Derbybud Does CBD Strains In Coco & More

It's interesting to read both of you referring to less than expected stretch. I to had a similar experience with my Skywalker Sativa. Was concerned that perhaps I had done something to stunt it. Once again as @FelipeBlu tells me each strain has very different interaction of its genotype with the environment. Therefore Phenos that can sometimes be different even between seeds from the same plant. Is that a general conciseness?
So before I go into "stretch theory". I need to stop. And wish you a very belated but very sincere happy birthday!!! Sorry was going 10000 miles an hour for vacation and stuff and it's been pretty non stop still. Also happy mothers day to your wifey!

Next. Stretch theory. So its genetic, but its also dependent on plant shape, ppfd, and stored power.

For instance. Prune a plant so that its center is empty and you'll likely see new growths stretching up to fill that void. Same sort of reason a plant 18 inches below the light won't stretch as much as the exact same strain 36 inches below the light. The plant (and here's the kicker) of healthy and in full stride will give itself the best opportunity to reproduce. And it does that by pistols or bud sites. If it has the energy and sufficient light it will fill the "gaps".

But what about shed and derbs show stoppers. Well they're are getting adequate light and are beasts that are in full stride. Leaving that stretch thing only 1 factor now. Genetics. Not much.

So long story short is. Grow it right with enough light, and some strains have almost no stretch. Nothing against the grower, in fact I think it's a big compliment to know that everything is so dialed in!

Keep killing it derb.

Interesting, concept on "too much light"?? Just when we all thought More is Better. I see where you are going with this idea. If you don't get very much stretch, would it stand to reason you would bulk up more or just have less room to stack buds. Or am I anywhere near the idea.:rofl::laugh:
morning guys, I'm a bit late to the party as had some catching up to do...
Just a random piece of info I found when I first tried curing meds from another guy here at home.
You get those small ziplock bags bout the size of 2 packs of smokes together and a small piece of sponge, wet sponge and squeeze out excess water and insert into ziplock bag but don't seal, it's works just like a boveda pack......
Well B I think that's also strain dependent. Sometimes plants like to branch out a bit more and give more egg sized nugs. While others stack and pack like a moFo. Really until your run a strain twice it's hard to say. And I say twice for most of us growers. The vets know what's what but sometimes a second run will let you dial in even more so and really see the potential of a cut.

There is too much light. If the environment is 100% I think you can hit 1000 ppfd. (Derb correct me if I'm wrong). But 700 to 900 is sufficient.

Anything really above that will cause the plant to eat itself. It's like working out but not having enough calories. You'll starve.

So c02 is needed at a ceritan point. 1000 to 1500 ppfd of light. But temps also need be increased also. Because when there was that much co2 in the atmosphere for them to use the average tempa were 10°f hotter. So you flower in the 80 to 90 instead of 70 to 80
Cool! I am already aware there are many factors that are influenced and different with each strain. It also makes sense to need more than one grow to fine tune and know that a plants weaknesses are strengths are. What will make it perform best. Thanks
jumping in Derby! last posts look awesome!!

I have been meaning to check out your garden for some time but have been busy. I think tis one of those things, our eyes are larger than we have time to chew.

Great news!
I am going into a semi-retirement soon, part time as a grow store operator downriver. We are moving after my next run so 3 months.
Going from an enterprise IT software developer consultant, that took soooo much time, $ in school late in life but I said screw it. I wasn't happy and want my life back. It was fun for a little while just not my IT bag. I like to write applications for devices or embedded systems. Anyway, it's been barren in my little corner here and i'm switching some things up but still going strong.
Glad you're stopping in Phenoman. Your kind of catching things towards the end but we do keep some pretty good conversations going at times.
Glad to here about getting your life back as sometimes sanity is worth more than any paycheck. Hope things go as plan for ya and just saying I'm kinda jealous of you. Congrats on your new adventures.
It's interesting to read both of you referring to less than expected stretch. I to had a similar experience with my Skywalker Sativa. Was concerned that perhaps I had done something to stunt it. Once again as @FelipeBlu tells me each strain has very different interaction of its genotype with the environment. Therefore Phenos that can sometimes be different even between seeds from the same plant. Is that a general conciseness?
Actually this is about the stretch I was thinking I was going to get. I would have achieved much more stretch if i would have givin them a week or 2 after my big defol to go vertical before flip. I'm just running out of time and have very little time to care for them right now as spring has sprung here and the outside chores are many on the derby horse farm.
So before I go into "stretch theory". I need to stop. And wish you a very belated but very sincere happy birthday!!! Sorry was going 10000 miles an hour for vacation and stuff and it's been pretty non stop still. Also happy mothers day to your wifey!

