See what I mean Mr. Krip!
Your always sharing something with us. I'm a visual learner and the video you just posted about lights and lighting was right up my alley. It's one thing to read about it, but for me seeing it is perfect.
A visual learner would say something like "I see what you mean."
Some people are tactile learners. They learn best by actually touching what they are doing. If they say "I don't get a feel for that." Then you know to put something in their hand so they can feel it. These are the hands on folks.
Others learn by reading. They read all about it, then do it.
These folks love instruction manuals. You could show them a ton of pictures,
but they want to see it in writing.
Last, we all learn by smell. The electrician that was over today, he smelled every bud. We all know when a Skunk is around.
As a side note, if you can't seem to get something across to someone listen to what they say. Then use their method of learning to get your point across.
Lots of marriages have been saved doing this.
There you go "Teaching 101"
Sorry, don't know what got me on to that subject!