show dry as well. The panamas seem to be doing very very well and are as dry as these peyote purples all have been feed only RO water and One Trans and Tea feeding, today was just and RO drenching
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Ok, so this plant and the other of her strain are way off the ground and have been at temp of 78-82. They have been drying out at about 6 to 7 days. All the pots seem dry and they meter show dry as well. The panamas seem to be doing very very well and are as dry as these peyote purples all have been feed only RO water and One Trans and Tea feeding, today was just and RO drenching

The plant doesn't look healthy. Can you post pics of the others?
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Ok, so this plant and the other of her strain are way off the ground and have been at temp of 78-82. They have been drying out at about 6 to 7 days. All the pots seem dry and they meter show dry as well. The panamas seem to be doing very very well and are as dry as these peyote purples all have been feed only RO water and One Trans and Tea feeding, today was just and RO drenching

The plant doesn't look healthy. Can you post pics of the others?
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

You know how long I've been doing this and helping, or trying to help, people? Then...they don't listen! If people would READ and do their due diligence, their plants would be typical high brix every time!!! I have one student from 420 mag and his plants are epic, to say the least! And you know what I've kept telling him? Read, listen and follow directions!!! If your plants suck, it's because you didn't read, do research and follow the dang directions!!!! The kit is simplicity at its simplest...with some common sense and due diligence. Ive never been one to hold my tongue...kit vets can tell you this. Doc has some real patience to keep answering the same questions over and over for growers that are imo lazy. I say lazy because they EXPECT us to be here to give all the answers. I read more than my share of journals before getting a kit and my plants have always been epic. If your shit aint beautiful, it's because you decided to run on your own. I've seen this many times over the years and just got tired of helping. Do research, read and follow the directions...then read some more then do a lil I say read? Learn

That's great, you and a lot of amazing people have been doing amazing things for the cannabis community and you have no idea how much people like me appreciate it. Really, I don't think you do.

The thing is, some times in life when you're moving so fast and you have so much going on that you don't have the time to scroll through 500 plus pages of info and convo and other possible shananigans; you just have to post a question and hope for a reply. Yes, we google, and yes we research. For fu@k sake I hate dumb questions and easily found answers myself, but this morning I was short on time and I was in a hurry. Feeding, getting ready for class and then work and such. There are a lot of journals here and 60% are just praise. Now I'm not knocking that I am saying it can be time consuming to get through the wish wash when looking for answers to questions. So, please, if you're no longer here to help, then don't bother being a dick. There's enough of those in the world today. Let the ones who want to help help. I don't know everything and "here"I don't know much, and in the world of green thumbs I know even less but I'm willing to say it and then express my want to learn. I'm not lazy and I won't be portrayed that way either. Get it?? I hope so!! Thank you! Good day sir!!
You know how long I've been doing this and helping, or trying to help, people? Then...they don't listen! If people would READ and do their due diligence, their plants would be typical high brix every time!!! I have one student from 420 mag and his plants are epic, to say the least! And you know what I've kept telling him? Read, listen and follow directions!!! If your plants suck, it's because you didn't read, do research and follow the dang directions!!!! The kit is simplicity at its simplest...with some common sense and due diligence. Ive never been one to hold my tongue...kit vets can tell you this. Doc has some real patience to keep answering the same questions over and over for growers that are imo lazy. I say lazy because they EXPECT us to be here to give all the answers. I read more than my share of journals before getting a kit and my plants have always been epic. If your shit aint beautiful, it's because you decided to run on your own. I've seen this many times over the years and just got tired of helping. Do research, read and follow the directions...then read some more then do a lil I say read? Learn

Well thats completely understandable, but what you may not realize... not all people learn that way bro. Some people need hands on experience... videos... stuff like that. Im actually one of those people. I can tell you first hand, sometimes reading over and over, it just doesn't stick. But you can be however you want about it. It's your time. I know I am very grateful for any and all help I have received here, and i appreciate the vids on Docs IG for sure!! Hell Doc could make an instructional video for guys like me... I would buy that for sure.
Hey Medman, ya with BM, it has a tendency to attract bugs ,..of all sorts. Ask anyone who uses it indoors, insects love that stuff. That's all i know about it . I won't use it indoors with the 'kit'. With doc's new recipe for the Transplant and G.E. it's not needed any more ...wasn't really needed anyhow, i've never used plants turn out OK! Cheers MMM, Doc and friends:)

I understand your concern about bugs and blood meal Duggs, but....I use it regularly and I haven't had any bugs other than these stupid box elder bugs that are everywhere right now. They don't hurt the plants just a pain in the ass. Currently none of my plants have been treated with blood meal yet either. Anyway I feel it has really improved some of the frakenstrains and I've recycled the soil. I believe the plant uses it all up in about 3 weeks. I don't amend soil to cook with blood meal just top dress once or twice in bloom. But you are right the new drenches won't need it. I got gallons on the way!!!
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

The plant doesn't look healthy. Can you post pics of the others?

