Dirt's Attempt To Flux Mighty Grape

Just caught all up on the fluxing good job you're doing :goodjob:
When Iread that you had a broken end tip my first thought went to L.As grafting and throwing a different strain on the end for a quick kinda repair with another strain :p
Just caught all up on the fluxing good job you're doing :goodjob:
When Iread that you had a broken end tip my first thought went to L.As grafting and throwing a different strain on the end for a quick kinda repair with another strain :p
Thanks Spart, my first thought was oh shit just fluxed her up in a bad way. After moving the arms around I felt a lot better about her. If I would have thought of grafting when it happened I would have given it a go just to try it out.

Looking good dirt, can't wait to see it go vert
Thanks for stopping in. I feel I'm just gonna let the MG grow with slight adjustments here and there, give her a few more weeks of vert and see how she looks before I decide to flip. Another week or so and my mix will be ready so I can transplant the SSD into something a little bigger.
I am thankful for my vibrant health each day as I'm getting better. Thanks for asking
Hola Señor McGirt! El Fluxo es Muy Bueno!
Mucho gracias mi amigo
Looking good brother!
What size pot do you have SSD in?

I will be kicking off a fluxing journal here pretty soon. Mind if I put a link here when it's up?

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Thanks UD, she's in a 2 gal right now. I don't mind at all:thumb:
Hey dirt, been a few since I've stopped into your journals, making my rounds this evening though and this fluxer is fluxing great! Lol It really is amazing what a person can do to these plants and they just keep on taking it, something for me to try out some day when I have time, maybe a spring project. Keep up the great work around here!
Hey dirt, been a few since I've stopped into your journals, making my rounds this evening though and this fluxer is fluxing great! Lol It really is amazing what a person can do to these plants and they just keep on taking it, something for me to try out some day when I have time, maybe a spring project. Keep up the great work around here!

Thanks for stopping by Dick:byebye: I recommend everyone to have a go at fluxing. Can't wait to see your next grow:thumb: make sure you stop by when you start it so I can jump aboard. Have a great vacation brother.
I wish I had the space to grow more so I could grow auto's and photo's. I love what I see with the flux but actually doing it is so time consuming. To really do it right I'm looking at 5-6 months instead of 3 with an auto. I'm cutting it close to smoking everything else I've grown with the flux now. It is a time commitment.:Namaste:

Oh well - just thankful I'm around to be able to grow my own smoke :high-five:
Don't think of a flux like that lol. The whole point for me is I can chuck a cpl of cfls in any old space on 24/0 and then just train her out in veg whilst doing my normal cycles, then when I've space in my rotation I bang her in for last few weeks of veg and flower out :)

That's a good way to look at it. Might have to consider that as I am just starting a flux now. :thumb:

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I wish I had the space to grow more so I could grow auto's and photo's. I love what I see with the flux but actually doing it is so time consuming. To really do it right I'm looking at 5-6 months instead of 3 with an auto. I'm cutting it close to smoking everything else I've grown with the flux now. It is a time commitment.:Namaste:

Oh well - just thankful I'm around to be able to grow my own smoke :high-five:
They do take time to train out properly, but will be rewarding in the end.
Don't think of a flux like that lol. The whole point for me is I can chuck a cpl of cfls in any old space on 24/0 and then just train her out in veg whilst doing my normal cycles, then when I've space in my rotation I bang her in for last few weeks of veg and flower out :)
Hello LA, I've learned they will veg just fine under cfls, my SSD has been under cfls, while the MG is under leds, not much difference in growth rate imo. The MG has been getting some vert lately so hopefully in a few weeks I'll turn her loose in bloom. The SSD has some time left to her. I've got another 9ish gallon tote I'm gonna be puttin her in once my C99 get moved to bloom.
That's a good way to look at it. Might have to consider that as I am just starting a flux now. :thumb:

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Can't wait to see her start to take shape UD.
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