

HI guys

So I'm still losing leaves. It's only at the bottom however one set of leaves have got symptoms on top... Please help haha
OK sir I will do that as I get home. I got the loupe
May not be mites but those white spots are suspect.
OK sire I am checking them out and don't see anything under the leaves. I can see veins but nt a single living thing... This is concerning but I must stay focused!

Any further suggestions I could follow?
Again thank you for those that stopped by. It is very nice you took the time to stop by
I’ve been thinking about this since you sent me that pm. I was reading up on mites to see if I could help anywhere. Had to go do some cleaning. And I’m back now still thinking. You say there are no mites that you can see. I wonder if the white stuff is powdery mildew.

athe leaves falling off could be from the stems going hollow and not in tact enough to be holding on to the plant. They’re older leaves for sure, which would make sense to have a bit of a nitrogen def. but none of the leaves are majorly brown and crisp to the touch... :hmmmm:
Looks like thrip damage to me. But I don't know where it's raining leaves from because I'm not seeing any bald spots!

You know that little hat you made for one of the florescent fixtures? Use it to attach two long pieces of tin foil on either side, over the actual tubes. Repeat on the other one. Now is the time to get max light on that plant!
One thing if anything I must say you have always boosted maximum light! I love it. I'm not working too long hours today on a Sunday so I should be able to get some time into those lights.

Can you explain how you mean over the tubes?

My humidity is rather high in the box at 58% but if I switch on the intake which makes positive pressure than it will drop to 30%. I did read how mould can be an issue with painted boxes.

The leaves that drop are from the bottom of the plant just above where I lollipoped. I'm genuinely confused as too why.
Like this over each tube (I made it translucent so it's easier to see what I mean...tinfoil/aluminum foil is solid obv):


Does that show what I mean?
I'm so surprised at how you did it. That's so cool of you! OK I get you. Give me a project today!
Project? It should take about 5 minutes, so you can take the rest of the day off! No need to support the foil, it can hang from the edge on its own. You can even hang some off the ends. Anything to get the light going down and not up. It should be dark up there!

Here are the tinfoil hats for my first indoor lights...CFL bulbs:
I was literally going to make boards but now I understand what you saying! OK I will do so but isn't foil very low on reflection?
Maybe where you are. In the US, we actually use the less shiny side to avoid hot spots. I don't think that's necessary with fluorescent tubes though.

Aluminum foil is shiny as a mirror here.
Think our foil is the same as other foil. Just geta heavy duty or use a board painted white. I like this idea.
Yes I see. I havent bought foil in a while and before I built my first box I was looking at reflection rates so that why I questioned. This idea is actually a very good idea. I got my foil and will do it as I get home. Last hour of the black friday weekend trade then I must do reports. It's 36 degrees Celsius outside.
Thank you for the advice!
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