Here are the pics from this morning

Ace Panama

Ace Peyote Purple





The APP seem to have ok new growth but the old growth looks sad. It has always looked sad and had an over watered or under watered look at the same time. The soil was dry every time I fed. I will go long this next time to see if it can get any dryer but they were dry as far as I could tell. If I am wrong then we'll I am wrong and I need to learn what my plants are doing. Maybe I have think that they all can not be on the same feeding schedule?? What do you think, Doc, Dugg??? Pic taken this morning, 20 hours after straight RO water drenching
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Here are the pics from this morning

Ace Panama

Ace Peyote Purple





The APP seem to have ok new growth but the old growth looks sad. It has always looked sad and had an over watered or under watered look at the same time. The soil was dry every time I fed. I will go long this next time to see if it can get any dryer but they were dry as far as I could tell. If I am wrong then we'll I am wrong and I need to learn what my plants are doing. Maybe I have think that they all can not be on the same feeding schedule?? What do you think, Doc, Dugg??? Pic taken this morning, 20 hours after straight RO water drenching

The all look a little unhappy, but not like the one. As those containers dry out, dribble a small amount of water down the top....maybe half a cup. When it starts to wilt then dunk it and let it dry out again. Definitely weak transplant drench....followed by Rescue Drench. The roots are sick.
Ok Doc, will do, thank you for seeing what I didn't know. I knew something wasn't right tho. Glad you caught it before I waited to long to ask about it
Well thats completely understandable, but what you may not realize... not all people learn that way bro. Some people need hands on experience... videos... stuff like that. Im actually one of those people. I can tell you first hand, sometimes reading over and over, it just doesn't stick. But you can be however you want about it. It's your time. I know I am very grateful for any and all help I have received here, and i appreciate the vids on Docs IG for sure!! Hell Doc could make an instructional video for guys like me... I would buy that for sure.

Wow what an exchange of feelings last night and this morning...hope everyone feels better:)

I really see both sides of this discussion, and think that perhaps each of us needs to do the same.

Cannatard, I respect you and your advise, but sometime you come out with comments that are just offensive, and I can see it comes from a place of frustration, and I understand that. I personally have pulled way back on my pics and questions, unless I'm really stuck...the last thing I want to do is irritate anyone.

On the other side of the coin, Us noobs also need to put things in perspective here. Think about the time the DBHBB top dogs put in here on this forum, and all the people that come and go, the questions, pics, what do I do???, etc. I imagine it can feel a little repetitive at times. Does everyone remember your first formal greeting from Duggan? I felt so welcome after that post, like I was accepted, but it was more than a was my first lesson...."leave the ego at the door". This lesson applies to all of us on here.

I have found, going through past DBHBB journals to be quite informative. I actually started a three ring binder with those tab separators to document and organize (for future easy access) things I read that I may need to reference. As Seven pointed out, searching through journals when you have a problem is pointless...just ask on here. But...we also need to demonstrate that us noobs are putting in the time researching past Doc has stated, this is not kindergarten.

The biggest thing I've learned on here is to not be afraid of making a mistake. Apply the instructions as you interpret Dajerm said, I also learn by "doing", and I seem to learn better when I have to I say enjoy the troubles you will encounter, research, take notes, share your experience, ask questions, and post pics...find a good balance of all these, and you be well on your way to the goal of all this...the first puff of bud YOU grew in DBHBB soil...I can't wait to share the experience with you all.

Oh and almost forgot..."never forget where you came from". A very old humble teacher years ago told me this. The ones on this forum who give graciously here understand this well.

