Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Thanks guys and Tas I would think that would be plenty of space... The auto PE is in a much smaller area... I'm guessing 1.5 sq ft... That is a total guess and I blow at guessing area but if anything I am giving her more than is really there and she is chunky and all over the place and it has been plenty of room and she is just under a 48x3w Top Led which I think rocked on this girl I might add...:yahoo: I had to bend her over pretty early on because she was so tall but I just bent her over until she fit in the hole she had to be in... I think I did almost snap her in half when I did it and it was a real good thing she was well hydrated but it still snapped one half of her stem... I didn't notice it till much later and she just healed it and there is a kinda knot there now but anyhow that is a very doable space ya got there....:circle-of-love:
Haven't really been on here for a day or 2 and missed a lot.. Proud for you D !! :thumb: I mean all of them are so healthy ! The B2B colas are so big the look like corn cobs, lol. I think it's the b2b I'm talking about, it's above your light ! You have a gift my friend !

Thanks for answering my question about you know when to do it, in veg or wait until flower ??? I just need to look it up . Thanks again !

:passitleft: High Granny glad to see ya around.... I honestly don't know the correct answer to your question but I did the B2B... and yes that is the one you are talking about with the corn cob colas..... when I did her first defoliation in bloom and I think it was like day 27 or close to that..... but again let me say again I don't know the "correct" answer to that question but it sure seemed to shot the energy up to those top colas and if the timing wasn't right it sure didn't seem to hurt any... Any who hopefully someone will pop through that knows what they are talking about....:circle-of-love:
Hey guys I have some funky looking leaves on the Black Russian.... It is not on all the limbs but on most of the lower ones.... Anyone know what the problem is...:confused:.....:circle-of-love:
Hey D, looks like what i had few weeks ago. on bottom leaves. . mine was heat. few days before i added chems. but only little bit. other than that i done nothing to make the leaves do that. but looks like it.

Hey guys I have some funky looking leaves on the Black Russian.... It is not on all the limbs but on most of the lower ones.... Anyone know what the problem is...:confused:.....:circle-of-love:

Your leaf damage appears to either be an insect problem or a calcium deficiency. I would increase the amount of calcium and magnesium you are feeding your plant.
I checked them over really good King and didn't see any sign of pest and there is no sign of anything on the other 2 girls in the clset and she is in the middle. My thought was the cal/mag also.... How much can I increase it to? I have been giving them 1 tsp per gallon but with having to water in the closet they are only getting about 1/2 gallon then I have been giving them a 16.9 oz bottle of purified water daily between regular waterings.... so how much and how often would you increase it...:confused:... Thank you King :adore:.....:circle-of-love:
Thanks Dennise,

When I look at 2 1/2 square feet, I just dunno how it's all gunna fit in there, hence the questions. Thanks mate, I appreciate your thoughts and effort to get back to me. :)
I checked them over really good King and didn't see any sign of pest and there is no sign of anything on the other 2 girls in the clset and she is in the middle. My thought was the cal/mag also.... How much can I increase it to? I have been giving them 1 tsp per gallon but with having to water in the closet they are only getting about 1/2 gallon then I have been giving them a 16.9 oz bottle of purified water daily between regular waterings.... so how much and how often would you increase it...:confused:... Thank you King :adore:.....:circle-of-love:

I would increase the amount to 2 teaspoons or 10 milliliters per gallon of calcium and magnesium supplement. I would use the calcium and magnesium supplement every time you water.
I would increase the amount to 2 teaspoons or 10 milliliters per gallon of calcium and magnesium supplement. I would use the calcium and magnesium supplement every time you water.
Double thanxx Judge John!

We have the same issue going on with two of our girls in flower. I was thinking it might be pest because the one looking the worst was the Flux girl we brought in from outside. I've been spraying them vigilantly with SNS 217 even though we haven't seen any pest. I too will up my dosage of Cal/Mag.
Thanks King... I will water them again tomorrow and will up the cal/mag to 2 tsp at that time.... Broke Ass I really don't think it is bugs of any kind.... I have checked them all over really well even with the loupe and didn't see any movement of any kind so I really do think it is just a cal/mag deficiency.... The Wild Thai is not showing any spots but has very purple branches so I think I will increase it on all the girls.....:circle-of-love:
i always put cal/mag in mine. seems to be a routine thing now. every other week i add 5ml to gallon water.

but yall got some wild none dirt thing going on.

plants dont grow in air. dirt dirt dirt. lol. just kidding.
Happy Skunkday Dennise:):love: i hope the additional cal/mag works out the problem for you:):love::Namaste:
:passitleft:...I gave them their first dose of increased cal/mag today so we shall wee.....:circle-of-love:
i always put cal/mag in mine. seems to be a routine thing now. every other week i add 5ml to gallon water.

but yall got some wild none dirt thing going on.

plants dont grow in air. dirt dirt dirt. lol. just kidding.
Dude you are so crazy...:yahoo:... I grow in dirt... I get it from you...:rollingeyes:.... Check you pm's and I sure hope you didn't give that to her.....:circle-of-love:
​I hope you had a great weekend ! How is the baby WW and Black Russian doing ? :blushsmile:
I had a wonderful weekend granny and I hope you did too.... I am getting ready to do an update right now and they are both in it.....:circle-of-love:
All the girls are fattening up amazingly huge...:yahoo: There is no doubt this will be my best harvest by far and I think it will be some of my most potent meds too.....:yummy: I watered them today and think there will be probably just one more watering with nutes then I will start a water and molasses flush.... I'm going to start with the Black Jack.... in the tent under the TopLed 96x3w.... 67 days 12/12 and not an amber in sight but she is getting fat......:circle-of-love:
I think I forgot to tell ya what I watered them with but anyhow they were watered with 1.5 tsp Big Bloom, 1 tsp Tiger Bloom, 1/8 tsp ChaChing, 2 tsp cal/mag, and 1 tbsp molasses per gallon of purified water.... each girl was given about 1/2.... I can't water them like I did because I can't get them into the tub..... I have to water them very slowly until I see the first drop of water then stop and make sure they don't flood the closet but they are also given a bottle 16.9 oz of purified water every day.......:morenutes:
Next is the crazy auto PE in the cabinet under the TopLed 48x3w.... She is getting huge.... She is the first auto I have ever grown and I thought they were small producers but not this girl.... She is piling on the buddduge and not an amber in site on her either.......:circle-of-love:
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