Next. Stretch theory. So its genetic, but its also dependent on plant shape, ppfd, and stored power.

For instance. Prune a plant so that its center is empty and you'll likely see new growths stretching up to fill that void. Same sort of reason a plant 18 inches below the light won't stretch as much as the exact same strain 36 inches below the light. The plant (and here's the kicker) of healthy and in full stride will give itself the best opportunity to reproduce. And it does that by pistols or bud sites. If it has the energy and sufficient light it will fill the "gaps".

But what about shed and derbs show stoppers. Well they're are getting adequate light and are beasts that are in full stride. Leaving that stretch thing only 1 factor now. Genetics. Not much.

So long story short is. Grow it right with enough light, and some strains have almost no stretch. Nothing against the grower, in fact I think it's a big compliment to know that everything is so dialed in!

Keep killing it derb.

Thanks mad for the birthday wishes. Had a hell of a great day on the 5th. I think? My wife thanks you for the mother's day shout out. I think she had a pretty good day. Hope you took care of your wife on MD. I think these ladies who take care of us and our kids deserve more than just one day of appreciation.
Now to the stretch conversation. I achieved what i was expecting as I didn't give the plants to time to recover after my big defol. 2 weeks of recovery after would have givin them more of a vertical start and would have gotten my 15-18" of stretch like the first girls. Time right now is not available and I was looking for the easiest, quickest way to finish things up. Doing what I did helped my situation at this time and i know will effect my yield on these girls. They are my first attempt at cloning so it's kinda an experiment to see if i could do it and the differences in plants characteristics from seed or clone.
Genetics definitely play a big part in stretch but I don't think this is the case with these plants. I actually achieved what I thought would happen so I'm learning effects and consequences of different things I'm doing.
Thanks for chiming in with the real facts as I'm always trying to learn more about growing.
Well B I think that's also strain dependent. Sometimes plants like to branch out a bit more and give more egg sized nugs. While others stack and pack like a moFo. Really until your run a strain twice it's hard to say. And I say twice for most of us growers. The vets know what's what but sometimes a second run will let you dial in even more so and really see the potential of a cut.
There is too much light. If the environment is 100% I think you can hit 1000 ppfd. (Derb correct me if I'm wrong). But 700 to 900 is sufficient.
Anything really above that will cause the plant to eat itself. It's like working out but not having enough calories. You'll starve.
So c02 is needed at a ceritan point. 1000 to 1500 ppfd of light. But temps also need be increased also. Because when there was that much co2 in the atmosphere for them to use the average tempa were 10°f hotter. So you flower in the 80 to 90 instead of 70 to 80
Excellent bit of science there Them! Thanks for putting it all down in one place :thanks:
Yes, excellent science. I have recently become very interested in the info around the DLI(Daily Light Interval) and saturation. DB I found the idea of waiting for what I guess would have been a little more recovery after the defoliation before flipping to be very helpful. I think that impacted my grow as I moved into flower also. Defoliation on a deep level, needs to be done in veg and then perhaps later after the stretch as ended. Great Stuff!
Yes, excellent science. I have recently become very interested in the info around the DLI(Daily Light Interval) and saturation. DB I found the idea of waiting for what I guess would have been a little more recovery after the defoliation before flipping to be very helpful. I think that impacted my grow as I moved into flower also. Defoliation on a deep level, needs to be done in veg and then perhaps later after the stretch as ended. Great Stuff!
let the plant tell you when to flip after defol ... wait till she starts throwing out new growth again and then flip ... i believe a heavy defol can really stunt the plant for 3 to 10 days in extreme cases
How do you implement that in an outdoor grow? 3-10 days before Sept 21st? But the plants can start flowering long before that.
umm ... i dont get the question ... you(should)know when it will flip outdoor by daylength ... dont touch it 7-10 days before ... No ?
I went back and checked my journal on my initial grow that has been so slow and verified I flipped the light schedule on March 9th and showed pistils around the 20th. Guess what the Noob did between those dates. Yep Defoliated, things are making lot of sense now. After the fact I had wondered. I'm guessing I'm now really aware of how that impacted my initial stretch time to say the least.
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