Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Your babes are so pretty Dennise ! I don't know what I'm doing wrong but mine are not growing good. Leaves look bad, etc. I wonder if it's too much LED , maybe it's burning them, I don't know. Do you do what is called lollipopping, remove the bottom stems that aren't producing.???.. also I haven't defoliated like I should. And the last 3 seeds got tap roots, then after I planted them, they died. I finally have a little one that has the first 2 leaves but hasn't grown much since and it has been almost a week...I am so messed up !!
Yours are always so pretty and refined or defined, don't know the word I am meaning..your just look so clean and beautiful.
I have been having trouble getting this White Widow auto to pop soil... I got a tap root but still haven't seen her pop her little head.... I killed every other one I tried so far too but when I did it was when I was sick and killed everyting so don't know if I have a hard time with autos or if I was just a mess.... We'll get it figured out... Any advice would be great guys.......:circle-of-love:
:circle-of-love:Happy Daze Dennise:circle-of-love:
:passitleft: High Green....:circle-of-love:
i had several do that to me pop a root but never get above the dirt. what i ended up doing let root get about 1 inch then put into dirt but seed head already above the dirt line. so light can hit it.. it seems the auto grows and if no sunlight it stops and dies.
just my option but. what i think.
OK baby pics.....:circle-of-love:
Hey Dennise, they look fantastic, happy as!

I'd like to get an idea of scale...can you tell me what size pots they're in, and maybe roughly the diameter in feet of each of the ladies?

Thanks, you've got a great garden :)

EDIT: Damn always forget there's another tent :)
Granny I noticed I didn't answer all your questions yeaterday... I didn't answer the lollipop question... I have only done it to a very small extent.... the one that I have done it the most to is the B2B and I have noticed a major difference with doing it. She sent all that extra energy to the tops and they are by far the largest I have grown inside.... Now I have no idea if that is all genetics or if the lollipopping had something to do with it but she is really the only one I have intentionally done this to. I did it a little bit in the past but not really enough to notice a difference..... Sorry I didn't answer yesterday....:circle-of-love: now I forgot that there is another, another tent, and another another lady in flower... Damn...

Thanks Dennise :)

I'm trying to work out if 2 1/2 square feet is enough room to flower in under LED, I guess so, and you can always trim or train to the size of the container so to speak, but...I'm having trouble visualising what a plant flowering in that small a footprint looks like, and well I guess how much you can fit in that space!

Maybe total floor area of 2 1/2 x 4' x 7' high max ceiling height. - 2 to 3 plants I guess, if trained properly etc.

So, if I'm nearly half as successful as you, I'll be ok :)
they are looking mighty chunky this time around, especially the plants that are close to their light :goodjob:
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