Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

A very warm welcome to you we have a 'Farmer' and a 'Farmers'.

I was wondering why you kept calling Farmer Farmers, ha! :rofl: this made me look, his handle is singular @FutRfarmer but the title of his journal is Plural, Farmers. I've been calling him Farmer which is why I suggested Fluf for FLFarmer, short for Fluffy from FLF. What do you think Fluffy, any preference on Nick name? How about Flo for FloRida? :rofl:

Speaking of Farmer, that'd be a great journal to check out! He just finished up his first run with the kit and knocked it out of the park! FutRfarmers First Grow With QB's & Doc's High Brix

I was wondering why you kept calling Farmer Farmers, ha! :rofl: this made me look, his handle is singular @FutRfarmer but the title of his journal is Plural, Farmers. I've been calling him Farmer which is why I suggested Fluf for FLFarmer, short for Fluffy from FLF. What do you think Fluffy, any preference on Nick name?

:rofl::ganjamon: now we know
Journal is started!! This will be my first time journaling or even taking pics of my ladies really. (They’re quite shy:rofl:) Looking forward to the journey ahead with all of you amazing people here!!

Hey guys I was just wondering what is the best way people have been taking the cuttings and getting them to take? Like do you use rooting gel or anything other then docs roots powder? Cause all my clones keep dieing now that I've been trying to take soil clones instead of hydro clones.
Hey guys I was just wondering what is the best way people have been taking the cuttings and getting them to take? Like do you use rooting gel or anything other then docs roots powder? Cause all my clones keep dieing now that I've been trying to take soil clones instead of hydro clones.
Back when I used to do soil I used to just pop them right in the dirt. No gels or anything. Then put a clear solo cup over them for humidity. Always got about 85% success. For this venture back in soil I decided to order the rapid rooter plugs with tray and dome. Just like doc uses. I figure if I want results like his I have to copy it as closely as possible. Good luck!!!
Hey everyone I have a question. The pots I have for veg are 2 trade (1.59 actual) gallons. When I was at the store I looked at the “1gallon” pots and they are 2.6qt actual volume. I will be going into 10 (9.8actual) gallons for finals. So when we talk these pots are we talking the general trade gallon terms or are we looking for actual volume??
Hey guys I was just wondering what is the best way people have been taking the cuttings and getting them to take? Like do you use rooting gel or anything other then docs roots powder? Cause all my clones keep dieing now that I've been trying to take soil clones instead of hydro clones.

Hey Blaze, you should use rooting powder. Some are having success popping them right in soil. I prefer the rapid rooters because I can see roots, and once I do, into soil they go. I use the small water bottles, cut the top 90% of the way so you can open and close. Take cutting with 45 degree angle cut, scrape up the bottom inch or so, dip in water then in cloning powder and into the plug, I do make the hole in the plug bigger beforehand so all the cloning powder does not get pushed off the stem. Plug should also be pre moistened and then about 1/4 inch of water in the bottle. You can sprays leaves with 1/4 strength destress, helps with rooting. I put the bottles in a small box to,help keep,them upright.

Hey Blaze, you should use rooting powder. Some are having success popping them right in soil. I prefer the rapid rooters because I can see roots, and once I do, into soil they go. I use the small water bottles, cut the top 90% of the way so you can open and close. Take cutting with 45 degree angle cut, scrape up the bottom inch or so, dip in water then in cloning powder and into the plug, I do make the hole in the plug bigger beforehand so all the cloning powder does not get pushed off the stem. Plug should also be pre moistened and then about 1/4 inch of water in the bottle. You can sprays leaves with 1/4 strength destress, helps with rooting. I put the bottles in a small box to,help keep,them upright.


When u say cloning powder do u mean docs roots powder?
No, I mean rooting hormone.

Ok awesome man thanx so much for the info. Cause I've been taking cuts trying to see if I can get them to root even tho I'm still waiting for the soil to re cook I wanted to try a few strains where it didnt matter if the clone failed an so far I've been putting them into docs HB soil and regular sunshine mix#4 tried both ways of with docs roots powder and without and so far a 100% failure lmao. Not a single one has rooted either way HB soil or regular. Plus I even tried some under a plain CFL bulb like u wud get for a desk lamp which is what I always used b4 and that was with a 36 site cloner an I had that sucker filled up b4 so if it worked for over 30 clones b4 it shud be enough for 4 to 8 clones now so I no they werent dieing from the light. But I cant figure it out so maybe I'll have better success with this rooting hormone stuff u speak of. Do you know of any brand that works with docs hibrix soil for sure or will any rooting powder work?
I also use the curly CFL bulbs for clones on 24/7. Any rooting hormone powder. I've never used gel but that probably works too. Gray takes cuts and puts them in straight water with good success. Some use aloe instead of rooting hormone. Good luck!

Yea I have an aloe plant that I use as well. I jus take a cutting and drip alil on the end and then sprinkle the hole with roots powder. But today I'm going to the hydro shop and guna look at some rooting hormones n see if that dont help things out some. Cause I jus got my new cloner box an I wana put it 2 some good use lol here it is.

So I was looking on Amazon to see if maybe would be cheaper an to get prices. Well I came across these they have a few different strengths. They have a chart an say to look up the type of plant u have an that will show what strength to get. Well it said for marijuana to get #8 an #16 it said the woodie the plant the stronger the solution hence the high #s. But from the reviews it was looking like as long as u had a strong enough one it should root ur clones so I was wondering if u guys think I should get both #8 and #16 for roughly 40 bux or do u think I would be ok with jus getting the strongest one #16 for 24 bux to save some money?

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