Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

You know... I also have to give the same guy kudos for telling me that he was going to make it all alright no matter what too..... What a really straight up guy!!! I was most certainly freaking out... I know you can kinda figure.... and I was abrupt on Skype I'm sure and he is so calm and nice to me and just said he would take care of it and get it to me either way.... He really did keep me from going over the edge a bit toooooo far.... I know you all kknow what is coming and who I am talking about but I still am going to wait to reveal it all when the package finally gets here..... but just sayin' Jason is a hell of a guy....:high-five:......:circle-of-love:
Well it finally arrived at 11:50 pm last night....:yahoo: I opened it up this afternoon when I woke up and this is what I found.....:straightface: 2 of the lens covers were off.... one I was able to get back on with no problem at all.... the second has a chip and crack on the side... :thedoubletake:... I was able to get it attached back to the casing with out much trouble but I'm not sure now how that will effect that particular COB... I have emailed Jason at Twilight to see if he can just send a replacement lens cover.... I haven't lifted it out of the box and plugged her in yet but as soon as Nephew gets home I will have him help me do so and post her up but here's what we got in the mean time.....
Granny the main thing I wanted to bust last night was the drivers face... I honestly believe he thought he was going to deliver this light to a friend or something.... the box clearly stated what it was.... even the spectrum and wattage was on the box and when I asked him if he needed me to sign something he said "oh no I already have a signature... that's all I need" Really! I did get a good laugh though.... because it was heavy he started to walk in my front door with it till he looked up and saw my fella standing there... 6'1" 210 lbs long black hair with a beard and mustache.... he sat it down on the threshold and almost ran out of here....
Any how it is here and except for a few glitches that are an easy fix I think it is all good.... well if she turns on when it gets plugged in but we are just going to assume it is going to....:circle-of-love:
She is probably still staring at it :) or she is so busy getting everything setup!!! Fingers Crossed!

She just woke up....:sleep: All 5 of the girls have popped their heads out of the dirt this morning too but one of them still has the bean attached to her head... I sprayed her with a bit of water to try and loosen it up a bit but at least they have all popped soil and I assume she will get that hat off somehow.... Sooo by the time the tent gets here they should be ready to get out of the box and start doing their thing..... So I have a few days to play with this monster and figure out exactly what is going where, how and why....:yahoo:... I shall keep you all informed as we go along and will start the Twilight journal as soon as I hear from Jason about what to do with the lens cover.... Anyhow we are a whole lot closer to getting this party started than we were.....:circle-of-love:
Oh thank you Granny but still having more problems.... Nephew got home and we plugged in the light.... it came on for about a second then the fuse blew.... Have emailed poor Jason and will wait to hear from him.... kinda starting to wonder if I have messed my karma up somehow but I know Jason will get all this straightened out. I think I am just going to go back to bed....:lot-o-toke:.....:circle-of-love:
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