Ok Doc, will do, thank you for seeing what I didn't know. I knew something wasn't right tho. Glad you caught it before I waited to long to ask about it


I learned this just like you are about to. I too thought the pots were dry when I started. I had to actually see the plants physically wilt, like leaves drooped, like oh shit..what have I done! I then watered and watched the plants rehydrate right in front of my eyes...they flenched and sporadically moved for about 15 minutes as they came back to life. Then the next time I noticed the wilt start, but wasn't sure, so waited the night, and checked on them in the am...wilted....ahhh now I learned what they look like right before they wilt, so I don't have to keep stressing them and waiting for the full wilt. This changed everything...a few days after the rescue drench, they took off.

So don't be apprehensive about learning the look of pre-wilt. Learn this, as there are many more hurdles to overcome down the road.


I learned this just like you are about to. I too thought the pots were dry when I started. I had to actually see the plants physically wilt, like leaves drooped, like oh shit..what have I done! I then watered and watched the plants rehydrate right in front of my eyes...they flenched and sporadically moved for about 15 minutes as they came back to life. Then the next time I noticed the wilt start, but wasn't sure, so waited the night, and checked on them in the am...wilted....ahhh now I learned what they look like right before they wilt, so I don't have to keep stressing them and waiting for the full wilt. This changed everything...a few days after the rescue drench, they took off.

So don't be apprehensive about learning the look of pre-wilt. Learn this, as there are many more hurdles to overcome down the road.


OK DL, and '7',Please do this OK. Next time your lil pots seem dry ..lift them up..get a feel for how much they weigh when they're dry. Next time ya think they need a drink...just lift them up...easy , peasy guys...OK. This is a foolproof method. After a while you will get to know when they need a drink without waiting for them to wilt. I never wait that long ....give them a drink just before that ..OK!:) cheers DL , '7' and gang!:circle-of-love:
Sup High brixers!

Been a while since my last post but things are looking good. 3 of my plants (Cinderella 99, Sour tangie, Critical nev haze) sprouted on 3/22. The smaller one is a seed I found in a previous bag of some fire LSD so I hope it is female and started 10 days later than the others. Today the 3 bigger ones are working on their 5th node (I can see 4 nodes noticeably). Thus far I've given a light Trans drench (7.5 mil of trans +1.5 gal of water +.5 ml tea) , light GE drench, and another light Trans drench last night. Here are my questions:

1. Now that the plants are working on their 5th node, I was thinking about topping down to the 3rd node leaving only the 2 fan leaves and the growth tips and anything below that. Should I be removing EVERYTHING except for the 2 fan leaves and growth tips? For example should I remove all the growth from the nodes below including the original 1 finger and 3 finger leaves and the cotyledons or should I leave those?

My plan is to top down to the 3rd node, then grow each growth tip to 4 nodes, then top again down to the 3rd node on each removing the 2 node and leaving nodes 1 and 3 to have a total of 8 main colas. I believe its called the Nebula haze manifolding technique.

2. When I top them, can I clone the tops instead of just throwing them away? I was thinking I could clone each plant, so I'd have 3 clones, but I've been reading that people don't really clone from topping the main stem, but only cloning from lower branches, but I figure why waste the tops and just throw them out when i can try to clone and have 3 plants ready to go after these 3 mothers are harvested? Any feedback/advice/recommendations would be grateful. I only have 1 tent right now so I'm not sure what I will do when the time comes to flower the 3 main plants. The other thinking was: just continue to veg the 3 mother plants until the 3 clones grow big enough to flower simultaneously but then I'll end up with 3 smaller yielding nugs from the clones instead of the nice full growth of the 3 mothers.

I learned this just like you are about to. I too thought the pots were dry when I started. I had to actually see the plants physically wilt, like leaves drooped, like oh shit..what have I done! I then watered and watched the plants rehydrate right in front of my eyes...they flenched and sporadically moved for about 15 minutes as they came back to life. Then the next time I noticed the wilt start, but wasn't sure, so waited the night, and checked on them in the am...wilted....ahhh now I learned what they look like right before they wilt, so I don't have to keep stressing them and waiting for the full wilt. This changed everything...a few days after the rescue drench, they took off.

So don't be apprehensive about learning the look of pre-wilt. Learn this, as there are many more hurdles to overcome down the road.


Hey DL and Dugg, this I have done since the beginning. This is why I thought I had it down. My AP1 gets dry fast and when I feed she gets to looking great and preaches to the sky. When she feels dry so do all the rest. So I feed them all. But then they don't respond the same so this has me confused. This time I will let them dry a little further. I do also let them go over night every time I think they need water. I wait until the morning just to be sure. But maybe I don't need to drench with water??? Chime in on that please. Do I only drench with drenches and water with water?
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