Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Another great update Dennise, I enjoy each and every one of them. :thumb: You got some of the biggest on here !! Corn cobs I tell ya !! :) and no you don't suck at perpetual !!!
I just got to my sister's about an hour ago, planning to stay until Friday or Saturday.. It's hard to leave my seedlings that's just started, they're in solo cups. I watered them good before I left so hopefully all will be okay..
Wishing you and your family Happy Thanksgiving and eat eat eat !!! :woohoo:
I bet you will find they are doing great when you get back.... I have found that when they are babies the more you mess with them the worse it gets... I hope you have a wonderful holiday....:circle-of-love:
Happy Turkey Day D..:circle-of-love:
Everything is looking beautiful...:bravo:
You really got me thinking of running a few auto's.:thanks:
Thanks Jimmy.... The auto has really surprised me... I was told they would only produce about a zip but this girl is putting on some massive buddage and if this is the norm... I'm all over it!!!!... Hope you had a great turkey day........:circle-of-love:
Happy Gobble Gobble day Dennise:):love:
Back at cha Green.....:circle-of-love:
Everyone have a great turkey day, i take it. :smokin:

sure had good one here.:yahoo:

I hope you had a great day Denise,

Oh Denise that issue you had or was it you had the seeds not really popin, and them dieing. i got it now.
i swear i think its something in air or water or something. i had 4 seedlings die this week in 3 days. time. :rip:
dangist thing.. do same thing over and over and pop one time i cant do it. like i got change themes again.


Oh Denise that issue you had or was it you had the seeds not really popin, and them dieing. i got it now.
i swear i think its something in air or water or something. i had 4 seedlings die this week in 3 days. time. :rip:
dangist thing.. do same thing over and over and pop one time i cant do it. like i got change themes again.



When I germinate seeds I use a matchbox lined with about 320 sandpaper to shake the seeds in for a minute, it scrapes the sides of the seeds to aid in moisture penetrating the seeds shell.



After having germination issue with Jiffy peat moss pucks and soil I switched to Rapid Rooters and have had much higher germination rates. Rapid Rooters seem to provide the seed with the perfect amount of air and moisture. I soak my seeds in pH adjusted water for 30-36 hours or until i see tap roots. I cut the Rapid Rooter mat into individual squares then I soak the Rapid Rooter squares in pH adjusted water for 15 minutes before use. Then I place the seeds tap root down into the Rapid Rooter square then place them underneath a light with 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. I do not use a humidity dome. I hand water with a syringe each day to keep the Rapid Rooter square moist. when I see roots emerge from the Rapid Rooter square I transplant to 5" pots in a mixture of peat moss, perlite, vermiculite and mycorrhizae. Rapid Rooter gh rapid rooter mat 98
Yeah i do that too king. one things i learned first off. i use a rolled up sandpaper and shake it about 3-4 times and into water. most time in about 2-3 days i got good root started , then same into jiffy. with dome. sorry. i do all same things.
i dont know why but it just happens here. did it once before also.. i keep test seeds for a week before i start some to make sure everything is the same. it worked fine. but i can think and think make up things why it did it. but i had to order more seeds anyway. so really didnt hurt me feeling any. going to try a black destroyer now. with same black, i like the black black even leaves are so resiny its crazy. and taste really good. nice smooth relax smoke. so i moved on to bigger brighter things again. plus between yall here and my friend north of me. she is the bomb. if i am doing something wrong she sets me straight really quick. i ask the before i do alot times. im still learning the ropes. plus i dont have the hugh rooms yall have. i got a closet. 3-4 plants is all i can do with only one light source. And i traded to get that.. by far im a novelist at this point time and i still use dirt.. lol Dam that sounds sad. lol
but im putting out some good plants. so far that is. few bumps but still kicking.
:wood: got knock on wood here. but yeah king i either learned seeding from you or cana or one of ya. i been friends with D while now.
wonderful woman. simple a wonderful all around good woman. cant say enough about that one. she , i can call a friend. and wish best for her and her fam.
anyway thanks for that input going to copy paste it in notes. just in case. i never written it down either. so now i do. thanks King. your best too. if you didnt know it also. all you guys are pretty kool.

:420::slide::adore::adore: i can give yall a big oh :hug:

i might try your new way. but right now funds are tuff with the medical issues here lately im doing good have what i got growing now.
I just woke up from the turkey nap.... It's only been 3 days....:goof:... Hawk when I had the beans that didn't pop it was because I was sick and totally unaware of what I was doing... I not only killed every bean but 1 but I think I killed a plant or 2 if I remember correctly.... I was having a rough month....:straightface: But any reason to order new beans is a good thing and I ordered some new ones too cause of the double freebies for Black Fri... I got more beans than I will pop in a life time but I love variety. Everything I ordered was blue except the tutakuman.... Or however you spell it... Light has grown it... Actually I think his huge flux was of that anyhow the rest are blue..:yahoo:
I still haven't tried King's germination way I still use a paper towel then once they have a tap root I stick em' in dirt..... If it ain't broke don't fix it.... I have had very good % doing it this way... Knock on wood :wood:.....:circle-of-love:
yeah i took mine out of humidity cover and in plastic bag in warmest room now. idk what crap happen to them. i popped 2 more after them. now. so idk. Mars didnt line up with Jupiter or Saturn is guess.
who knows. i sent you email. im thinking the humidity dome thing getting to warm with heat going in house also. raise more heat killing them.
I just woke up from the turkey nap....
This is the big downfall of going out of town for Thanksgiving: None of the traditional leftovers for the following week or so...
High Dennise :circle-of-love:
:passitleft: High Cronic....:circle-of-love:
Morning D.
Morning cajun.....:circle-of-love:
This is the big downfall of going out of town for Thanksgiving: None of the traditional leftovers for the following week or so...
We went out of town too but I brought home a to go plate...:blushsmile:.....:circle-of-love:
Wow nice see you BAR been a few since I seen you. I see u been on vacation. Lol
Hope all is well in your world Dennise:):love::Namaste:
High Green.....:circle-of-love:
We went out of town too but I brought home a to go plate...:blushsmile:.....:circle-of-love:

I had a few leftovers to-go-plates but on a 9hr road trip there was no way any of that was seeing NY. :morenutes:

Check your E-mail.
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